Magic worth a generic AG?

UMad8ro3UMad8ro3 Member Posts: 135
Just pulled her as a 5*. I’m sitting on 3 generic AG’s. It seems like her limbo would be quite helpful. Would appreciate any thoughts from the community. My highest ranked mystic right now is 6* Sym Supreme R2

Magic worth a generic AG? 47 votes

SecretWarri0rPsychoakumaTheVyrusDarkrider05AspenAb_SamadGoddessIliasScopeotoe987pigupompomGraydroxAmpx115RebarkIronGladiator22Charlie21540JueVioleGraceAgent_X_zzzThēMandalorian 17 votes
Kamikaze_TurtleHammerbro_64ClynevaThedancingkidMeebletonKaratemike415MarvzeliusabqberEtjamaTiger360mgj0630Thicco_ModeJ0eySn0wBawa69MasterpuffTheInfintyAquaflashTwistedTalentzBlizzard28odishika123 30 votes


  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    If you have champs like Aegon, NF, Ghost etc awakened then maybe but I don’t think she deserves a generic
  • SecretWarri0rSecretWarri0r Member Posts: 230
    edited November 2020
    Yes it skyrockets her survivability and suicide friendliness. Class AG are falling out of the sky and generics are once a month now, sometimes more. Sitting on them makes less sense than it used to. Chances are if you don’t have the gem you need for an Aegon or similar tier champ, you’ll get one sooner rather than later.
  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★
    I voted no, but if you have 3 generics, and with gems being so much easier to get now, why not if you’re going to use her?
  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★
    I guess it also depends where you generally are in the game. For instance I’m currently ranking up a Sasquatch for defence, and he’ll be getting a generic once he’s 5/65, but that’s because i have class gems for all the other classes (more than one for most too), and I have already awakened just about everyone I would want to. Depending on what you have and what you may need in the future it can be completely justifiable.
  • PsychoakumaPsychoakuma Member Posts: 566 ★★
    yeah depends on your roster and what you need to complete, but she's defo worthy of a generic. I use my magik daily as she's the ol' reliable
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Didnt regret it AW mvp act 6 mvp
  • UMad8ro3UMad8ro3 Member Posts: 135

  • UMad8ro3UMad8ro3 Member Posts: 135
    Here’s my roster so far. Still need to explore Variant 5 and Act 6
  • AquaflashAquaflash Member Posts: 47
    I love Magik. She’s an absolute stud. She’s one of the few champs that stands the test of time. As much as the game has evolved over the years, she is still as good as ever. All that being said, I’d say there are better champs to use a generic gem on. Mystic gem, go for it. Generic, I’d have a hard time pulling the trigger on.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 980 ★★★★
    Don’t waste such a resource. You can still rely on r5 Magik, SS and Vision for power control. Hopefully you get a mystic AG after v5 exploration or this month due to anniversary (not sure what we get though).
    There are so many champs you don’t have that will really benefit from it and help you even better than Magik
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