Featured champ crystals for Air-Walker

MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
So, the wait is over, Air-Walker has returned to the featured crystals.

Since he's one of the less favoured champs released this year, I'm curious how many people are going to try their luck to get him from the featured crystals.

Featured champ crystals for Air-Walker 35 votes

I'm going in, I want to add him to my roster?
The_real_IndyThebombsquad1[Deleted User] 3 votes
Nah, I'm gonna pass on him
GamerDrZolaSatsuiNoHadouDragonMCOCRockyshockyPin_the_AvengerPGT17RookiieRockypantherxMeebletonCaptain_Pug30Kill_GreyKaratemike415EtjamaDeaconCtfz35TripleBHassamaMamaIronGladiator22TheInfintyDoctor_Strange19 32 votes


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