@Keniutek What do you mean with „fake picture“? Don‘t you have this offer ingame? Did you purchase anything else (cause then it will disappear, it says)?
Never bought units, never will... plus it doesn't show on my account
Very weird, why do I get that offer and you don‘t? What‘s the difference? Maybe only on iOS? Or just for european Accounts? Or because I am Legend? Hmm ... such a mysterious offer.
Hope that can prove it‘s real. Together with today‘s class deals and a recent profile pic. I‘m not a faker. But would appreciate clarification from Kabam.
I think you have to be absolutely insane to give over a hundred bucks for a few thousand units . Hell I think it’s crazy to give any money over a game that could easily be played for free but I could at least understand if it was really worth it . Like getting half a dozen six star heroes or ten TB5 or something like this. But a few freaking units ?
But at the end of the day it’s your money and only you know if this will be worth it to you
I've spent cash on my main account and never on my mini account. The main has never seen it and the mini always has it, but the 850-unit bundle instead of the Odin. It's probably based on progression or level. My mini is Level 53 and I haven't even completed Act 4 with it.
I've spent cash on my main account and never on my mini account. The main has never seen it and the mini always has it, but the 850-unit bundle instead of the Odin. It's probably based on progression or level. My mini is Level 53 and I haven't even completed Act 4 with it.
Hmm, so maybe a combination of how much you spent and your progression Level? Possibly ... I spend very occasionally. Not that much, but probably enough to get Odin offer.
What do you mean with „fake picture“? Don‘t you have this offer ingame? Did you purchase anything else (cause then it will disappear, it says)?
Hope that can prove it‘s real. Together with today‘s class deals and a recent profile pic. I‘m not a faker. But would appreciate clarification from Kabam.
But at the end of the day it’s your money and only you know if this will be worth it to you
And yeah I also have the offer so it’s real