Looking for active, dependable players who like easy AQ and optional War.

Looking for active members after War season rewards. Casual alliance, easy AQ. Map 5/4/3. We range from 2 million rating to 250K rating. There is a role for everyone here. Only thing ask is that contribute to help 100% AQ daily. Very easy AQ week to reach 80 million milestone where large increase in Glory and rewards increases significantly compared to 70 million milestone. Not hardcore alliance. Doesn’t appeal to most people since we don’t do map 5x5 or reach 250-500 million points, but this alliance is designed for people who have jobs, families, school, or other responsibilities. Alliance is designed to run itself. But currently not working out how it’s supposed to. Constantly finding leaches who want rewards but refuse to contribute. Joining AQ, and doing 1 fight, and other pathetic behavior that deserves being kicked. All of you have seen it before, but just can’t seem to find responsible, dependable, active players. Overhauling alliance over the next few weeks. Please join us if you want to contribute and help alliance reach easy goals and not have to be pinged or asked to join and help all the time. We are also aiming at Gold 3 War season, so we need war veterans and experienced players to help us get back there. Currently stuck with Silver 1 seasons because War is optional here 1-2 BGs, but constantly struggling to get 20 people to join 2 BG Wars. Yes, it sounds pretty pathetic, and it is. Looking to change that and need your help to do that. Every player makes a difference here and is appreciated. If you’re sick of the hardcore grind where you’re just another number and replaceable in a heartbeat, feel free to join us where you can make a difference. Thanks for your time. Add fixit mobb or Jason Armfield on LINE chat for invite to our main lobby chat even if don’t want to join up. Search Fixit Crime Syndicate in alliance search if want to join up. Thanks again.