Joy to the World, the Ham is Come!



  • PtkVascoPtkVasco Member Posts: 166
    will I be able to exchange gifts with my secondary account, without being banned?
  • Soulreaver42Soulreaver42 Member Posts: 46
    edited December 2020
    PtkVasco said:

    will I be able to exchange gifts with my secondary account, without being banned?

    Kabam Miike has already confirmed that this is not against the rules. You are allowed to do this. See below.

    Lvernon15 said:

    In terms of gifting, will players be allowed to gift a single account using alt accounts, assuming the alts are played by them and only them, and if a huge amount of alt accounts are doing this (basically farmed alts with the purpose of gifting a single account) all ran by a single player, will this be flagged up and potentially banned for, or is it fine since all accounts are ran by 1 and only 1 member

    Sorry I missed this earlier. This is not against the rules (only the spirit of the gifting event) assuming it's all legit. If there's anything fraudulent about it, then we will take action.
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Sorry if I missed this but can I completely explore the side event quest tomorrow and get all 18 cavalier crystals tommorow?
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    @Kill_Grey go explore the Labyrinth. The fight issue will be fixed

    @HI_guys nothing was fixed. Not a thing!
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    HI_guys said:

    @Kill_Grey go explore the Labyrinth. The fight issue will be fixed

    @HI_guys nothing was fixed. Not a thing!
    For me even the time lag in normal quests is gone. Staright to the loading screen on fight press
    Seems like you're not on Android.
  • Nikita4563Nikita4563 Member Posts: 1
    but can I get a gift 2 times. if now I am "liberated" and during the holiday week I take a "knight"
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    HI_guys said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    HI_guys said:

    @Kill_Grey go explore the Labyrinth. The fight issue will be fixed

    @HI_guys nothing was fixed. Not a thing!
    For me even the time lag in normal quests is gone. Staright to the loading screen on fight press
    Seems like you're not on Android.
    I'm on android. Op7
    You don't get freezing in labyrinth?
  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 264 ★★
    I just did 100% exploration on heroic difficulty on the side only got 3700 epoch shards not the 4000.
  • Kabam BooKabam Boo Member Posts: 840 ★★★★★
    Apologies for any confusion. We acknowledge that you may still be missing some Epoch Shards from earlier today. Our team is working on this and any missing Epoch Shards will be awarded to you some time next week. Thank you for your patience - we hope you'll continue to enjoy the event!
  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 264 ★★
    Good enough for me. Thank you for the quick response.
  • MadhavGupta101MadhavGupta101 Member Posts: 1
    I did not receive 500 epoch shards after completing 1st quest of the side event.

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    RE: Units from main monthly EQ, and looking at EQ Rewards screens

    Just did first path in quest 1.1 on Master mode and no units. Did 1.2 and got 10 units. We use to get units in each section for completion.

    NORMAL and HEROIC the Units are from the individual Quests.

    But in MASTER and UC they are from the Chapters as a whole.

    Why is there a mismatch this month ??

    (Units seem to come out the same, but thought all difficulties had switched to Quest-Based Units last month or 2. Now higher difficulties are back to being in Chapters ?)
  • Lord1Lord1 Member Posts: 21
    So if we accidentally opened our Holiday Gift and it turned to coal, we will get the exact same gift that we would have if we did not open it? Just asking for clarification.
  • vVv_LeadervVv_Leader Member Posts: 2
    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious Looking at the Alliance Milestones, the numbers for both Alliance & individual thresholds seem to be double those of last year. For example - 275 Units at 20,000 and 80,000 in 2019 and 40,000 and 160,000 respectively this year, while the individual minimum was 460 and 2660 and its now 920 and 5220.

    Have the points received for each type of gift also doubled to match or are you requiring 2x the gifting for the same rewards?

    Could you post the item list and the points each would receive from gifting so that people can plan ahead of time?
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 686 ★★★
    For the side quest, is it 204 energy for 100% of all difficulties together or is it 204 for each?
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 686 ★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    HI_guys said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    HI_guys said:

    @Kill_Grey go explore the Labyrinth. The fight issue will be fixed

    @HI_guys nothing was fixed. Not a thing!
    For me even the time lag in normal quests is gone. Staright to the loading screen on fight press
    Seems like you're not on Android.
    I'm on Android. No time lag for me. Frankly, it's a bit jarring
  • BlubbernapBlubbernap Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2020
    Sunny2 said:

    For anyone who says the side event rewards are weak just realize it includes 18.5 cav crystals that you can apply to a specific year that you want (which means most ppl will get a 5 and 1 out of every 5 or 6 will get a 6 star. For the amount of work that it and the rest of the rewards is i dont think thats a bad payoff. Given all the rest happening this month (variant 6 and ch7) I wouldn't want a side quest that was more time intensive like past months. That's just my take

    That might be great for cav players, but consider the people like me in uncollected who are working through cav slowly, I’m starting to form a fairly developed 5 star roster but am still missing some key characters, this month I get what, 8 GM crystals, so basically 8 3 stars. Plus anyone not super endgame who can’t do the challenge enjoy a nice free 5 star but that doesn’t make up for these rewards
  • Soulreaver42Soulreaver42 Member Posts: 46

    Sunny2 said:

    For anyone who says the side event rewards are weak just realize it includes 18.5 cav crystals that you can apply to a specific year that you want (which means most ppl will get a 5 and 1 out of every 5 or 6 will get a 6 star. For the amount of work that it and the rest of the rewards is i dont think thats a bad payoff. Given all the rest happening this month (variant 6 and ch7) I wouldn't want a side quest that was more time intensive like past months. That's just my take

    That might be great for cav players, but consider the people like me in uncollected who are working through cav slowly, I’m starting to form a fairly developed 5 star roster but am still missing some key characters, this month I get what, 8 GM crystals, so basically 8 3 stars. Plus anyone not super endgame who can’t do the challenge enjoy a nice free 5 star but that doesn’t make up for these rewards
    The reason the side quest rewards are so low is because of all the other stuff going on this month. You can get the free 5* plus a 4* and a 4* nexus from the challenge. Plus, during anniversary week there will be the shard arenas as well, which you can get a full 10k 5* shards from (since you're only Uncollected). Not to mention the free gift from Kabam and the gifting event. Plus, you specifically said that some Uncollected players like you are taking it slow to get Cavalier. By doing this and not making a fast push for Cavalier instead, you are accepting that your rewards will not be as good as those who have gotten Cavalier. You can't say "I want to take the next progression level slow so I minimize my unit cost" and also say "I want my rewards to be as good as those who have put in the time, effort, and units to get to the next progression level." It's a tradeoff. Kabam does screw up occasionally (hell, they screw up a lot) like with the terrible October side quest, but some people like you just whine for no good reason whether Kabam made a mistake or not.
  • JumperAlphaJumperAlpha Member Posts: 33
    Umm, is it just me, or are there no Solo objectives for this month? I have no solo objectives in my list right now.
  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    One question, if I have not opened the gift early, and I progress to Thronebreaker, will I get Thronebreaker gift?
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,507 ★★★★

    For the side quest, is it 204 energy for 100% of all difficulties together or is it 204 for each?

    It is per difficulty.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Is there a seperate gift for anniversary other than the one we already received? Also, it says the gift will be based on progression which is different from last year where it was based on the number of years playing the game. Can one of the mods confirm if it is based on progression titles?
  • CrainOnTheBrainCrainOnTheBrain Member Posts: 86
    Epoch shards are fantastic. I really appreciate the ability to earn cav crystals as the meta shifts to focus on 6* champs. While they shouldn’t be in this heavy of an abundance all the time, being cav and earning cavs through on-par content (cav difficulty) would make being cav way more rewarding & help the push for thronebreaker
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike any response please?
  • BlubbernapBlubbernap Member Posts: 34

    Sunny2 said:

    For anyone who says the side event rewards are weak just realize it includes 18.5 cav crystals that you can apply to a specific year that you want (which means most ppl will get a 5 and 1 out of every 5 or 6 will get a 6 star. For the amount of work that it and the rest of the rewards is i dont think thats a bad payoff. Given all the rest happening this month (variant 6 and ch7) I wouldn't want a side quest that was more time intensive like past months. That's just my take

    That might be great for cav players, but consider the people like me in uncollected who are working through cav slowly, I’m starting to form a fairly developed 5 star roster but am still missing some key characters, this month I get what, 8 GM crystals, so basically 8 3 stars. Plus anyone not super endgame who can’t do the challenge enjoy a nice free 5 star but that doesn’t make up for these rewards
    The reason the side quest rewards are so low is because of all the other stuff going on this month. You can get the free 5* plus a 4* and a 4* nexus from the challenge. Plus, during anniversary week there will be the shard arenas as well, which you can get a full 10k 5* shards from (since you're only Uncollected). Not to mention the free gift from Kabam and the gifting event. Plus, you specifically said that some Uncollected players like you are taking it slow to get Cavalier. By doing this and not making a fast push for Cavalier instead, you are accepting that your rewards will not be as good as those who have gotten Cavalier. You can't say "I want to take the next progression level slow so I minimize my unit cost" and also say "I want my rewards to be as good as those who have put in the time, effort, and units to get to the next progression level." It's a tradeoff. Kabam does screw up occasionally (hell, they screw up a lot) like with the terrible October side quest, but some people like you just whine for no good reason whether Kabam made a mistake or not.
    Yes but this is December, their theme is that the rewards are great this month, but there not because instead of adding rewards they took from the side quest and added rewards to other things like calander and arena. I would still rather have a mutant treasure island than this whole month of December’s “awesome rewards”
  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    I prefer the epoch shards over something like the Hades event.
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