The l1 hits are longer than a single evade now

The game had been horrible for 3 months, special timings are erratic, lags all the time, lags during combos so defender can block or evade, sticky feet bug, (can’t swipe back after combos) and these last few days it’s special ones and heavies having longer reach than our evade, so I evade the first hit, get all the way to the back of the screen but then I’m hit before I can block, this didn’t used to happen, mr fantastic just hit me this way 3 times in monthly eq, yes I’ve been reporting theses bugs multiple times in the iOS thread, no replies, no feedback, the game is the worst it’s ever been, 5.5yr vet here. up to date game and iOS, iPhone 8 all my alliance mates are complaining too. Game is a mess right now
There are times where the opponent literally slides forward to throw their heavies.