Which among these champions is worth taking to rank 3 to get Thronebreaker ?

This is my 6* roster and so far only Havok is worth a rank 3 imo. Should I wait for someone else or pick only mutant from future T5CC selectors?

These are my Catalyst status

Honestly this Thronebreaker thing really has irked me a lot. I've already defeated the Grandmaster months back and was hoping to get a Rank 3 , but RNG wouldn't allow it. Now we cavaliers who only need a Rank 3 are being grouped with uncollected players in AQ. I was expecting the Cyber deals to be good as a helping hand in getting a Rank 3 but this year's deals sucks. Why introduce such a paywall?
Need your suggestions.

These are my Catalyst status

Honestly this Thronebreaker thing really has irked me a lot. I've already defeated the Grandmaster months back and was hoping to get a Rank 3 , but RNG wouldn't allow it. Now we cavaliers who only need a Rank 3 are being grouped with uncollected players in AQ. I was expecting the Cyber deals to be good as a helping hand in getting a Rank 3 but this year's deals sucks. Why introduce such a paywall?
Need your suggestions.
I'm not also UC but my suggestion is Domino 😊
Cav deals sucked this year yes, but you aren't ready for TB either.
As for AQ yes it bothers me. The fact that both cavalier players and uncollected players are sharing the same glory store irks me. It is related to title. But my main issue with TB is the RNG involved to get it.
What AQ map do you run?
What bad RNG are you even talking about? Aside from not having any mystic, you've only opened a small amount of T5CC. You took Cosmic from your Act 6 selector and you have opened possible 5 10% T5CC crystals and a few 2% ones. Again, you aren't anywhere close to being ready for R3 really. You obviously aren't running high tier AQ or AW or you'd have a ton more T5CC.
If you aren't in an alliance, you'll have a much longer road to getting to TB. Really you're only path that is "faster" is an initial run through Abyss. Even TB didn't get a chance to get a fully formed T5CC for these new deals. Not sure why Cav players expected to have that opportunity. OP still wouldn't have be able to get to a fully formed T5CC.