Which one was more troublesome

Hilbert_unbeatable2Hilbert_unbeatable2 Member Posts: 809 ★★★
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips
On ur cav run which fight was the hardest according to u guy and any suggestions for people who are trying to get cav

Which one was more troublesome 41 votes

6.1.5 crossbones
SungjMoot4LifeTheHoodedDormammuLmaoRockyshockyKnightNvrEndingDenzel116KevanproGRockypantherxAmazing_Demon05abqberPancake_FaceBonzodavidBlack_SwanHilbert_unbeatable2CloudwalkerAmnetiesTheBair123aroseinbloom39anaLysis_ 26 votes
6.1.6 sentinel
DRTOManar198xblurblotIron_Patriot_is_litCtfz35SneakyWarriorJueVioleGraceNewlinstheoryCrcrcrc[Deleted User]BlackTuranCheesePizzaRedHavocGamer49ShannokDönermino 15 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Moot4LifeMoot4Life Member Posts: 2,132 ★★★★
    6.1.5 crossbones
    Probably depends, Sentinel is easier if you have a counter to Crossbones but if not Crossbones will be tough
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    6.1.5 crossbones
    I took the Mephisto path and used Quake to take down CB. Used 3 revives as I kept getting nervous due to Vigor.
    For Sentinel, I quaked him after losing the rest of the team of Green Goblin on the path. It was a very long fight(emphasis on very) but Crossbones was harder.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Neither. I didn’t find a large difficulty in either.
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  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Had to use Corvus and revives to get through both at the time. I'm pretty sure it took the same amount of revives for each one...
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    The ultron was by far the hardest for me
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★

    The ultron was by far the hardest for me

    Gotta agree with that one. EMP Mod is a stupid node. My Corvus wasn't awakened when I was going through my Act 6 run and I had no counters to Ultron, Xbones, or Sentinel. Ultron took the most revives.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,625 ★★★★
    In essence, Sentinel is a long fight due to health pools and inability to spam specials. Crossbones requires specific champions and managing your playstyle.

    Which one meets the definition for hard, that is something for you to decide.

    CB requires specific counters (immunities + some kind of management of regen). If you took in a random champion, let's say Beast, you wouldn't be able to do the fight at all even with revives (you could theoretically quit out everytime regen starts, but that would get super expensive).

    Sentinel can be handled by any champion. If you use a random champion, let's say Beast again, you would be able to do the fight - either solo, or with revives.

    My vote - Crossbones - He requires specific champions and skill (even if you have the right champion, you still need to learn how to fight him). In contrast, Sentinel only requires skill if you want to solo.
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    6.1.6 sentinel
    Crossbones I was able to take down in one shot with my iceman, but for Sentinel I had no good counters for him so that fight was just long and painful. Probably took about 10 revives to finally take him down.
  • Pancake_FacePancake_Face Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    6.1.5 crossbones
    Stark SP2 easily destroyed Sentinel. Crossbones i one shotted with my Ice Man but that took forever
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Did both fights with Guilly, and they're both equally short and easy.
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    6.1.5 crossbones
    Well I had to use my r4 Sent at the time and I had terrible rng so it took 1k hit to one shot Xbones so I’m gonna go with him lol I didn’t find either one overly difficult though
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