6,7m rating alliance looking for recruits. relaxed yet active, non-freeloaders above 250k preferred

- currently we do map 4 more often than 5 in a.q. but that will change in time, in favor of map 5
- we do a.w whenever we can, but we take it less serious than a.q
- we get to do s.a every week
- we all agree that real life is far more important than game
- consider this important rule of ethics: don't take more than you give (don't be a freeloader)
- line app is required. contact happytx if interested. aliance is [MAoDs] Midnight Avengers of Darkness
- we do a.w whenever we can, but we take it less serious than a.q
- we get to do s.a every week
- we all agree that real life is far more important than game
- consider this important rule of ethics: don't take more than you give (don't be a freeloader)
- line app is required. contact happytx if interested. aliance is [MAoDs] Midnight Avengers of Darkness