Removing timeout effects on champion in aw and aq

Kabam . Hi . It would be more helpful for me and other summoners, if kabam remove health reducing effects . Bcoz there are too many reasons I can point at. First of all, in certain alliance , only some players can play like pro in aq and aw. With timeout effects it reduced champions' health and resulting in defeat . Second, sometime we use low rated champions to fight against high rated champion so it takes a lot of time to defeat the champions. We have to use a lot of units for the health portions and some players they stop at middle of path due to lack of units . This really causes frustration and stress . I would really appreciate if kabam remove this from the game. Thank you.
As an aside, if you need to use units for potions you need to drop to a lower map that you can complete. It’s more efficient to run Map3 with no item use than struggle through Map4. Ultimately you’d come out with more glory for rank up materials at the end of the week this way.
The glory store also has alliance potions which you should use over units. It shouldn’t cost too many lv2/3 health potions to fully heal a low rated champion up.