Fury Buffs Not Working (During Specials Only I Think)

I have noticed a lot of champs that should be hitting really hard are not doing so recently. I think I finally figured out that it is because Fury buffs are not working. I was playing Hype (r5) in AQ and had 6 furies and 3 cosmic potential and his l2 was only doing 6k-7k damage on each hit which is way below what it should be with that many furies. Another way I can verify this is that during special attacks the number that shows damage appears to be white rather than the redish color which indicates an attack boosted by a fury buff.
Additionally I was playing Symbiote Supreme and during his fury phase I threw a sp2 and it was super weak. The numbers were white even though I had a fury buff active. I was fighting champion in the Hades event, and I crit on the last hit with 3 armor breaks and it did 20k damage. This damage is typically in the range of 40k ish. I am 100% sure there is something up with fury buffs.
Additionally I was playing Symbiote Supreme and during his fury phase I threw a sp2 and it was super weak. The numbers were white even though I had a fury buff active. I was fighting champion in the Hades event, and I crit on the last hit with 3 armor breaks and it did 20k damage. This damage is typically in the range of 40k ish. I am 100% sure there is something up with fury buffs.