Kabam Please.....

All around update MCOC! The game that we all Love needs a major update! This community constantly surprised me with their great ideas(there’s really bad one too tho lol), you guys should really consider listening to us cause this game has been stale for quite awhile but we still play because we love it & don’t wanna quit. Pretty much every area in the game needs spicened up, we would LOVE 5*’s added to arena along with GMC shards(at least for the uncollected), updated AQ rewards(I know they usually come with new seasons of AQ but that seems like a lifetime away), lower the amount of t4b’s needed for 4*’s or give us more of them, solo challenges needed updated to have another tier for a 5* sig crystal(or added another challenge just for the Uncollected), samething goes with t1a’s & 5*’s they need lowered to take 5*’s up or give us more of them, alliance 3day events & Aq events need updated with another tier with 5* shards, the 5* crystal needs lowered for the amount of shards needed or give us more shards(prefably both, shouldn’t take 2ish weeks (that’s being in a top ally too) to get 10k shards without buying deals from the store), SA rewards need updated BADLY(seriously when was the last time they where updated? I’ve been playing for almost 2 years now & im pretty sure it’s the same rewards since I started & im sorry I’d rather not get top 25, getting those USELESS lower ascending crystals is worse than getting a few less shards but 2 AQ/AW revives or health pots), maybe a new solo challenge we can play month or so, the monthly quests are too easy & are usually beaten within the 1st week or 2 & leaves us nothing left to do. Please make a major update, we’re asking nicely, we all love this game & feel like it’s dying on us! Thanks guys
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These expiring t1 alphas are a nightmare considering how important they are later on
This is the scam of the game. If you don't spend money, you have no chance of keeping up with the top players who have played for almost 3 years now. I started in December and I was in your shoes in March, now I can't get T1A and T4B to R3/4 5* or R5 any more 4*. I am doing alpha arenas I am so desperate and i used to laugh at those.
Get expert tier in AQ rank 500+....u will get lots of T4CC. I got 6 last week and I don't spent. Too bad I am in your shoes but with a lack of a large, R4 5* roster. All teh people with duped SL cuz the pool was so small in the beginning. It'll be so impossible to dupe him, espeically since I havent found him in 4* yet and i have 60 something 4*.
I don't even really care about ranking champs. I just want to play the game, not experience bugs with everything, and play the same events every single day for over a year with little to no change or a really bad major change. This game needs "Bases", it needs a much better looking AW map, and scoring system. It needs to take a lot of the first year champs and buff them, or improve them in some way to make them cool and as effective as some of the newer champs.
I would love to be able to pick a difficulty for the AW, just have 2* Wars if we wanted to. Who'd want to have 2* wars? Be evenly matched and save your top champs for questing. There are about 42 2*, which is less than half of the 4* we have out there. How many OP or God Tier champs are 2*? like 3?
millions of people when 10% arena cut off is only 13k max. so around 130k are doin the arena. nowhere near the millions u are claiming. and besides what are the chance millions of players gonna hit help button all at once... if there is even millions of people playing this game lol
You laugh at my post but what's funny is that, there are 3 brackets for the Arenas, Beginner, Intermediate and Veteran. There are also 5 arenas, and not everyone makes it past the minimum (for whatever reason).
So yes it could be in the millions. This game is too big, and covers way too many devices to not have millions of players
Right? I opened 80 map5 crystals today and got 1 fully formed cosmic. That was it. Not even a formed t4bc...
beginner is 1 month players, how many players do u think is in that bracket? intermediate is from 1 month to 2 months.. have u seen the post where the guy missed the 4 star hero and didnt land in the top 10% coz the pool is so low.
and the basic is where most joined the most..150k pts is like 10 minute arena for most. and only 130k players joined in a span of 3 days... and how can u tell me atleast 2 millions players play this game all at the same time.
besides if their server can handle millions and millions of players then why cant it handle a simple help all button?
if 2% of the 100 million downloads of the game to date are actively playing, then there are "millions" of users playing this game. Unlikely all at the same time, hitting "Help All" simultaneously though.
We've got some cool stuff coming, more information on that will become available once we are able to further discuss