300 units and a dream

Today I pulled the trigger on completing 5.2.6. I was planning on waiting for a few more units to make sure that I wouldn’t be stuck in the chapter and having to grind for units in arena until I eventually got the unit collector down. I stormed through 5.2.6, not having to use a revive until I got to the collector. Eventually, I sent the old man back to his retirement home and pulled an Omega Red out of the 5 star crystal i opened right after. All in all, not a bad day at the office. 

I'd certainly awaken Omega Red if you have an awakening gem?
I guess I could try and get the generic from the event this month?
well done on uncollected though!!
Ghulk isn’t boring boring, but whenever I use him he just feels a bit clunky and slow to do anything. You know whether i’m doing something wrong or?
for me the rush of trying to get enough crowd excitement to throw off an sp2 and get the stun off it is what makes him fun.
Congrats on your title!