In all seriousness, she’s an amazing option. Double immunity, regen, power control, high block proficiency with armor up, doesn’t crit for all those annoying matchups that you get punished for crits, the armor up in general is great for Havok, her ability to carry 100 hits from fight to fight is amazing, her ramp up over 100 hits is insane, her ability to use her Sp3 to kill at 5% or below is more useful than you’d think, she’s overall an amazing champion. I usually bring her into war with me as well, to take Thing and Apocalypse minis and bosses. Here’s a video I made:
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
Regen, phasing, combo shield can help you preserve the the combo meter, an important need of her damage. Has an indefinite armor, which if removed, returns in 8 seconds I guess. Double immune, decent power drain, Bruh.....she's just amazing!!
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
That was fast, where do you live?
From what I roughly gather from the time difference, he's probably English
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
Bro that was only like 5 hours of sleep 😭😭 You are a different breed, I can't wake up so early with such little sleep
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
Bro that was only like 5 hours of sleep 😭😭 You are a different breed, I can't wake up so early with such little sleep
5 hours is above average for me. #living that student life
Not let's talk about Guillotine 2099. My favorite character! I really hope I can get the 6* soon. No other champ has transformed my account like she has, apart from Ghost (cuz ghost is ghost). At the time I got her, I had somehow managed to do 6.1 and 6.2 completion (or I think I got her before 6.2, then ranked her after 6.2). The funny thing is that I duped her twice in the same month I got her! As I was slowly ranking her up, I was testing her in a few places. In the process of finding a suitable team for her, I found Nick+Ant-Man+yellowjacket+Morningstar as the best synergy support (doesn't need synergies either way, and more on that later). At the time I got her, Ghost was my only rank 5 5*. Fast forward till today (about 2 months from that point in time) and I have 10 rank 5's. And g99 is most definitely the major contributor to that.
After a lot of testing, I fell in love with the character, man. When I took her to rank 3, I used her to tirelessly farm pots in RoL cuz I was having so much fun, lol. This was the time I was running suicides, nevertheless. When I took her to rank 4, I had like no tier 4 tech to get her to rank 5 because I had used it on ghost earlier. So I had to find another way, and what occurred to me was...variant 3.
So variant 3, the Tech island. I had already completed it earlier with mostly Ghost. I had no plans for exploration, lol. I decided to test out g99 there instead of act 6, because the Champion boss had succeeded in draining my energy, and I simply wanted to stay far from the whole thing. Variant 3. I decided to team up Guilly with ghost, plus Nick fury evade charges, because I was a bigger scrub at the time. Before I knew what was going on, I was already at like...90% exploration with her! I did a good amount of the paths itemless, and when I got ruined for some reason, there were the dozens of potions from RoL. I used her as a 5* rank 4 to solo ALL the variant 3 minibosses! Of course, I didn't bother with Iceman because Ghost was there anyway. And I didn't think a rank 4 healthpool would survive the coldsnap damage. But yeah, anybody that has explored variant 3 would remember the tough minibosses like Havok, ebony maw, energise cyclops, Emma Frost, frickin 1% regen Rogue, mister sinister, etc. All absolutely destroyed by g99! The bosses were all soloes as well. Kang was a weird one, because I was scrubby and kept getting ruined by lag. But of course, I just blitz through him with my Ghost with power boost.
Anyway, this variant 3 talk is getting super long. Long story short, I explored variant 3, and got the exact gem I was looking for. A frickin tech gem!! Insta rank 5, and she became my second one. In the meantime, I worked on some other variants as well. On some occasions, I would use g99 to farm tier 2 alpha frags from 6.2. At the point I had up to 5 rank 5's, I went back into act 6 and completed it. I used Guilly for about half of the bosses in 6.3 and 6.4, and she was my main path clearer for every quest! In the dreaded late act 6, g99 made more than half of my paths itemless; me, a scrub, battered by lag, was carried on the wings of a certain mystical robot through the depths of act 6! (And yes, that's a ToAru reference right there *wink*)
So yeah, I was able to complete act 6 with Guilly as my main clearer. She did like 80% of the work, while the others who were on the team, namely AA, Stealthy, Ghost and Claire handled the rest. Btw, it was at this point I turned off suicides. So yeah, I've had the privilege of personally comparing g99 across different mastery setups. Cavalier difficulty came around, and guess what? Guilly loves those big healthpools! She's been my MVP for exploration since day 1. The only places I haven't tested her are AQ and war attack.
Now, let's get into her abilities and practical applications:
3 prefights. The crit prefight (huntress function) allows her to crit. I don't use this outside of RoL farming because I've not found many practical uses of it. Except sometimes I would want to spam double medium heal in conjunction with the second prefight.
Now, the second prefight which I find to be the most useful, is the stability function (lifesteal ftw!). The value of the lifesteal is better appreciated when running suicides and/or doing long content like act 6 and labyrinth. This lifesteal saves potions like nothing else, and it's consistency and reliability are what makes it so good! Imo,. Guilly has one of the best regen in the game when her self repair is also added to the equation. Most other champs rely on buffs for regen. The champs I would say have better Regen potentials than g99 are Claire and sorcerer supreme. I use the lifesteal for about every single fight when I'm questing with her. Against the bosses, I don't bother to, for the extra armor and self repair. I did an LoL path with mainly g99 some weeks ago, and it was itemless up until I got to miles morales, who I had to use Nick and stealthy tag team to take down. Then Nick for black widow, and I used her against blue cyclops, and my God! That fight should simply be illegal! So yeah, had to deal with unblockable throughout, and intercept like a god! Not really sure how many revives it took, but it was a slog. Following fight was Ultron, who I used Stealthy+Void to kill. The remaining fights were itemless, and maestro was a pain. Now against maestro, I find g99 to be the most effective tech option for the scenarios where he either activates his power flood Buff, in which you can spam SP 1 power drain. When there's regen, you can spam SP 2. Also, her ability to power drain from a ranged special 1 is simply amazing! Has saved me a bunch of times.
Since we're on labyrinth, lemme talk about her viability in there for a bit. Guilly is a top 3 LoL option in general, no doubt about it. I'd put her just behind aegon and horseman Colossus with suicides and full synergies as the top options. Horseman Colossus appears to be the fastest. And yes, g99 is faster than aegon, but he beats her in terms of the range of fights he can handle.
She ends the outer fights (1.5 Million) in around 200 hits. She ends the inner fights (3 million health) in about 300 hits. In labyrinth, I don't use the crit prefight. I use the lifesteal exclusively, so I can have up to 4 combo shields on heavies, the digicloak, and still have the 20% self repair if necessary. With this sort of setup, I rarely get hit. I usually run with Nick evade synergy for extra safety, either way.
Now in terms of sustainability, g99 is the best LoL option, no doubt. There's no other champ I can think off with such a high ceiling of damage that can go from fight to fight with a full yellow bar without synergies. And it's literally just a matter of the lifesteal prefight. But seriously, it's amazing what that regen can do! If I ever died on a path fight (which has never happened, let's just forget about that unblockable cyclops), it's just a 20% revive, few blocked hits, and boom! She shoots up to 55% health. Whenever you find yourself dying on an LoL fight with Guilly (which is honestly very hard to do), they're most likely already at like 20% health or below. Revive, block a bit, self repair, 55% health, SP 3, next fight, stability function, double medium spam, or whatever you want to do. The major fights I feel she'd struggle with in labyrinth are the few evaders, magik, Ultron (90% energy resistance).
Now let's leave labyrinth and move on to quests. I won't comment on AQ and war since I don't have experience with her in there. Cavalier difficulty: she can do each and every one of the quests except buffed up (Heimdall synergy can cover this) and I definitely wouldn't recommend her for diss track, although it's doable. Act 6: g99 is one of the best path clearers and boss killers for act 6. All you need is your lifesteal, and you're set for a pretty much itemless path! Plus their healthpools in 6.3/4 are big enough to weave in one or two SP 2. As for bosses, she destroys every 6.1 boss (except Ultron, but possibly doable). 6.2 bosses: sym supreme, sinister, possibly omega, kingpin, are all food for g99. 6.3 bosses: Nick Fury, Havok, infinity man have I had great success against. She could also do Mysterio, but I haven't tried yet. 6.4 bosses: thor rags, darkhawk are bosses she handles extremely well. Of course, I haven't tried them either as I used AA and Stealthy respectively to solo either.
So yeah, that's about 15 out of the 24 act 6 bosses! Only a few other champs can handle that amount of act 6 bosses.
So there you have it! I could go on and on, but this stuff is getting way too long. About her power burn prefight (assault function), I use it to cheese energise paths like the one in variant 3 and the cyclops in there. With it, you can also cheese crumbling armor havoks, all or nothing, vivified, and a lot of other nodes. Her armor is the single most potent a playable character can access at a time, save for Colossus. With her miss mechanic, I've used it to get around nodes like encroaching stun. I literally just stand there and get hit, the doubled armor plus digicloak leaves you with little to worry about. Her sig ability has come in clutch for me a lot of times. Her special 3 instakill has saved me from some tough spots. Her noncrit nature gets around sinister, maw, hulkbuster, spiked armor, terminal velocity, crit resistance, etc. Her energy damage bypasses nodes like safeguard, rage, flux dispersal, power shield, debuff immunity, physical resistance nodes, armor nodes, limited immunity, etc. Her high damage ceiling makes her viable for conditions like energy resistance, and nodes like selective timestream (I fight v3 Kang for fun), acid wash, caustic temper, thunderstruck, etc. Her combo meter and combo shields get around nodes like combo party and lazarus (although, I don't recommend her for do not go gentle) There's a lot more nodes she can handle, but it's early morning over here, so I can't remember most, unfortunately. There's a lot more to say, but this comment has gotten extremely long, so I'mma stop here.
Oh, she works across all mastery setups as well. She's one of the most suicide friendly champs with her immunities and lifesteal, and Rocks non-suicides as well because her energy damage scales with base attack only, and isn't affected by attack mods.
Finally, there are very few champs I would rate above Guilly 99. As a matter of fact, I'd put her below Quake and Ghost alone. People who complain about her rAmPuP haven't used her in the content I have.
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
That was fast, where do you live?
Lol, Africa ✌🏾
Wow for real?, where in Africa?, I'm also from africa
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
That was fast, where do you live?
Lol, Africa ✌🏾
Wow for real?, where in Africa?, I'm also from africa
Regen, phasing, combo shield can help you preserve the the combo meter, an important need of her damage. Has an indefinite armor, which if removed, returns in 8 seconds I guess. Double immune, decent power drain, Bruh.....she's just amazing!!
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
That was fast, where do you live?
Lol, Africa ✌🏾
Wow for real?, where in Africa?, I'm also from africa
Really? Wow, that nice, bro! I'm from Nigeria.
Would you feel surprised if I told you I'm also from Nigeria,cos I am,I'm surprised,the mighty kill grey is also a Nigerian. How come I've never met you on global?
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
That was fast, where do you live?
Lol, Africa ✌🏾
Wow for real?, where in Africa?, I'm also from africa
Really? Wow, that nice, bro! I'm from Nigeria.
Would you feel surprised if I told you I'm also from Nigeria,cos I am,I'm surprised,the mighty kill grey is also a Nigerian. How come I've never met you on global?
Wow, bro! I never imagined I'd meet another on the forums! Lol, thanks for the compliment tho 🤭 Also, my global chat is permanently muted, lol Are you on line app?
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
That was fast, where do you live?
Lol, Africa ✌🏾
Wow for real?, where in Africa?, I'm also from africa
Really? Wow, that nice, bro! I'm from Nigeria.
Would you feel surprised if I told you I'm also from Nigeria,cos I am,I'm surprised,the mighty kill grey is also a Nigerian. How come I've never met you on global?
Wow, bro! I never imagined I'd meet another on the forums! Lol, thanks for the compliment tho 🤭 Also, my global chat is permanently muted, lol Are you on line app?
Sure I am,my line id Is "holros",by the way I know how crazy global can get,really nasty place with different type of people
I'm back! But I'm just going to provide my input on the character then proceed to stay far away from this thread, because it seems some people are already turning this into a g99 vs. warlock thing all over again. Happens. every. single. time
That was fast, where do you live?
Lol, Africa ✌🏾
Wow for real?, where in Africa?, I'm also from africa
Really? Wow, that nice, bro! I'm from Nigeria.
Would you feel surprised if I told you I'm also from Nigeria,cos I am,I'm surprised,the mighty kill grey is also a Nigerian. How come I've never met you on global?
Wow, bro! I never imagined I'd meet another on the forums! Lol, thanks for the compliment tho 🤭 Also, my global chat is permanently muted, lol Are you on line app?
Sure I am,my line id Is "holros",by the way I know how crazy global can get,really nasty place with different type of people
I sent you a message. At least, I think it's you 😅
Thank you for all this amazing info guys!!! Will a 4* work for me? (I'm UC btw and haven't done any story quest beyond 5.2.6.) Or should I hunt obviously the best tech champ in the game as a 5*? Thanks Killgrey!!
Also quick question. If I die with her, but I had the 100 hits because I ended the previous fight with an sp3, once I revive her will I still have those 100 hit? I'm wondering this for crazy hard bosses I can't solo.
Thank you for all this amazing info guys!!! Will a 4* work for me? (I'm UC btw and haven't done any story quest beyond 5.2.6.) Or should I hunt obviously the best tech champ in the game as a 5*? Thanks Killgrey!!
Oh, you were talking about the 4*? Lol. Nevertheless, in act 5.3, there's some global nodes that reduce other classes base attack by 50%. G99's energy damage scales with base attack, therefore she completely bypasses it, and does basically Normal damage. So yeah, she's a top option for the entirety of 5.3
Also quick question. If I die with her, but I had the 100 hits because I ended the previous fight with an sp3, once I revive her will I still have those 100 hit? I'm wondering this for crazy hard bosses I can't solo.
Lol, the 100 hits don't carry over if you die. The major "crazy hard bosses" that I've encountered are LoL maestro, and that's basically it. Guilly destroys bosses! Bt if you would die, I'm pretty sure you'd have 4 other Champs on your team lol.
Also quick question. If I die with her, but I had the 100 hits because I ended the previous fight with an sp3, once I revive her will I still have those 100 hit? I'm wondering this for crazy hard bosses I can't solo.
Lol, the 100 hits don't carry over if you die. The major "crazy hard bosses" that I've encountered are LoL maestro, and that's basically it. Guilly destroys bosses! Bt if you would die, I'm pretty sure you'd have 4 other Champs on your team lol.
Here’s a video I made:
Here’s one from Munash:
Here’s another from someone using her for flow:
Happens. every. single. time
Has an indefinite armor, which if removed, returns in 8 seconds I guess. Double immune, decent power drain, Bruh.....she's just amazing!!
No other champ has transformed my account like she has, apart from Ghost (cuz ghost is ghost). At the time I got her, I had somehow managed to do 6.1 and 6.2 completion (or I think I got her before 6.2, then ranked her after 6.2).
The funny thing is that I duped her twice in the same month I got her!
As I was slowly ranking her up, I was testing her in a few places. In the process of finding a suitable team for her, I found Nick+Ant-Man+yellowjacket+Morningstar as the best synergy support (doesn't need synergies either way, and more on that later).
At the time I got her, Ghost was my only rank 5 5*. Fast forward till today (about 2 months from that point in time) and I have 10 rank 5's. And g99 is most definitely the major contributor to that.
After a lot of testing, I fell in love with the character, man. When I took her to rank 3, I used her to tirelessly farm pots in RoL cuz I was having so much fun, lol. This was the time I was running suicides, nevertheless.
When I took her to rank 4, I had like no tier 4 tech to get her to rank 5 because I had used it on ghost earlier. So I had to find another way, and what occurred to me was...variant 3.
So variant 3, the Tech island. I had already completed it earlier with mostly Ghost. I had no plans for exploration, lol. I decided to test out g99 there instead of act 6, because the Champion boss had succeeded in draining my energy, and I simply wanted to stay far from the whole thing.
Variant 3. I decided to team up Guilly with ghost, plus Nick fury evade charges, because I was a bigger scrub at the time. Before I knew what was going on, I was already at like...90% exploration with her!
I did a good amount of the paths itemless, and when I got ruined for some reason, there were the dozens of potions from RoL.
I used her as a 5* rank 4 to solo ALL the variant 3 minibosses! Of course, I didn't bother with Iceman because Ghost was there anyway. And I didn't think a rank 4 healthpool would survive the coldsnap damage.
But yeah, anybody that has explored variant 3 would remember the tough minibosses like Havok, ebony maw, energise cyclops, Emma Frost, frickin 1% regen Rogue, mister sinister, etc. All absolutely destroyed by g99! The bosses were all soloes as well. Kang was a weird one, because I was scrubby and kept getting ruined by lag. But of course, I just blitz through him with my Ghost with power boost.
Anyway, this variant 3 talk is getting super long. Long story short, I explored variant 3, and got the exact gem I was looking for. A frickin tech gem!! Insta rank 5, and she became my second one. In the meantime, I worked on some other variants as well.
On some occasions, I would use g99 to farm tier 2 alpha frags from 6.2.
At the point I had up to 5 rank 5's, I went back into act 6 and completed it. I used Guilly for about half of the bosses in 6.3 and 6.4, and she was my main path clearer for every quest! In the dreaded late act 6, g99 made more than half of my paths itemless; me, a scrub, battered by lag, was carried on the wings of a certain mystical robot through the depths of act 6! (And yes, that's a ToAru reference right there *wink*)
So yeah, I was able to complete act 6 with Guilly as my main clearer. She did like 80% of the work, while the others who were on the team, namely AA, Stealthy, Ghost and Claire handled the rest.
Btw, it was at this point I turned off suicides. So yeah, I've had the privilege of personally comparing g99 across different mastery setups. Cavalier difficulty came around, and guess what? Guilly loves those big healthpools! She's been my MVP for exploration since day 1.
The only places I haven't tested her are AQ and war attack.
Now, let's get into her abilities and practical applications:
3 prefights. The crit prefight (huntress function) allows her to crit. I don't use this outside of RoL farming because I've not found many practical uses of it. Except sometimes I would want to spam double medium heal in conjunction with the second prefight.
Now, the second prefight which I find to be the most useful, is the stability function (lifesteal ftw!). The value of the lifesteal is better appreciated when running suicides and/or doing long content like act 6 and labyrinth. This lifesteal saves potions like nothing else, and it's consistency and reliability are what makes it so good! Imo,. Guilly has one of the best regen in the game when her self repair is also added to the equation. Most other champs rely on buffs for regen. The champs I would say have better Regen potentials than g99 are Claire and sorcerer supreme. I use the lifesteal for about every single fight when I'm questing with her. Against the bosses, I don't bother to, for the extra armor and self repair. I did an LoL path with mainly g99 some weeks ago, and it was itemless up until I got to miles morales, who I had to use Nick and stealthy tag team to take down. Then Nick for black widow, and I used her against blue cyclops, and my God! That fight should simply be illegal! So yeah, had to deal with unblockable throughout, and intercept like a god! Not really sure how many revives it took, but it was a slog. Following fight was Ultron, who I used Stealthy+Void to kill. The remaining fights were itemless, and maestro was a pain. Now against maestro, I find g99 to be the most effective tech option for the scenarios where he either activates his power flood Buff, in which you can spam SP 1 power drain. When there's regen, you can spam SP 2. Also, her ability to power drain from a ranged special 1 is simply amazing! Has saved me a bunch of times.
Since we're on labyrinth, lemme talk about her viability in there for a bit. Guilly is a top 3 LoL option in general, no doubt about it. I'd put her just behind aegon and horseman Colossus with suicides and full synergies as the top options. Horseman Colossus appears to be the fastest. And yes, g99 is faster than aegon, but he beats her in terms of the range of fights he can handle.
She ends the outer fights (1.5 Million) in around 200 hits. She ends the inner fights (3 million health) in about 300 hits.
In labyrinth, I don't use the crit prefight. I use the lifesteal exclusively, so I can have up to 4 combo shields on heavies, the digicloak, and still have the 20% self repair if necessary. With this sort of setup, I rarely get hit. I usually run with Nick evade synergy for extra safety, either way.
Now in terms of sustainability, g99 is the best LoL option, no doubt. There's no other champ I can think off with such a high ceiling of damage that can go from fight to fight with a full yellow bar without synergies. And it's literally just a matter of the lifesteal prefight. But seriously, it's amazing what that regen can do! If I ever died on a path fight (which has never happened, let's just forget about that unblockable cyclops), it's just a 20% revive, few blocked hits, and boom! She shoots up to 55% health. Whenever you find yourself dying on an LoL fight with Guilly (which is honestly very hard to do), they're most likely already at like 20% health or below. Revive, block a bit, self repair, 55% health, SP 3, next fight, stability function, double medium spam, or whatever you want to do.
The major fights I feel she'd struggle with in labyrinth are the few evaders, magik, Ultron (90% energy resistance).
Now let's leave labyrinth and move on to quests. I won't comment on AQ and war since I don't have experience with her in there.
Cavalier difficulty: she can do each and every one of the quests except buffed up (Heimdall synergy can cover this) and I definitely wouldn't recommend her for diss track, although it's doable.
Act 6: g99 is one of the best path clearers and boss killers for act 6. All you need is your lifesteal, and you're set for a pretty much itemless path! Plus their healthpools in 6.3/4 are big enough to weave in one or two SP 2.
As for bosses, she destroys every 6.1 boss (except Ultron, but possibly doable).
6.2 bosses: sym supreme, sinister, possibly omega, kingpin, are all food for g99.
6.3 bosses: Nick Fury, Havok, infinity man have I had great success against. She could also do Mysterio, but I haven't tried yet.
6.4 bosses: thor rags, darkhawk are bosses she handles extremely well. Of course, I haven't tried them either as I used AA and Stealthy respectively to solo either.
So yeah, that's about 15 out of the 24 act 6 bosses! Only a few other champs can handle that amount of act 6 bosses.
So there you have it! I could go on and on, but this stuff is getting way too long.
About her power burn prefight (assault function), I use it to cheese energise paths like the one in variant 3 and the cyclops in there.
With it, you can also cheese crumbling armor havoks, all or nothing, vivified, and a lot of other nodes. Her armor is the single most potent a playable character can access at a time, save for Colossus. With her miss mechanic, I've used it to get around nodes like encroaching stun. I literally just stand there and get hit, the doubled armor plus digicloak leaves you with little to worry about. Her sig ability has come in clutch for me a lot of times. Her special 3 instakill has saved me from some tough spots.
Her noncrit nature gets around sinister, maw, hulkbuster, spiked armor, terminal velocity, crit resistance, etc.
Her energy damage bypasses nodes like safeguard, rage, flux dispersal, power shield, debuff immunity, physical resistance nodes, armor nodes, limited immunity, etc.
Her high damage ceiling makes her viable for conditions like energy resistance, and nodes like selective timestream (I fight v3 Kang for fun), acid wash, caustic temper, thunderstruck, etc.
Her combo meter and combo shields get around nodes like combo party and lazarus (although, I don't recommend her for do not go gentle)
There's a lot more nodes she can handle, but it's early morning over here, so I can't remember most, unfortunately.
There's a lot more to say, but this comment has gotten extremely long, so I'mma stop here.
Oh, she works across all mastery setups as well. She's one of the most suicide friendly champs with her immunities and lifesteal, and Rocks non-suicides as well because her energy damage scales with base attack only, and isn't affected by attack mods.
Finally, there are very few champs I would rate above Guilly 99. As a matter of fact, I'd put her below Quake and Ghost alone. People who complain about her rAmPuP haven't used her in the content I have.
I'm from Nigeria.
How come I've never met you on global?
Lol, thanks for the compliment tho 🤭
Also, my global chat is permanently muted, lol
Are you on line app?
Or should I hunt obviously the best tech champ in the game as a 5*? Thanks Killgrey!!
Nevertheless, in act 5.3, there's some global nodes that reduce other classes base attack by 50%. G99's energy damage scales with base attack, therefore she completely bypasses it, and does basically Normal damage.
So yeah, she's a top option for the entirety of 5.3