fight the thing

Good evening, The Thing is truly an eyesore to beat !! Could someone give me the skills that block or slow down their irresistible / unblockable buff. And give me the characters who have the right skills ^^ Thank you
For those not that familiar with Thing. The basic idea is to hit him exactly 15 times then bait out a special. If he throws a special when he has 15 or more, he resets to zero. But if you hit him when he has 15 or more he goes unstoppable. So what happens when he has 15 but doesn't have a bar of power? This is a sticky situation. You can hit into his block, but that's not easy for most players to do consistently. You can actually deliberately trigger his unstoppable and then run for your life, but that's also not easy.
You'd like to be able to hit him and give him power, but you need to get him below 15 rock stacks to do that safely. Blade has a way to do that. If you Parry Thing, Blade will place a bleed. Thing is immune to Bleed, but this will remove three rock stacks. That makes Blade probably the champion with the most control over Thing, as he has a 100% chance to remove three rock stacks on demand, without actually having to attack Thing.
You need to watch out for when he gets 15 rock stacks. When he gets all 15, hit his block and make him throw his specials. You could use bleed champs to get rid of his rock stacks.Quake him
Gwenpool is also a great counter (if not the best) for high pi, large healthpool Things 😉
the fifth L is them distributing the L to the opponent after they win with my strategy