Joe Fixit store

Does anyone know if or when the items you purchase reset?


  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    They do not reset
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
    The con is they do not reset 😔
  • Lannistark77Lannistark77 Member Posts: 52
    What a bunch of bullisht!! A whole month of an event... can’t take those chips with us when we die, what’s the point? Thanks for answering though anyway everyone.
  • ImGodMFImGodMF Member Posts: 459 ★★★

    What a bunch of bullisht!! A whole month of an event... can’t take those chips with us when we die, what’s the point? Thanks for answering though anyway everyone.

    Dude, there's an abundance of stuff to purchase, if it reset they'd just cut the deals in half so you end up with the same amount.
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    I believe the design is that you can only afford to buy [from what you can win] what is available at your particular level in the store. If you are doing the cavalier levels then the more purchases you can make.

    You may have to end up buying a few things that you don't particularly need, but I don't think you will end up with loads of Gamma and nothing to spend it on. Hopefully! lol
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