Strong, steady and sustainable ally looking for some replacement s

PHXSA is currently a 32m ally looking for 2-3 backfills. We are easy going, don't require line (but some use it in addition to game chat), strictly do map 4 with mods (so we get decent, steady 3,500 glory each week for rankups with minimal effort) and only run 1bg of optional AW (currently Silver 1).
No, we are not a top alliance, but we aren't scrubs either. We all want glory and the least amount of time/effort needed to get it so we can go about our lives outside of the game or do side events without being tied to our phones or waiting for our champ's to be released every waking second.
All we ask is for team mates to be respectful of everyone else by being active and moving in AQ enough to complete early and drop buffs for each other. When you can't because of IRL stiff, just communicate so team mates know what's going on and can adjust accordingly without having to assume laziness.
It's really as simple as that and very rewarding for the minimal amount of effort required. If you want to grow but not be a slave to the game and do like respectful/helpful ally mates, come join us. The only people who ever got kicked are freeloaders or bad communicators.

No, we are not a top alliance, but we aren't scrubs either. We all want glory and the least amount of time/effort needed to get it so we can go about our lives outside of the game or do side events without being tied to our phones or waiting for our champ's to be released every waking second.
All we ask is for team mates to be respectful of everyone else by being active and moving in AQ enough to complete early and drop buffs for each other. When you can't because of IRL stiff, just communicate so team mates know what's going on and can adjust accordingly without having to assume laziness.
It's really as simple as that and very rewarding for the minimal amount of effort required. If you want to grow but not be a slave to the game and do like respectful/helpful ally mates, come join us. The only people who ever got kicked are freeloaders or bad communicators.
