ARENA (Mode) Need's Serious/Notable Changes .. Mods Read Plz ππ»

I khnow it's a grind mode that consists of time and efforts and as far as it goes it is working as excpected for a grind mode but :
- it does not mean that it shoudln't be Upgraded to match the current state of the game and to get Improvements like every other game mode has and took many times.
Plz take the time to read this and tell me your opinion and share your thoughts too i'd be very happy to read those
Down-Sides :
1. Interaction Screens : Lots Of Them
These IMO should be Removed :
- (Next Fight Screen) Direct Load Between Fights β
-(Next Serie Screen ) Direct Redrict to champion selection Screen After you End A Serieβ
2.Help Mechanism :
R.E.M.OV.E M.E P.L.E.A.S.E π€§
Auto Help ?! Maybe ! More Lags ?! Maybe too /Plz No
Think About 150+ Champion
3.MatcheMaking :
Using your Weak champions = DeadSquads /Strike Killers
Using your Strong Champs = Kang/Thanos Teams waste Of Points Due to Prestige Or weak Matching by less than 7k-10k
Easy Solution:
-Remove Kang/Thanos Teams
- Reduce Matchemaking Gape (No more than 5k no less than 5k)
Ps. The new Arena parameters where fine( The AI was Acting Aggressively )And Matchemaking Was the best i ever saw . The thanos kang teams where no more since Matchemaking bring you some very advance Profils in place . And Harder Fight means you don't have to sleep playing Arena But :
"This is my point of View " Since i'm more interested in Harder opennents but Some newer players May find them a bit Hard which Leads Me to ::::
Tie Arena "Parameters" To Story Progress ...
I believe All ThroneBreakers would have no problems with the new Parameters Since Their 6*/5* Rosters Are Big Enough And it Yields Greater Value/Good matching for More Advanced Players..
4. Sort Menu :
This menu can be great in Many ways (we like the addition of the new filters but there is no way to keep them locked)
The only 2 Good Sorts are (Hero Rating and Availability) And even the 2 don't work as they should be
And there is no way to lock your Tier/Tag/Rarity once you choosed it.. so you have to do that all over for every serie ..
#ADD :
- Lock Button : Locks Tag/Rarity/Filter/Class Or whatever Setting you choosed until you Reset The settings
#Remove These Sorts :
#Possible Idea :
-Synergie Bonuses ( this one should be added to the champion screen Along with use items and Info)
What it should do Is Bring you all the champions this champion has a bonus synergie with In the game (currently avalaible)
( it will be great to be able to see them all at once and discover newer synergies since it is hard to detect all of them )
#Fix : Champs On CoolDown should no More Apear In Top Of Other Champs
May be better If they don't even get affected by The Sorts/Tags... Until they Are Refreshed Again
5. Not Able to use 6* In Catalysts Aren'as
I won't talk much About this but as a Part of Advancement you should ..since A more advanced player should get these kind of Rank up Materiels Easier than Others .
- it does not mean that it shoudln't be Upgraded to match the current state of the game and to get Improvements like every other game mode has and took many times.
Plz take the time to read this and tell me your opinion and share your thoughts too i'd be very happy to read those
Down-Sides :
1. Interaction Screens : Lots Of Them
These IMO should be Removed :
- (Next Fight Screen) Direct Load Between Fights β
-(Next Serie Screen ) Direct Redrict to champion selection Screen After you End A Serieβ
2.Help Mechanism :
R.E.M.OV.E M.E P.L.E.A.S.E π€§
Auto Help ?! Maybe ! More Lags ?! Maybe too /Plz No
Think About 150+ Champion
3.MatcheMaking :
Using your Weak champions = DeadSquads /Strike Killers
Using your Strong Champs = Kang/Thanos Teams waste Of Points Due to Prestige Or weak Matching by less than 7k-10k
Easy Solution:
-Remove Kang/Thanos Teams
- Reduce Matchemaking Gape (No more than 5k no less than 5k)
Ps. The new Arena parameters where fine( The AI was Acting Aggressively )And Matchemaking Was the best i ever saw . The thanos kang teams where no more since Matchemaking bring you some very advance Profils in place . And Harder Fight means you don't have to sleep playing Arena But :
"This is my point of View " Since i'm more interested in Harder opennents but Some newer players May find them a bit Hard which Leads Me to ::::
Tie Arena "Parameters" To Story Progress ...
I believe All ThroneBreakers would have no problems with the new Parameters Since Their 6*/5* Rosters Are Big Enough And it Yields Greater Value/Good matching for More Advanced Players..
4. Sort Menu :
This menu can be great in Many ways (we like the addition of the new filters but there is no way to keep them locked)
The only 2 Good Sorts are (Hero Rating and Availability) And even the 2 don't work as they should be
And there is no way to lock your Tier/Tag/Rarity once you choosed it.. so you have to do that all over for every serie ..
#ADD :
- Lock Button : Locks Tag/Rarity/Filter/Class Or whatever Setting you choosed until you Reset The settings
#Remove These Sorts :
#Possible Idea :
-Synergie Bonuses ( this one should be added to the champion screen Along with use items and Info)
What it should do Is Bring you all the champions this champion has a bonus synergie with In the game (currently avalaible)
( it will be great to be able to see them all at once and discover newer synergies since it is hard to detect all of them )
#Fix : Champs On CoolDown should no More Apear In Top Of Other Champs
May be better If they don't even get affected by The Sorts/Tags... Until they Are Refreshed Again
5. Not Able to use 6* In Catalysts Aren'as
I won't talk much About this but as a Part of Advancement you should ..since A more advanced player should get these kind of Rank up Materiels Easier than Others .