New Loyalty hero

In the ingame store, in Loyalty, we have the option of purchasing (via Loyalty) 365,000 and 800,000 to get Unstoppable Colossus... How about we change and have some rare heroes to purchase such as a 4* & 5* Maestro, Thanos and/or Kang? We’ve had UC as the only option since this started... Let’s change this and freshen it up by offering these heroes every 3 to 6 months with the above heroes or rotate more frequently with all heroes that are played in this game!


  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    I would love to see a new loyalty champ...but disagree with the ones you suggest. Thanos and Kang should remain rare...and I doubt that Kabam would ever give us Maestro or any other "omni-class" champ. (Don't know if "omni-class" is the right term...but any champ that has class advantage over all other classes.)

    I think it would be cool if they offered some of the M.O.D.O.K. mash up champs like Gwenperion and Frank Strange
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