Help with Shadow Base?

ZmanD90ZmanD90 Member Posts: 30
I'm having a lot of trouble getting 100% on uncollected Shadow Base. I can't seem to get by Nick Fury. Once he becomes unblockable, he just rips through my team. Does anybody have any advice or have something that worked for them?


  • ZmanD90ZmanD90 Member Posts: 30
    Shadow Base is part of the month long event. It's the second one in the first chapter.
  • ZmanD90ZmanD90 Member Posts: 30
    Hold up, there are multiple things named Shadow Base. I'm looking for help with the 2nd map of the first chapter in the month long event.
  • RaviDaviRaviDavi Member Posts: 801 ★★★
    Can't you post a screenshot, that would clear things up more.
  • ZmanD90ZmanD90 Member Posts: 30

  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    I’m assuming you don’t have counters to Korg or Dormammu then?

    It’s wise to bring a mutant against NF because it lowers the chance of tac charges being gained.

    The biggest thing for NF since he is on rage node can let you do one of two things: nullify the fury buffs or don’t trigger rage.

    Nullify is nullify and if you can do that consistently you are set.

    Not triggering rage means not using L2 or L3, and bringing someone with big DoT.

    Edit: also that’s really good handwriting. My screen handwriting is disgusting.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    I used sorcerer supreme for the one in cav difficulty. Extremely fun fight with her!
  • ZmanD90ZmanD90 Member Posts: 30
    Hey everyone. Thank you all for the advice. I feel really dumb. I have an 8k 5* Dr Doom, but he was hitting too hard and Fury would become unblockable before I could get to my SP1. I kind of forgot that I have a 4* Dr Doom as well and he's working out. Thanks again!
  • ZmanD90ZmanD90 Member Posts: 30
    Oh, and thank you for the compliment on my handwriting, but I have to be honest, I was using a stylus.
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