Who to awaken? Colossus or OR?

I do not run suicides nor do I ever plan to. So I was wondering who would be the better option here. I have about 80 mutant sigs, 3 mutant AGs, a Colossus at R4 and OR at R3. Assuming I bring OR up to R4 and had to pick one, which one of these should I awaken using a gem, and what's the recommended sig level for the option you suggest?
Who to awaken? Colossus or OR? 30 votes
14 votes
Omega Red
16 votes
OR if u ever wanna take him to at least 140 sigs and planning on getting suicides.
However , you have three mutant AGs right? Both are very much AG and they have a nice synergy with each other so I say R4 them both, awaken them both, put 20 sig stones on Collosus and 60 on OR. Play them both like that and decide then who to further rank and further put sigs on ... trust me, you wont be disappointed with either.
Besides that, the OR synergy with Colossus is very good! So having them both awakened and at a higher rank will definitely beneficial for your profile! They can clear a lot of content for you!
So, awaken them both, give OR the most of the sig stones for now and rank them up both! They will be in your team very often
Also Emma Frost is a nice synergy for Colossus, gets him faster to his special attacks