Tier 4 Class Catalyst Event Quests

Can we get them back and permanent. This would be very beneficial.
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Event Quests 75 votes
Yes we should have them and be permanent
49 votes
Yes we should have them but a limited time
4 votes
No we shouldn't have them
7 votes
Yes and no
2 votes
I don't care
13 votes
If you're referring to the events Kabam sometimes bring where you can get t4cc fragments of 2 classes, personally I don't find them worth it. The energy costs are high and you get too few fragments for the effort. Only if you're missing a few fragments to form a t4cc then I would consider doing them. You get way more t4cc from AQ glory crystals anyway.
Kabam won't offer these events on a regular basis anyway as t4cc is still a big seller for them, so I doubt this will become a permanent feature of the game.
Though, if you can't be in an alliance that even does map 5, then you are probably not ready for T4cc yet.
In terms of the actual idea, I think it wouldn't hurt Kabam to permanently add them. The amount of fragments it awarded was very paltry for the energy required, so even if it was added, not many would keep grinding it. It could be used as a way to quickly get a few more T4cc frags to form your next T4cc.
Personally, I would rarely grind it if it was added, so I'm fine if it gets added, and I'm fine if it doesn't.
Though, if you can't be in an alliance that even does map 5, then you are probably not ready for T4cc yet.
Idc. I need them to progress in the game. I already have r4 4 stars. Sitting and waiting t5 status. What makes u think I am not ready for a t4cc?
If the T4CC gave the same amount, it would take 13 full runs to get 1, or 39 runs to get the 3 required for a single r5. And unlike the T4B, where they would be every 2 days, the T4C would only be once a week, so that is 39 weeks to get a r5.
That is slow, inefficient, but a fair alternative.
He means if you are not progressed enough to pull your own weight in an alliance that is running map 5 consistently, then maybe you're not ready to have access to T4CC. I would measure progress in two ways: skill and roster.
I don't know your level of play, so let's assume you have the skill. Now let's talk about roster. For your alliance to be competitive in AW, you need to be putting 4/40 defenders, but preferably 5/50 (although diversity has messed this all up). However, you also need attackers available for AQ and AW offence. Let's say for you to be competitive, you need 4/40s across everything. Do you have 11 x 4/40 champs? Let's not forget that diversity might make some of those defenders ineligible.
I know it sounds like a catch-22, you can't join a good alliance with out the 5/50s, but you can't get the 5/50s without joining a good alliance.
To this I say, beat the high level content in the game. It is your only foot up to break that ceiling. Kabam have made it easier to an extent for newer players with more T4CC shard crystals in monthly events and calendar.
Everyone who has been playing this game for a long time had to build up their accounts. You have no idea how easy you have it for purposes of access to 4* and 5* crystal shards as well as access to t4bs and t4ccs.
Dude, you are taking it the wrong way. Whatever I say is not personal, I'm just stating the truth.
If you already have R4 4*, you should look for an alliance that at least does map 5, or convince your current alliance to start having regular donations so that you guys can tackle map 5 at least a few times a week.
If you want to know why I inferred you may have not been ready before you blurted out that you had R4 4*, it's because you said "You can't get T4cc through AQ". That implies your alliance isn't even doing map 4 and above, and is likely just doing map 3. If you are in such an alliance, of course it would give an implication that you are not strong enough to take on maps harder than 3.
Like what many have already mentioned, AQ is the main source of T4cc and their fragments. If you so desperately want T4cc but your alliance doesn't do anything higher than map 3, then focus your glory on the glory crystals, or as I mentioned, look for a new alliance. Don't rely on your current idea that they will bring back T4cc EQ permanently, because even if they do, those quests give very very little class fragments. AQ is the way to go, plain and simple.
I've seen people with amazing accounts that they bought who can't actually play the game. Nothing makes you better at the game than getting through hard content in the natural progression. Getting powerful champs too soon can absolutely stunt your growth, as it were. As much as I hate to say it, I think the SW nerf and the end of the no damage block teams made me a way better player than I would be if those still existed.