Moving arena appreciation event up a week?

This is more of a suggestion for Kabam for next year if they do this, but would it be possible to move up the start date to the 18th Dec next year? I don’t mind the grind to 5k 6* shards, but with being a university student currently, this time of year up to the 18th is all exams and a pile of projects and assignments. Because of this I wasn’t really able to partake in the arena event this last week. Again I don’t mind the grind but it’s just hard to be able to really commit to something like that at end of term.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope everyone has a happy holiday season
Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope everyone has a happy holiday season

So they move it again just to repeat for all eternity
I could have completed it, but chose other content instead haha.
So fingers crossed lol
It was just an idea for university/college, probably high school students who are cramming for there mid-terms, finals or whatever.
Not for those who already have found there dead end jobs and now seem to having nothing better to do but drink there short Christmas break away using forums to vent there hidden frustrations with there life 🤯😱😜😊
If it doesn’t work no biggie it doesn’t end my enjoyment with the game. 👍
Happy holidays😊☕️😊