Ok so AI...

Please watch from 0:42. This was how the AI operated against hit into the block. Not the quicker reaction and more passive based AI we have now. Anecdotal of me to say but this happened around Nick Fury’s release from what I remember.
Simply put is this going to revert back? If not why not? And also if anyone has footage of them doing this in today’s game please share it because I’m eager to see it as I believe it’s not doable. I’m talking about the 2 hits into the block intercept. Today’s game you do that, by the time you have dashed back the defender has intercepted you or holding block.
Yes you can sometimes do it with a light attack, but just watch the video. Im sure the veterans will understand
I’ve gotten to the point where I can consistently do standing light intercepts because I can time when the ai will either dash in or dash back. I also believe this extends to parrys as well with the timing seemingly off as reported by players. The ais also seem to be more defensive generally or atleast cycle between profiles more often then before making them harder to intercept consistently.
The biggest change that I personally hate is that the ais now launch their specials in a way I think they never have before. Both while I’m blocking, which I guess Kabam either considers an exploit or they want champions like Cosmic Ghost Rider to use their unblockables while on defense, and other times, they’re just extremely lighting fast in situations where they otherwise would have never done before so I get blasted in the face. It’s hard to explain, but I’ve seen other player reporting it too.
Intercepts are so goddamn inconsistent. They flawlessly perform light intercepts when you're in the rhythm of draft backs.
Parry is as inconsistent as never before, to the extent the word sometimes pops up, but the stun doesn't trigger even in the absence of preventive abilities or nodes in that regard.
Normally, one would resort to ghosting, but the AI sometimes decides to dash back repeatedly like freaking drunkards at the start of the fight, and come in towards the end of your phase to clip you to death. Quaking seems to be the safest option nowadays, but the AI does weird against her as well. They interrupt their comboes and dash out and in, and sometimes, it can lead to you dropping your heavy because of how much of a surprise it can come as.
Add the extreme lag we face nowadays, and it's all a sh*tshow
The one where the AI stands open whenever you whiff an attack, and immediately goes for a well-timed block when you try to attack. In war, that's a parry, which mostly leads to death. In quests, you'd get stunned by Colossus, bled by blade, etc. Makes big bane fights an annoyance.