Cable Bug - Not Becoming Poison Immune

I’m playing Cable with the Apocalypse/Horseman synergy + Magneto (House of X) in the Recursion Monthly Quest. I’m in Chapter 3, Quest 1.
The Biohazard node: Attacker becomes Poisoned when hitting into the opponent’s block.
Cable’s ability is to reduce Poison duration by 20%. Once duration is 0, become Poison Immune. After 5 Poison debuffs expire, Cable is not becoming immune. Even after 6-7 Poison debuffs.
The Biohazard node: Attacker becomes Poisoned when hitting into the opponent’s block.
Cable’s ability is to reduce Poison duration by 20%. Once duration is 0, become Poison Immune. After 5 Poison debuffs expire, Cable is not becoming immune. Even after 6-7 Poison debuffs.
Either way after a set number of poison's, he should day 0 damage from them and if that's not happening then it's a bug. Yes obviously the "immune" text wouldn't come up but that's not the point.
If something else is happening he should show that but as it stands the premise of the thread is flawed and zero evidence is presented to show cable is not functioning per his description.
*for all we know he’s trying to use cable with the warlock synergy that grants fury when an immunity triggers, there is nothing saying or evidencing damage taken as you have assumed.
Cable does not become immune to poison. *Thanks for the useless comment.