Credit where Credit's Due, Amazing Job on Act 7

Before people start coming in here like "It was too easy, we need challenging content.", get out. This isn't for you.
Act 7 is... it's perfection. It may not be challenging, I'd say it's around 6.1 level in fact, but it is extremely fun and surprisingly skill based to be honest.
I looked through every path and there wasn't a single fight where I thought, "That's BS.", "That's a horrible node combo.", or "Hmmm, I don't think I have a champ for that." It's the polar opposite of Act 6.
I was talking to @Rockypantherx and he brought out something that I loved but hadn't really thought of. This content doesn't straight up counter any of the top champs like Quake or Ghost, but they're also not as dominant where you feel you need them for exploration. I've looked at so many paths and thought, "Wow, this not super special champ that I've never really wanted to rank up would be amazing for this!" And that's how it should feel!
Like the title said, credit where credit's due. Excellent job.
Act 7 is... it's perfection. It may not be challenging, I'd say it's around 6.1 level in fact, but it is extremely fun and surprisingly skill based to be honest.
I looked through every path and there wasn't a single fight where I thought, "That's BS.", "That's a horrible node combo.", or "Hmmm, I don't think I have a champ for that." It's the polar opposite of Act 6.
I was talking to @Rockypantherx and he brought out something that I loved but hadn't really thought of. This content doesn't straight up counter any of the top champs like Quake or Ghost, but they're also not as dominant where you feel you need them for exploration. I've looked at so many paths and thought, "Wow, this not super special champ that I've never really wanted to rank up would be amazing for this!" And that's how it should feel!
Like the title said, credit where credit's due. Excellent job.
It has the puzzle element of choosing which champs to bring and how best to utilise them, without being overly restrictive. You get to use a lot of your roster rather than the same 5 champs, yet you don't need to have every champ in the game.
Bringing in the right champs benefits you instead of punishing you if you don't have them, and combining certain characters with specific nodes leads to some pretty crazy results. Like the incursions boosts but on steroids.
It gets you to play in a different way from how you usually would, but without taking away mechanics people rely on and making you feel like you have to start from scratch and learn the game again. For example, Mercy, that was a really fun node when not combined with counter intuitive nodes like it was in the original act 7. There was a lot of variety in the paths and bosses too.
The rewards as well as the time required (my initial completion took around 4 hours including planning paths and champs, and I took my time with it) are fair too.
I'm not sure why Kabam hasn't been making content like this before.
We’re gonna have a blast with this one. Kudos Kabam!!!
Now I feel like going for the monthly sigil and unit deal.
And if YOU enjoyed 7.1 initial clear, buy the monthly sigil.
She is also pretty tanky in diamond form, mitigating bubble shield a good chunk. Oh, and her SP2 absolutely throws down with power shield
The only thing that my roster could whine about (if it could!) is that I don't have a playable version of DP or DXF and I run suicides. 😆
Kabam is just mocking me at this point.