Has anybody enjoyed the abyss?

Personally I have no motivation to do abyss, it looks boring and repetitive and is topped off by the horrible collector fight. Plus it takes months worth of mind numbing arena grinding for the resources required to beat it.
However, a lot of people have beaten it. So to those that have, did you enjoy it?
Did you feel it was worth the time and effort to grind units for it? And if given the opportunity to do abyss again for no rewards, but you're given all the revives you need for it, would you do it?
However, a lot of people have beaten it. So to those that have, did you enjoy it?
Did you feel it was worth the time and effort to grind units for it? And if given the opportunity to do abyss again for no rewards, but you're given all the revives you need for it, would you do it?
And were there any fights you particularly enjoyed?
It definitely was worth the time and effort, after doing the easy path, I actually felt like grinding units for another path. But if you ask me would I do it again for no rewards, I don’t think that’s a fair question because I don’t think any of us would re-do a game mode that gives no rewards no matter how enjoyable. Opening the rewards is why we keep playing the game anyway. But to play another path for exploration purpose I would absolutely do it if I have enough units
Alright then. I’ve done abyss completion. Used:
6* R2 Sabretooth
4* R5 Sasquatch
5* R5 Sym Supreme
5* R5 Corvus
5* R5 Void
It went pretty well, no units spent on the path. About 1k on the collector. My VTD fight totally bugged out so that wasn’t fun. Cyclops was a blast. Yeah overall it was fun I would say. Stupidly long, but that was to be expected
Lots of soloable/cheesable fights. I think the only fight I didn’t particularly enjoy was P99.
I think what I enjoyed the most about it was the prep and planning. Drawing up spreadsheets, mapping custom paths, researching fights strategies and crafting an optimum team - I tend to find stuff like this quite fun. But I can definitely see why some may feel differently.
I didn’t really have to resort to “months of mind numbing arena grinding” either - I just used spare energy to farm revives for 2-3 weeks, and relied on my free 4hr crystals for potions. Across all 5 paths, I spent a total of 0 units on revives/potions, and around 700-800 units on mastery swaps.
I did my first run a couple of months ago. I wasn't really planningon doing it, but since I had dozens of revives expiring in the stash and nowhere to spend them, I felt I had to do something. So I farmed a couple of potions in the meantime and went to the Abyss.
Overall, I enjoyed doing the first path. It was easier than what I imagined, and after 1 path is done it gave me the confidence to do another one in the future. Not to mention, I only used farmed resources, so apart from mastery switching I used 0 units.
I will be planning on doing 2x more paths on December, and if all goes well, then another 2x during January/February. All of them without having to use my personal units.
By not using units, it feels like I've accomplished something. At least that's what I feel like, from my point of view
Post-nerf, unit usage is definitely not required to explore with the right approach and sufficient practice.
Sometimes a single path would have me stuck for a week or two. I’d often have a perfect path run, KO my team to the boss, and just quit if I didn’t have spare revives on hand.
Revives and potions are readily available through resource farming, it just seems silly to waste units on them. I’d much rather save units for things that are only purchasable with units, like seasonal deals and mastery swaps.
But on a serious note, that would take so many restarts. I'd prefer to save my time in that regard since the units are supposed to be used for something, and not just piling up for nothing. Spending units on "deals" is now seemingly redundant for non-thronebreakers as we've seen. As for Mastery resets, IDK about those.
And sure, some people would prefer to spend units to save time and move through content a bit quicker - I’ve always been the type of person who doesn’t mind taking their time. Even if it does take more restarts, I’ve learnt so much along the way by repeating tricky fights. Very grateful for the learning experience, even if it meant that it took me longer than many to explore it.
Seasonal deals are still very important to me as I don’t really spend much on the game, so it’s my primary source of “windfall” pulls and resources. Being TB helps in that regards I guess.
As for mastery swaps, I’ve been playing Tier 1 wars for a while now, so I usually spend at least 65-120 units per war to reset masteries for defence and offence. Would much rather save my units to do that than buy resources that are easily farmable.
But I can't for the life of me find any motivation to spend that much time concentrating and staring at my screen for one single content. To me content like the Abyss is incredibly stressful and I don't know why I would spend my time playing a game that makes me more stress rather than the other way around.
But maybe one day..