Investing in Magik or Mojo w/suicides

BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★

Popped a mystic gem from v5 and thinking to use it on Magik and take her to r5.

I run full suicides, WP and recovery.

Really just asking how effective her dupe is in dealing with chip/debuff damage and what she needs wrt sig levels?

Other option is mojo if anyone likes him w/suicides would be good to hear..

I can take either to 140 before dipping into generics.


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited October 2020
    Magik, extremely suicide friendly. And sig levels aren't very important for her. If you're backdrafting like you should be with her, you probably won't be taking many blocked hits and Limbo can still proc a lot at around sig 20. I'm not a Mojo user, but don't see anything in his kit that would make him suicide friendly.
  • ZahidZahid Member Posts: 49
    edited October 2020
    With suicides and even without I'd say Magik. Probably not worth dumping your sigs into unless you want her in defence, as her limbo coincides with her specials regardless and you'll recover the recoil damage after limbo ends.
    With full suicides though, she does still lose some health from recoil because of the poison reducing regen by 30% but it's not too bad since the trade-off is your attacks and specials hitting way harder so you won't need as many sp2 cycles to take most opponents down.
    Just to clarify, she's not fully immune to full suicides like someone like Ghost can be but she does benefit very well from them and doesn't suffer as bad as a lot of other champs.
    She was an MVP in variant 5 exploration for me (honestly ahead of Doom and Claire at times) and I kept suicides on the whole way.
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