Who to bring/rank for Cavalier run?

I am looking to become Cavalier. Have not attempted any of Act 6 yet. I have the following champions:

5/5 Nick Fury (duped)
5/5 Dr. Doom (duped)
5/5 Blade (duped)

5/4 Iceman (duped)
5/4 Ghost Rider
5/4 Morningstar (duped)
5/4 Guillotine 2099 (duped)
5/4 Medusa (duped)
5/4 Archangel (duped, sig 115)
5/4 Cull Obsidian (duped, sig 180)
5/4 Wolverine X-23 (duped)
5/4 Luke Cage

I have the following champions that I can rank to 5/4, and I have a generic AG I can use on one of them:

Magneto (Red)
Human Torch
Sentinel (duped)
Black Widow (CV)
(And several others that I do not think are relevant, but if I am missing a good champ for 6.1, let me know, I may have him or her and not know that they are good.)

My six-star roster is trash, except for Venom the Duck (Dr. Strange, Rhino, Black Panther, Red Skull).

Of the Champions listed, who is good for 6.1? Thanks.


  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    You can easily do cav rn. I would rank up Mags (good overall), Warlock (best X bones counter), and then use Medusa (all robots), Archangel, G 2099, doom (ultron), and nick.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,947 ★★★★★
    With your roster, you can definitely get cav. Going through the bosses, Archangel will work wonders on the sabretooth boss, you could use a lot of other people for this too. Medusa and mags are your best counters for the ultron. You can do ghost and Loki with anyone. Warlock is arguably the best counter for crossbones so I’d rank him up. The sentinel boss is also easy but is stun immune so you have to play around that. Because of this mags doesn’t work too well but Medusa will work well and you can definitely use others. Rank up wise, all of the people you listed that you can rank up should be at some point but the only one you really need to fill a roster hole for cav is warlock. Mags also if you don’t want to use Medusa. Lastly, that generic gem can go to hype if you really want to use him, but if not, save it.
  • Jinete_PalidoJinete_Palido Member Posts: 24
    Thanks for the input. Ranked up Warlock. May rank up Magneto. Got through Sabretooth pretty easy. We'll see how the rest of it goes.
  • edited December 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • Jinete_PalidoJinete_Palido Member Posts: 24
    Finished Sentinel/Ultron. Definitely more difficult than Sabretooth. I've read that the next two sections are not that difficult, but I will probably wait until after the Halls of Healing event to try to tackle Crossbones. My revives/potion stash is depleted considerably.
  • IryseIryse Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    With that roster, your all set to become thronebreaker easily. Hyperion, doom, fury, archangel, bwcv, warlock, magneto, g99, archangel are your keys to all the quests easily
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