Should i go straight for Act 6 cavalier or explore act 4 or 5 first?

Mr_AaeezzMr_Aaeezz Member Posts: 50
I really cant decide for myself, my champs pretty good but i dont wanna end up wasting all my energy refills, revives, pots, amd boosts then end up getting no where...
My team is:
5* Dr. Doom (r4)
5* Archangel (r4)
5* Blade (r4)
5* Warlock (r4)
6* Annihulis (r1)
Also have Visiom Aarkus (r3) as alternative if i need him

Should i go straight for Act 6 cavalier or explore act 4 or 5 first? 15 votes

Go straight for Cavelier run
Normax_XEtjamaEinfachSoThicco_ModeFaseehudyedagainAmnetiesGr8TonyStarkTheBair123HavocGamer49groundedmaster20005 11 votes
Explore Act 5 and 4 first
bloodyCainyossKill_GreyHarpener 4 votes


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  • HarpenerHarpener Member Posts: 41
    Explore Act 5 and 4 first
    I explored act 4 first to unlock all the mastery points before I did my cavalier push which I think helped make some fights easier. I still haven’t finished exploring act 5
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    Why do people never explore Act 4? Do people just not need mastery points?
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Learn to walk, before try running. Explore Act 4, then explore Act 5, get your mastery points and setup right, then move on. Otherwise, you will spend a ton of units and you will be stuck in Cavalier for ever, without any chance of moving on.

  • Mr_AaeezzMr_Aaeezz Member Posts: 50
    Aight thx for the tips guys imma explore act 4 first then ill go for cav.
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 650 ★★★★
    Go straight for Cavelier run
    cavalier is just 1 run through 6.1 if im not mistaken, so it takes minimal effort with ur roster and like 2-3 days to plan and finish, get that, upgrade ur daily/4hr crystals and all that, cavalier offers before cyber monday next month, then take ur time in exploring act4-5
  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
    Go straight for Cavelier run
    If I had this roster I would try for cavalier for sweet rewards.
    Then after act5 exploration I would complete act6
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Go straight for Cavelier run

    Why do people never explore Act 4? Do people just not need mastery points?

    honestly, not really, especially for cav or lower.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Go straight for Cavelier run
    Mr_Aaeezz said:

    Aight thx for the tips guys imma explore act 4 first then ill go for cav.

    Mr_Aaeezz said:

    Aight thx for the tips guys imma explore act 4 first then ill go for cav.

    I'd say your roster is definitely ready for cav and you could probably do it for next to nothing
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