Skill champions - Who to R5

Hey all, so I'll just get straight to the point. I have these skill champions as shown in the pictures, and I'm of course in a predicament on who to rank up.
I have a skill rank up gem, and 4 T4 skill catalysts, meaning I can rank up 2 of the champions shown in the picture.
Here are some of my notable picks, feel free to pick someone else other than this list if you think its justified, but I think the answer(s) would be one of these champs:
- Black Widow (Sig 63)
- BPCW (Sig 4)
- BP (Sig 31)
- Crossbones (unduped)
- Hawkeye (unduped)
- Daredevil (Sig 40)
Oh, I forgot to mention: I already explored 5.2 and 5.3. Any upgraded champs may be used for war offense/defense, AQ or for future difficult content (such as challenges and Act 5.4)
Still, thank you for your insight on Crossbones! I'll wait for more replies to see what other's think.
Ah, I see. Well crossbones could still help out for offense pretty well, new aw will show the enemies class so you know if you want to sort of risk it with cb against mystics.
She doesn't feed MD like Crossbones does, she has the ability to break armor on bleed immune champs, and cause bleed on others. Deep Wounds and Assassin make her even better. Although she has her own version of Assassin.
That's nice. Elektra also has ability reduction on the opponent by 85% if they are under the effects of a detrimental effect. I guess she is one of those slightly underrated champions that could probably perform decently if played correctly. I'll put her into consideration then.
Note: Don't say it would be a waste to get those masteries, mastery setups are supposed to be original and unique to maximize the champs you have to better use them.
Perhaps, I wouldn't go for resonate for any champ due to its high cost though. Inequity is actually decent for quite a few champs, mainly the ones that can throw a lot of debuffs like Dr Voodoo. But I guess for Elektra, if she inflicts bleed twice with her L1, that's a nice 12% attack reduction.
However, I don't think it really suits my playing style. I'm not someone who tends to block a lot, but rather focuses on parrying and intercepting. So in my opinion, the damage reduction would hardly help and would be situational. Thus, it is unlikely I would get inequity as well. It wouldn't be a complete waste to get it of course, but I don't think it suits me.
So far, Elektra and Crossbones are the 2 most commonly suggested champs in this thread. I'll probably most likely rank Crossbones considering the amount of good comments for him (especially since war has changed, so MD might not be too much of a problem since I know when it's a mystic).
So that's 1 champion ranked, remember I did say I have enough skill catalysts to rank up another skill champion. Does anyone have any suggestions on whom I should rank up next? One has said Elektra, even though I don't really have a good impression of her yet (because of my bad habit of underrating champs...).
She's already maxed, lol. Anyway, I'll take your opinion to note. I'll lean more to DD since I don't care too much for defense now.
Ah I see, so that leaves me with BW, both BPs and Hawkeye as my choices. I've asked my mates ever since this thread was created, and they said Hawkeye would be good (albeit low prestige) since he can chain power drain. I kind of like that, what do you think?