Need your Views/Suggestions on buying the Cavalier Cyber weekend Deals

You may have come across a lot of threads regarding the Cyber weekend deals, especially how it failed to impress the Cavalier players who were looking to become Thronebreaker. I can understand it wasn't what you expected but I would like to get a suggestion on whether to buy it for myself.
I became Cavalier 8 days ago only. I have 4.5k Units right now and around 650k Battle chips. I'm a F2P player and actually had plans to buy the 1k and 4k units deals before they came live.
My next progression will be Act 5 100% exploration and do some Variants (will start from V3) and about my roaster, I have 7 5* at R4 and a few more to take to R4 in the near soon.
I was wondering if I should buy the deals or save my units and spend them on the gifting events or any other. Leave your thoughts on what you think, if the deals will help me or I should restrain myself from buying them this time. Any questions are welcome.
I became Cavalier 8 days ago only. I have 4.5k Units right now and around 650k Battle chips. I'm a F2P player and actually had plans to buy the 1k and 4k units deals before they came live.
My next progression will be Act 5 100% exploration and do some Variants (will start from V3) and about my roaster, I have 7 5* at R4 and a few more to take to R4 in the near soon.
I was wondering if I should buy the deals or save my units and spend them on the gifting events or any other. Leave your thoughts on what you think, if the deals will help me or I should restrain myself from buying them this time. Any questions are welcome.
If you have good R4 5*’s for Act 5, you don’t need many or any of them—lots of players 100% Act 5 without any viable 6* or R5 5*.
My gut would be to only nibble on an offer that maybe pushed you to Featured 5* crystals but maybe not beyond. Again, don’t know what your team looks like, but I really don’t think the value is there for many of these deals.
Dr. Zola
Imagine standing in an apple store looking at the new iphone 12 and the sales representative says: "Oh this will be your first phone? Then I can not sell you this iphone 12, but I got this great first generation Iphone that you can buy for the exact same price."
I bought them, will be the last time I do so. Feeling burned by Kabam myself. Still no clue why they screwed us over with this deal, but they won’t get any more money from me until things change, but Kabam is so tone deaf to the players’ desires I am not expecting that to happen.
Again, Thank you, everyone, for your valuable inputs.
@Dwhalen8554 @Thicco_Mode @ProximaMidnight_8 @DrZola @Lovejoy72 @Dshu @Lanfir @Colinwhitworth69 @BendersBounty @Aleor
Dr. Zola