Proxima or Morningstar to R2?

I can take either up to rank 2. I’m more familiar with Morningstar, never pulled Proxima in any rarity so I haven’t really gotten to explore her kit. Who do you recommend and why? I’m working on exploring the second half of Act 6 as well as 7.1. Done with all the variants, but I know the upcoming V6 will be villain focused.
Now, how badly do I hope for a dupe??
I have been using mine recently in AW. She has a very versatile kit for it, surprisingly. Been using her to take down Korg's in the node 23 (mix master) whenever I don't bring Maw there, since she is able to parry-stum all the time, as well as build destructible charges.
Not also that, she can parry in the stunning reflection lane. She won't proc the stun, but it won't reflect any as well. And she builds destructible charges that way as well.
But even outside of AW, she has her uses in some fights and quests. Its just a matter of practice and learn how to use her, and where she works great