Duping a sig 200 6* champ

I apologize if it's already been discussed but I've pulled 6* Warlock 3 times since I've gotten him up to sig 200. As someone who doesn't need gold or ISO, that makes 30,000 6* shards gone for absolutely nothing. I'm certainly NOT asking for 7* shards but shouldn't we get something? Half the 6* shards back? 20 6* sig stones?
feel like there should be a max sig crystal that could give double the shards the five star one gives, with a chance at 6 star Immortal Iron Fist and some stones.
If you want to avoid it just keep ur champs at sig160-180.
Kabam doesn’t take any action, cause at the the end is good for the game, as it contributes to have increased competition, since the whales are being “slowed” in some way, not being able to go far beyond from the other top players.
Is it fair? No.
But don’t wait for Kabam to change it anytime soon, since if they keep their consistency, they will introduce 6* max sig crystals when 7* will be available.
Only hope is Kabam to introduce a temporary 6* max sig till they introduce the expected one (that awards 7* shards), but don’t bet on that 😉
But I agree should give 20 6* tech stones