Falcon's Lock on Vs. Tunnel Vision

I just got wrecked by the Stealth Spidey on 6.4.1 when using Falcon's Lock-On. Falter works and Falcon misses. Is that how it is intended to work? @Kabam Miike
There are also various nodes that you might expect Falcon to bypass that he can't, such as Rage and Crit me with Your Best Shot
Working this out is one reason I decided not to take up my Falcon. At least, not yet.
Hate it, though!
I agree for consistency sake, miss should be subject to AAR like evade or auto-block. I also think champions who are immune to reverse control should also be immune to falter.
Red Goblin has True Sense now. It bypasses miss and auto-block.
Is there a list of abilities per champ that are considered defensive AA? For example: korg rock shield doesn’t give damage back. But shrug off parry still works during lock on. Invisible woman shield still causes miss even though in my opinion this is defensive ability.
I can’t find anywhere which abilities are considered defensive (so switched off by lock on).
I think defensive abilities are those affecting the Defender (like AutoBlock, shields and stuff) while anything affecting your Champ = the Attacker are considered offensive abilities. Like you bleeding when hitting Morningstar or you getting any other debuff.
Korg‘s Rocks ... I think they are Passives and can‘t be eaten by Symbios or other Buff removing Champs. They are probably not affected by any AAR and will always be able to shrug off Parrys.
So I’d like to be able to see the defensive abilities of each champ. Then I know what should be disabled by falcons lock on and what isn’t.
Agent Venom’s Tenacity will trigger when Falcon attempts to parry stun him (offensive ability, since it was the result of AV striking Falcon) but not when Falcon applies a bleed (defensive ability, since it was the result of Falcon striking AV), while locked on.
Falter is an effect. If it activates successfully it can't be stopped untill it is expired no matter how strong your ability accuracy reduction is.
Now explain this..
Juggs have unstoppable and Lock On...
According to Lock On it will reduce defensive ability by 100%.... I hit Juggs so unstoppable is defensive right?.... It should have no effect.... But that doesn't happen.
Let's take two champ X and Y.
Let X hit Y
•If Y activates any ability it's defensive.
•If X activates any ability it's offensive.
In this case Falc hit Juggs and Juggs activate unstoppable so it's defensive.
If what you're saying is true, champs with evade buff should be able evade even with Lock On.
Evade triggers only when being struck so this is defensive ability.
I agree it’s not always logical because in my opinion miss is also a mechanic that only triggers when being struck as well as glancing but this was explained in this topic already.
You can evidence this easily by dueling an unstoppable opponent with Quake then striking them while they are both concussed and unstoppable.