Story Time. Mid-October 2020 Update

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is yet again that time for another story time poll. This poll is based on story (act) progression, not variants, alliance modes or special quests completion/exploration. Please answer accordingly depending on how far you have progressed in the acts. For example: if you have defeated 5.4.6 but haven't completed the first quest of act 6, please put your answer in the 'Act 6 Chapter 1' category
P.S. Bonus points if you leave a screenshot of which quest you're on
It is yet again that time for another story time poll. This poll is based on story (act) progression, not variants, alliance modes or special quests completion/exploration. Please answer accordingly depending on how far you have progressed in the acts. For example: if you have defeated 5.4.6 but haven't completed the first quest of act 6, please put your answer in the 'Act 6 Chapter 1' category
P.S. Bonus points if you leave a screenshot of which quest you're on
Story Time. Mid-October 2020 Update 97 votes
Act 5 Chapter 1 or Act 5 Chapter 2
Here I am, up to 6.3.4. The path is easy, the boss is a big pain though
My phone ended up with a crack on the back.
Still working on Act 2
I’m waiting to dupe my 6* omega before I do that sinister fight. Either that or get warlock. And I’m working on finishing chapter 3 of act 5
Had a ramped up Aegon and a Hype for the Kingpin boss. Used AA and backdraft from around 70% bc I screwed up with both Hype and Aegon. My hands are still shaking
I don't wanna do the Mordooooo.