What even is 6.2.5!?!??!? (Only quest I still think needs to be adjusted)

So I never truly realized how poorly designed 6.2 was until I started exploring act 6.1-6.4 and honestly everything I did pre-nerf/ changes wasnt bad imo....at completing it.
Pre nerf I explored 6.4 completely, and 6.3.6, after the nerf thats when I explored everything else.
Now I think a lot of reasons I hate 6.1/6.2 vs 6.3/.6.4 is ofc the amount of paths needed to explore.
IT TAKES SOOOO MUCH TIME, 6.3/6.4, you’re looking at what 6 paths to explore? And thats it....
But 6.1/6.2 have 8-10 paths or so(or more Some times), but 6.1 is an easy exploration so i give it a pass, but 6.2 is where the biggest mess is.
6.2 has a lot of issues and it only really comes from 6.2.5 still, and also the gated paths.
Its never really made sense as they said “hey you know what lets make’em have 4 skill champs on a team”
I said this in another thread, but they acknowledged that this was a bad idea.....so why not take them out?
Keeping them there just seems so pointless and would discourage someone from exploring(again imo)
Mordo hands down is the most annoying boss for me, but the thing that gets me, is thatnhe has liked nodes on him..... why oh WHY DOES HE HAVE LINKED NODES!?,?
Throughout the whole chapter, no one had linked nodes attached to them. Why decide to give to the second to last boss quest, again its just a huge annoyance for players, and not too mention the already annoying node, do not go gentle and strength in numbers. I had one champ ko’s and doom wouldn’t trigger his nullify ONCE, its 12.50% reduction chance for one ko’d champ, and yet felt like it was a whole team.
Im still gonna go through exploring this quest regardless, but the point is Overall this quest feels like a quest that should’ve been in 6.4, and that it’s silly to know they didn’t try better to improve it, cuz Im sure its the only quest most players were not looking forward to explore. The annoyance and time it takes already to explore act 6 is long, and 6.2.5 just makes me feel like the rewards wont even have been worth it when I 100% it.....
When you have 2nd to last boss thats harder/more annoying than the actual final boss of the chapter, there is something VERY WRONG. Im demanding they change the whole chapter, but go back in and at least remove the linked nodes from mordo, or remove strength in numbers, thats all it takes.
Yup......thats it.......Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving if you’re celebrating and if not, hope you have a great weekend!
Agreed tho that changes still need to made this this chapter
I hated the 5* gates. Why should I have to rank up my 5* Corvus when my 6* is already ranked up ?
Overkill on the nodes given to Mordo. Never mind that the entire chapter has “do not go gentle”. I mostly used quake & items vs Mordo
Just went in ti check again haha @Notsavage19
You can find my feedback and stevie’s in here, but I assure you the sentiments were echoed by all the active participants in there
It's either that or wallet man.
I used Void and my rank 4 shehulk for it anyways. Had to Quake the biohazard sentinel miniboss, then use void again for the boss.
Spent no items, but pairing spite with combo party in the first place is kinda callous, NGL.