Negative armor bugfix

You fix up bugs which is good for the game ofc.
Did I understand it right you want to give armorbreaks or negative armor a diminishing return value like the more you get the lower the value will be like its in the game now for example with crit damage, crit rating armor etc?
My biggest question:
Will this nerf the damage of champs like Sorcerer Supreme, Cosmic Ghostraider and Cull Ob? These are the first that came to my mind bc they have great armorbreak values.
I hope this is not the case
Did I understand it right you want to give armorbreaks or negative armor a diminishing return value like the more you get the lower the value will be like its in the game now for example with crit damage, crit rating armor etc?
My biggest question:
Will this nerf the damage of champs like Sorcerer Supreme, Cosmic Ghostraider and Cull Ob? These are the first that came to my mind bc they have great armorbreak values.
I hope this is not the case

Reading these two things I feel like they just reversed the bug.
Before Fix- Less damage against Negative Armor Positive Resistance.
After Fix- Less damage against Negative Armor Negative Resistance.
We'll have to wait for the update.
There are way fewer situations in which an opponent has large negative resistances than ones where they have very high positive values