Why is kabam relating event quests to story quests?!?!?!

Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
Like the new discussion for the new update coming out next week, it claims to take of where act 4 left off, trying to track down thanos! It doesn't make sense that act 5 would not be continuing act 4, why would kabam relate the story of act 4 to a event quest that go's away after a month?!?!?!? Tell me what you think!


  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Because it doesn't matter.

    I could not agree with this more. First off they have always done this. Every event quest has some side story in the canon.

    The one we literally just did had to do with the Inhumans being able to find special battlerealm shards that we still don't know what they are used for. Lots of the monthly event quests have tied into the main story line.

    With that being said I wouldn't expect any kind of completion of the story through a monthly event for precisely that reason, but it should expand upon the story at the very least.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    They are laying the ground work for relics in the motion comics an event quests stories
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I’ve never kept up with the story lol
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Expect relics or gears soon. Oh sorry "items"
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    SlyCat42 wrote: »
    Because it doesn't matter.

    I could not agree with this more. First off they have always done this. Every event quest has some side story in the canon.

    The one we literally just did had to do with the Inhumans being able to find special battlerealm shards that we still don't know what they are used for. Lots of the monthly event quests have tied into the main story line.

    With that being said I wouldn't expect any kind of completion of the story through a monthly event for precisely that reason, but it should expand upon the story at the very least.

    I dont believe what you guys are saying!
    What if you have a brain concussion and you are in the hostpital for 3 months and you miss out on what happens to thanos and who the hell morningstar is! or what if you are a noob player and you dont do event quests but when you get to act 4 you will have already missed out on the monthly event quest!

    I think this months quests should be permanent and will be something like road to labyrinth but shorter!
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Dont you remember the dr. Strange monthly quest with mordo was all about thanos and him holding guillotine as a hostage. It's continuing from that most likely
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    isn't this month quest already follow act 5 story, when hyperion say that summoner seal off collector in a crystal?
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    Patchie93 wrote: »
    Dont you remember the dr. Strange monthly quest with mordo was all about thanos and him holding guillotine as a hostage. It's continuing from that most likely

    See thats the prob


  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Bro that's a personal problem, plz go watch a youtube vid on the story Jesus christ.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    The stories are lame and make little sense anyway. Who cares.
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    Bro that's a personal problem, plz go watch a youtube vid on the story Jesus christ.[/quote

    There wouldn't be a problem if there was I video on the story of that months event quest, but there's not
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    MSRDLD wrote: »
    The stories are lame and make little sense anyway. Who cares.

    :open_mouth: HOW DARE YOU
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    I think the problem is that trying to convey the story as a continuation from a previous event quest can be difficult to catch on since the cutscenes are not permanent and cannot be viewed at any time when opening the settings and viewing cutscenes.

    Considering the fact that event quests are temporary, major event quests that may impact the main story should have an ending cutscene that can be permanently viewed from the settings. Since this is not the case, the only way to view the previous cutscenes is by googling them or searching for them in Youtube.
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    I think the problem is that trying to convey the story as a continuation from a previous event quest can be difficult to catch on since the cutscenes are not permanent and cannot be viewed at any time when opening the settings and viewing cutscenes.

    Considering the fact that event quests are temporary, major event quests that may impact the main story should have an ending cutscene that can be permanently viewed from the settings. Since this is not the case, the only way to view the previous cutscenes is by googling them or searching for them in Youtube.

    good idea
  • RbvojtikRbvojtik Member Posts: 113
    I've always thought it would be a good idea for Kabam to have a thread where they have each monthly quest story posted. A lot of these stories are pretty fun, and it would be cool to go back and see them (maybe be reminded of a fight or two).
  • BostonjediBostonjedi Member Posts: 44
    I don’t read the story, I just fight for the articles
  • ChickenChicken Member Posts: 160
    I don't think it is picking up where act 4 left off. Act 4 had to do with maestro. It's picking up where the last dimensional rift quest left off. Remember thanos captured guillotine. Then dr strange lured dormamu into the battle realm.
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