Act 7 Guide (Be prepared its LOOONG)

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*Pre thought* Overall I will have to say 7.1 was quite enjoyable content. I did it itemless, not very hard, requires a few counters for some things, but by the time you get to 7.1, your roster should already fulfil those requirements. 7.1 was not the content endgame players were looking for as the difficulty was not too hard, but it was enjoyable. It has a balance between some hard nodes but they are rewarding, for example “Life transfer, spectre and Gimme” May have some challenge in it, but it is very rewarding. One of the best things about Act 7 is that it does not restrict you to use quake or ghost for every fight, but allows you to use almost any of your roster for most of the lanes. I ended up using 3 main champions for the whole path and then bringing Nick Fury and Quake evade synergy just to let me play more aggressively. Props to Kabam on act 6.
My 4 MVPs were Hyperion, Doctor Doom, Human Torch and Magneto
Global Nodes
WARNING: A special 3 is active.
Star Power: 6* attackers gain a permanent +700 fury.
Adrenaline Rush: The attacker gains up to 100% damage reduction at times, scaling with their current adrenaline.
Hold The Line: The attacker gains up to +80 block proficiency at all times scaling with their current Adrenaline.
7.1.1 - Flare and Color Blind
Flare: Increases your damage by 300% but you degenerate over 60 seconds
Color Blind: For each champion of the same class on your team, degenerate 25% maximum health
Path Defenders: Ronan, Storm, Iron Fist Immortal, Ultron, Red Guardian, Gwenpool.
Used: Hyperion 5/65, Quake 5/65, Rogue 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65
This lane was very, very easy and I totally recommend it for initial completion, I used rogue for every fight excluding Ultron where I used Quake, due to flare it increases your damage by a ton and rogues sp1 steals a bunch of health making the path very easy, for this lane I recommend bringing hard hitting champions like Corvus or Ghost with hood, or any regen champions to get around flare. Although TBH almost any champion can take this lane, just make sure to bring champions of different classes due to color blind.
7.1.1 - Turtling, Cosmic Fracture, Cutting Wires, Chitinous Thorns
Turtling: If the defender is not struck within 3 seconds gain a armour up buff increasing armour by 30%
Cosmic Fracture: Cosmic champions have a 40% chance to inflict an armour break debuff on the defender.
Chitinous Thorns: If the defender has an armour up buff, the attacker receives a bleed debuff dealing 50% of the defenders attack over 5 seconds every time contact is made.
Cutting Wires: Whenever a Robot would receive a bleed debuff, instead they gain a shock debuff.
Path Defenders: Mysterio, Emma Frost, Stealthy, Darkhawk, Sentinel, Archangel
Used: Magneto 5/65, Medusa 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, Killmonger 6/2.
This lane is mainly magneto food, I used him for Sentinel, Mysterio, Stealthy and Darkhawk, 1 sp3 basically kills them, I used Medusa for Archangel and Emma Frost. This lane is not too hard as long as you have a champion with easy access to armour break, cosmic champs work great here specifically due to the “Cosmic Fracture” Node. Bring an evade counter for stealthy if you are not comfortable fighting him, but CMM, Hype, Corvus and Ghost are some other fantastic options.
7.1.1 - Invade, Oscillate, Kinetic Instigator
Invade: Both champions gain +100% block penetration, and +300% attack while hitting the block.
Oscillate: The defender begins in a fury phase for 15 seconds during this fury the defender is very aggressive, after the 15 seconds, the defender switches to an armour phase where you do not crit often, and the AI is very passive.
Kinetic Instigator: Generate power while striking the defenders block.
Path Defenders: Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Morningstar, Nova, X23, Gwenpool.
Used: Corvus 5/65, Nick Fury, 5/65, Quake 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65. Human Torch 6/2.
This lane if you have Corvus you will be having a good time as he ends up hitting 20k per block, Kinetic Instigator allows you to build power, and throw specials on block if necessary. I only did not use Corvus for Nova, as guaranteed crits suffer -70% damage against nova, so I used Doctor Doom instead although I believe Corvus would work for him as well. Honestly any champion can work for this lane, but I recommend you bring a decent counter for Nova. I recommend this lane for completion if you have a corvus, but the flare lane may be easier.
7.1.1 Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Muscle Wizard, Fight Or Flight
CSWS: The defender takes 75% less damage from attacks, unless the attacker has an unstoppable buff active, the duration of unstoppable buffs are increased by 100%
Muscle Wizard: When a mystic attacker knocks down the defender, gain an unstoppable buff for 6 seconds, if they already have an unstoppable buff gain a fury increasing damage by 50%, 4 furys can be gained this way.
Fight Or Flight: Every 14 seconds either the defender or the attacker will gain an unstoppable buff. Being close to the defender gives them an unstoppable buff, staying far away from the defender grants you an unstoppable buff.
Path Defenders: HTD, Cull Obsidian, Doctor Octopus, Beast, VTD, Colossus.
Used: Magneto 5/65, Warlock 5/65, Quake 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Human Torch 6/2.
For this lane I used Magneto for all the metal champions, and for the non metals I decided to stupidly use Torch, I meant to bring doom, but I was already halfway in and decided to use torch insead, With Magneto all you need to do is Parry Heavy sp3 then watch the bleed tick away, before you use your sp3 make sure you are charging heavy attack to have that unstoppable up. Also the shrapnel bleeds on the sp3 will deal 75% less damage while you are not charging heavy so try to keep that heavy up when they detonate at the end. For the Torch fights I just played it slow and worked with the fight or flight node. For this path I recommend using Magneto, Mojo with the Korg synergy, CMM with Rogue or any mystics and it should go by quite quickly, I don’t recommend it for completion.
7.1.1 - Pleasure to Burn, Got A Light, Mighty Charge - 1
Pleasure to Burn: The defender takes 90% less damage unless inflicted with an incinerate effect
Got A light: The defender and attackers attacks have a 20% chance to inflict an incinerate on the defender.
Mighty Charge 1: While dashing forward the defender becomes debuff immune.
Path Defenders: Hulk, Corvus Glaive, Thor Ragnarok, Cyclops, Diablo, Gamora
Used Human Torch 5/65, Havok 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65
For this lane I primarily used torch as he has an easy access to incinerate effects, I used Magneto for Thor Ragnarok and Nick Fury for Hulk, this lane is quite simple and you do not need an incinerate champion to do the node as their is the “Got a Light” node. Quake and any forms of DOT bypass the damage cap so if you want quake is quite a good option here, Torch, Sunspot work very well here, claire as well. Not too hard of a lane overall and no real hard fights as long as you don’t suck at dexing cyclops sp1.
7.1.1 - Masochism, Double Down, Power Focus 2
Masochism: Every 7 seconds the next Debuff triggered on this Champion is immediately removed.Each time this effect triggers they Regenerate 5% of their Max Health.
Double Down: Every time a skill champions debuff fails to apply due to an immunity, gain a precision buff increasing critical rating by 1433 for X seconds.
Power Focus 2: The defender gains +60% combat power rate while below 2 bars of power, but while above 2 bars of power suffer -80% combat power rate.
Path Defenders: Nebula, Ghost Rider, King groot, Vision, Luke Cage, Ultron (Classic)
Used: Nick Fury 5/65. Human Torch 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Void 6/2, Doctor Doom 5/65.
You can tell by the path defenders since they are all bleed immune this will be an easy nick fury lane. On Nebula I let her kill my Life Model Decoy, then I spammed 2 sp1 to go unblockable then spammed sp2. This method worked really well and due to the “Double Down” Node I got an insane amount of precision buffs and crit almost every hit. I used Doctor Doom for King Groot and that worked quite easily and I used Magneto for Ultron 1 sp3 killed him. For this lane I recommend bleeders to gain precision, ghost, quake,and almost anyone works for this lane. You just need to pay attention to masochism and other than that you will be fine.
Mini Bosses Yondu, BWDO, BWCV.
Yondu - Super Masochism, Foresight, Rich Get Richer 1, Feats Of Power.
Super Masochism: Bugged node, does not work how the description says it does so I will explain how it actually works, every time you trigger an incinerate, bleed, stun, rupture, coldsnap etc the defender Immediately purifies it regenerating 5% health each time.
Foresight: Intercepting the defenders dash attack grants a passive fury for 7 seconds which increases damage by 200% (My Fav Node)
Rich Get Richer -1: Grants either the attacker or defender 4% of a bar of power per seconds, depending on who has more unique buffs.
Feats of Power: While above 1 bar of power gain a fury buff. While above 2 bars of power gain a precision buff. While above 3 bars of power gain a cruelty buff.
For this I recommend Ghost, Hyperion or Warlock. Those 3 work wonders for this fight, TBH for this fight anyone can work as long as they do not constantly place those debuffs. As long as you are good at intercepting you are going to have a very good time in this fight. If using Hyperion do not spam sp1 or sp2, only use sp3 and focus on intercepting to get that massive fury.
BWDO - Bullet Time, Stun Vulnerability, Tenacity 3, Enhanced Shock.
Bullet Time: When the defender is stunned, they immediately purify the stun and gain an evade charge granting a 100% chance to evade, this stacks indefinitely. If the attacker avoids any basic attack with the dexterity mastery the defender is passively stunned for 1.5 seconds for each charge on the defender.
Stun Vulnerability: Damage is increased by 200% while under the effects of a stun.
Tenacity 3: Each debuff has a 75% chance to be shrugged off.
Enhanced Shock: Shock debuffs damage and potency are increased by 60%.
This boss is actually quite easy, I recommend reparrying a bunch to make her gain evade charges, then when she gets to 20, dex and passively stun the defender and completely burst her down. Havok works very good as her batons are energy based and will trigger his plasma a bunch. Due to the tenacity node, if she shrugs off his plasma debuffs instantly deals 2.5x damage than it normally would. Evade counters like Nick Fury works quite good here, Ghost works very well as well. Just focus on reaparrying then passively stunning them and then you can burst her down easily.
BWCV - Juke, Footloose, Coolant Leak, Prey on the Weak 4, Unblockable Specials
Juke: Finishing a 5 hit combo with a medium or light grants the attack a passive fury, granting +7% damage, this can be stacked to a max of 10, and all are lost when you end a combo with the same attack as your last combo.
Footloose: When the defender activates a special attack the gain an unstoppable and an evade charge which has a 25% chance to evade, for 7 seconds.
Coolant Leak: Whenever a Robot would receive a bleed debuff but are immune to it, they instead gain an incinerate dealing X% damage over X seconds.
Prey on the Weak 4 - Whenever a buff expires on the attacker the defender gains 5% of their max power
Unblockable Specials - Specials are unblockable
This boss is not very hard IMO, I melted her with torch, and solod with Doom. Quake works fantastic here, Ghost, Shehulk, Void, Rulk etc. Make sure to not have a buff heavy champion or prey on the week will mess you up and push her to a sp3. Robots don’t work really the best due to coolant leak, but the bleed from her heavy / sp1 is not potent at all. Make sure when you push her to her sp2 to get far away or else it can clip you as it is fully unblockable. Slow champions / Unstoppable Counters like Cap IW, she hulk, sorcerer work great due to the footloose node. If you do not have an evade / unstoppable counter just wait it out it is only 7 seconds.
*Pre thought* Overall I will have to say 7.1 was quite enjoyable content. I did it itemless, not very hard, requires a few counters for some things, but by the time you get to 7.1, your roster should already fulfil those requirements. 7.1 was not the content endgame players were looking for as the difficulty was not too hard, but it was enjoyable. It has a balance between some hard nodes but they are rewarding, for example “Life transfer, spectre and Gimme” May have some challenge in it, but it is very rewarding. One of the best things about Act 7 is that it does not restrict you to use quake or ghost for every fight, but allows you to use almost any of your roster for most of the lanes. I ended up using 3 main champions for the whole path and then bringing Nick Fury and Quake evade synergy just to let me play more aggressively. Props to Kabam on act 6.
My 4 MVPs were Hyperion, Doctor Doom, Human Torch and Magneto
Global Nodes
WARNING: A special 3 is active.
Star Power: 6* attackers gain a permanent +700 fury.
Adrenaline Rush: The attacker gains up to 100% damage reduction at times, scaling with their current adrenaline.
Hold The Line: The attacker gains up to +80 block proficiency at all times scaling with their current Adrenaline.
7.1.1 - Flare and Color Blind
Flare: Increases your damage by 300% but you degenerate over 60 seconds
Color Blind: For each champion of the same class on your team, degenerate 25% maximum health
Path Defenders: Ronan, Storm, Iron Fist Immortal, Ultron, Red Guardian, Gwenpool.
Used: Hyperion 5/65, Quake 5/65, Rogue 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65
This lane was very, very easy and I totally recommend it for initial completion, I used rogue for every fight excluding Ultron where I used Quake, due to flare it increases your damage by a ton and rogues sp1 steals a bunch of health making the path very easy, for this lane I recommend bringing hard hitting champions like Corvus or Ghost with hood, or any regen champions to get around flare. Although TBH almost any champion can take this lane, just make sure to bring champions of different classes due to color blind.
7.1.1 - Turtling, Cosmic Fracture, Cutting Wires, Chitinous Thorns
Turtling: If the defender is not struck within 3 seconds gain a armour up buff increasing armour by 30%
Cosmic Fracture: Cosmic champions have a 40% chance to inflict an armour break debuff on the defender.
Chitinous Thorns: If the defender has an armour up buff, the attacker receives a bleed debuff dealing 50% of the defenders attack over 5 seconds every time contact is made.
Cutting Wires: Whenever a Robot would receive a bleed debuff, instead they gain a shock debuff.
Path Defenders: Mysterio, Emma Frost, Stealthy, Darkhawk, Sentinel, Archangel
Used: Magneto 5/65, Medusa 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, Killmonger 6/2.
This lane is mainly magneto food, I used him for Sentinel, Mysterio, Stealthy and Darkhawk, 1 sp3 basically kills them, I used Medusa for Archangel and Emma Frost. This lane is not too hard as long as you have a champion with easy access to armour break, cosmic champs work great here specifically due to the “Cosmic Fracture” Node. Bring an evade counter for stealthy if you are not comfortable fighting him, but CMM, Hype, Corvus and Ghost are some other fantastic options.
7.1.1 - Invade, Oscillate, Kinetic Instigator
Invade: Both champions gain +100% block penetration, and +300% attack while hitting the block.
Oscillate: The defender begins in a fury phase for 15 seconds during this fury the defender is very aggressive, after the 15 seconds, the defender switches to an armour phase where you do not crit often, and the AI is very passive.
Kinetic Instigator: Generate power while striking the defenders block.
Path Defenders: Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Morningstar, Nova, X23, Gwenpool.
Used: Corvus 5/65, Nick Fury, 5/65, Quake 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65. Human Torch 6/2.
This lane if you have Corvus you will be having a good time as he ends up hitting 20k per block, Kinetic Instigator allows you to build power, and throw specials on block if necessary. I only did not use Corvus for Nova, as guaranteed crits suffer -70% damage against nova, so I used Doctor Doom instead although I believe Corvus would work for him as well. Honestly any champion can work for this lane, but I recommend you bring a decent counter for Nova. I recommend this lane for completion if you have a corvus, but the flare lane may be easier.
7.1.1 Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Muscle Wizard, Fight Or Flight
CSWS: The defender takes 75% less damage from attacks, unless the attacker has an unstoppable buff active, the duration of unstoppable buffs are increased by 100%
Muscle Wizard: When a mystic attacker knocks down the defender, gain an unstoppable buff for 6 seconds, if they already have an unstoppable buff gain a fury increasing damage by 50%, 4 furys can be gained this way.
Fight Or Flight: Every 14 seconds either the defender or the attacker will gain an unstoppable buff. Being close to the defender gives them an unstoppable buff, staying far away from the defender grants you an unstoppable buff.
Path Defenders: HTD, Cull Obsidian, Doctor Octopus, Beast, VTD, Colossus.
Used: Magneto 5/65, Warlock 5/65, Quake 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Human Torch 6/2.
For this lane I used Magneto for all the metal champions, and for the non metals I decided to stupidly use Torch, I meant to bring doom, but I was already halfway in and decided to use torch insead, With Magneto all you need to do is Parry Heavy sp3 then watch the bleed tick away, before you use your sp3 make sure you are charging heavy attack to have that unstoppable up. Also the shrapnel bleeds on the sp3 will deal 75% less damage while you are not charging heavy so try to keep that heavy up when they detonate at the end. For the Torch fights I just played it slow and worked with the fight or flight node. For this path I recommend using Magneto, Mojo with the Korg synergy, CMM with Rogue or any mystics and it should go by quite quickly, I don’t recommend it for completion.
7.1.1 - Pleasure to Burn, Got A Light, Mighty Charge - 1
Pleasure to Burn: The defender takes 90% less damage unless inflicted with an incinerate effect
Got A light: The defender and attackers attacks have a 20% chance to inflict an incinerate on the defender.
Mighty Charge 1: While dashing forward the defender becomes debuff immune.
Path Defenders: Hulk, Corvus Glaive, Thor Ragnarok, Cyclops, Diablo, Gamora
Used Human Torch 5/65, Havok 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65
For this lane I primarily used torch as he has an easy access to incinerate effects, I used Magneto for Thor Ragnarok and Nick Fury for Hulk, this lane is quite simple and you do not need an incinerate champion to do the node as their is the “Got a Light” node. Quake and any forms of DOT bypass the damage cap so if you want quake is quite a good option here, Torch, Sunspot work very well here, claire as well. Not too hard of a lane overall and no real hard fights as long as you don’t suck at dexing cyclops sp1.
7.1.1 - Masochism, Double Down, Power Focus 2
Masochism: Every 7 seconds the next Debuff triggered on this Champion is immediately removed.Each time this effect triggers they Regenerate 5% of their Max Health.
Double Down: Every time a skill champions debuff fails to apply due to an immunity, gain a precision buff increasing critical rating by 1433 for X seconds.
Power Focus 2: The defender gains +60% combat power rate while below 2 bars of power, but while above 2 bars of power suffer -80% combat power rate.
Path Defenders: Nebula, Ghost Rider, King groot, Vision, Luke Cage, Ultron (Classic)
Used: Nick Fury 5/65. Human Torch 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Void 6/2, Doctor Doom 5/65.
You can tell by the path defenders since they are all bleed immune this will be an easy nick fury lane. On Nebula I let her kill my Life Model Decoy, then I spammed 2 sp1 to go unblockable then spammed sp2. This method worked really well and due to the “Double Down” Node I got an insane amount of precision buffs and crit almost every hit. I used Doctor Doom for King Groot and that worked quite easily and I used Magneto for Ultron 1 sp3 killed him. For this lane I recommend bleeders to gain precision, ghost, quake,and almost anyone works for this lane. You just need to pay attention to masochism and other than that you will be fine.
Mini Bosses Yondu, BWDO, BWCV.
Yondu - Super Masochism, Foresight, Rich Get Richer 1, Feats Of Power.
Super Masochism: Bugged node, does not work how the description says it does so I will explain how it actually works, every time you trigger an incinerate, bleed, stun, rupture, coldsnap etc the defender Immediately purifies it regenerating 5% health each time.
Foresight: Intercepting the defenders dash attack grants a passive fury for 7 seconds which increases damage by 200% (My Fav Node)
Rich Get Richer -1: Grants either the attacker or defender 4% of a bar of power per seconds, depending on who has more unique buffs.
Feats of Power: While above 1 bar of power gain a fury buff. While above 2 bars of power gain a precision buff. While above 3 bars of power gain a cruelty buff.
For this I recommend Ghost, Hyperion or Warlock. Those 3 work wonders for this fight, TBH for this fight anyone can work as long as they do not constantly place those debuffs. As long as you are good at intercepting you are going to have a very good time in this fight. If using Hyperion do not spam sp1 or sp2, only use sp3 and focus on intercepting to get that massive fury.
BWDO - Bullet Time, Stun Vulnerability, Tenacity 3, Enhanced Shock.
Bullet Time: When the defender is stunned, they immediately purify the stun and gain an evade charge granting a 100% chance to evade, this stacks indefinitely. If the attacker avoids any basic attack with the dexterity mastery the defender is passively stunned for 1.5 seconds for each charge on the defender.
Stun Vulnerability: Damage is increased by 200% while under the effects of a stun.
Tenacity 3: Each debuff has a 75% chance to be shrugged off.
Enhanced Shock: Shock debuffs damage and potency are increased by 60%.
This boss is actually quite easy, I recommend reparrying a bunch to make her gain evade charges, then when she gets to 20, dex and passively stun the defender and completely burst her down. Havok works very good as her batons are energy based and will trigger his plasma a bunch. Due to the tenacity node, if she shrugs off his plasma debuffs instantly deals 2.5x damage than it normally would. Evade counters like Nick Fury works quite good here, Ghost works very well as well. Just focus on reaparrying then passively stunning them and then you can burst her down easily.
BWCV - Juke, Footloose, Coolant Leak, Prey on the Weak 4, Unblockable Specials
Juke: Finishing a 5 hit combo with a medium or light grants the attack a passive fury, granting +7% damage, this can be stacked to a max of 10, and all are lost when you end a combo with the same attack as your last combo.
Footloose: When the defender activates a special attack the gain an unstoppable and an evade charge which has a 25% chance to evade, for 7 seconds.
Coolant Leak: Whenever a Robot would receive a bleed debuff but are immune to it, they instead gain an incinerate dealing X% damage over X seconds.
Prey on the Weak 4 - Whenever a buff expires on the attacker the defender gains 5% of their max power
Unblockable Specials - Specials are unblockable
This boss is not very hard IMO, I melted her with torch, and solod with Doom. Quake works fantastic here, Ghost, Shehulk, Void, Rulk etc. Make sure to not have a buff heavy champion or prey on the week will mess you up and push her to a sp3. Robots don’t work really the best due to coolant leak, but the bleed from her heavy / sp1 is not potent at all. Make sure when you push her to her sp2 to get far away or else it can clip you as it is fully unblockable. Slow champions / Unstoppable Counters like Cap IW, she hulk, sorcerer work great due to the footloose node. If you do not have an evade / unstoppable counter just wait it out it is only 7 seconds.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
7.1.2 - Mix Masher, Cosmic Avalanche, Special Delivery
Mix Masher: Performing the same basic attack twice grants the defender a 100% chance to evade that same consecutive attack
Special Delivery: You begin the fight with 15 charges, each basic attack subtracts one charge, after the 15 expire you begin to degenerate, activating a special attack resets these charges.
Cosmic Avalanche: Whenever a cosmic attacker activates a special attack they gain a 40% fury buff for each unique buff they have on them currently, for the duration of that special attack.
Path Defenders: Red Skull, Black Panther, Silver Surfer, Emma Frost, Doctor Octopus, Guillotine 2099.
Used Quake 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Hyperion 5/65, CMM 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65.
This lane I decided to use Hyperion for Red Skull and Doc Oc, by alternating between special spamming and heavy spamming, but throwing light and mediums to avoid mix masher, I used Doctor Doom for Silver Surfer which was a long fight, and Quake For g2099 and Emma Frost. I used CMM for BP just to build her up for the Green Goblin boss. Not too hard of a lane, I recommend bringing an evade counter, Corvus + Proxima, Ghost, KM, any Slow Champions etc. Bring an Emma Frost counter or else she could cause you some problems.
7.1.2 - Vivified, Power Suppression, Unblockable Specials, Power Alternator
Vivified: The defender has +200% combat power rate and is unaffected by any forms of power drain, power burn or power steal.
Power Suppression: Science attackers activating a special attack places a power suppression on the defender preventing them from gaining any power through combat for 6 seconds, debuffs refresh this.
Unblockable Specials: Special attacks are unblockable.
Power Alternator: Every 15 seconds if the attacker has more power than the defender their power meter switches instantly.
Path Defenders: Thor Jane Foster, Heimdall, Longshot, Tigra, Ghost Phoenix.
Used: Quake 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Void 6/2, Nick Fury 5/65, BWDO 5/65.
Unlike the Vivified lane in 6.4.5, G2099 cannot be used in this lane due to the power alternator node which prevents her from reaching a sp3 and being able to carry her combo to the next fight to activate her power burn prefight. But due to the power suppression node it opens up a bunch of more viable options, I used Void for most of the lane, but torch for longshot and tigra, the best method I used was to bait 2 sp2s, then use my sp1 to place the power suppression on them, then using my intimidating presence debuffs and incinerates to reapply the power suppression, this worked very easily, the only major problem is tigra if you suck at evading her sp2. Ghost and Hood works very well for this lane, Quake, Starky due to his taunt also works. This lane is a lot less restrictive than the one in 6.4.5.
7.1.2 - Destructive Feedback, Evolutionary Advantage, Overreach Fury - 3
Destructive Feedback: Every 15 seconds the defender gains a shield which protects them from damage from all sources and holds it until it expires. Once it expires it detonates dealing damage equal to the damage you dealt while the shield was active. Getting hit while the shield is up instead inflicts all the damage back onto you.
Overreach Fury 3: While the attacker has 2 or more fury buffs the defender slowly gains passive power over time and gains +150% attack. While the attacker has 0 fury buffs the defender gains +20% ability accuracy.
Evolutionary Advantage:
Path Defenders: Daredevil (HK) Invisible Woman. Masacre, Doctor Voodoo, Daredevil, Miles Morales
Used: Havok 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, Hyperion 5.65, Doctor Doom 5/65.
For this lane I used Nick Fury and Hyperion for the bulk of it, and Havok for Daredevil HK. This lane I did not find too hard; you just need to play around the destructive feedback node and your golden. I recommend bringing some kind of evade counter for miles morales and also be aware of Daredevil HKs’ new animations, I totally forgot what they were and had to quit out a couple times due to that.
7.1.2 - Encroaching Stun, Power Axis 2, Hurt Locker.
Encroaching Stun: Every 20 seconds if you are not in the middle of a special attack you will be stunned.
Power Axis 2: The attacker has +60% increased combat power rate while below 2 bars of power, but while above 2 bars of power suffer -60% combat power rate.
Hurt Locker: Activating 2 special attacks of the same kind in a row, activates a delayed blast, which after 5 seconds detonates and deals massive damage. This can be removed by using a heavy attack.
Path Defender: Omega Red, Stealthy, Colossus, Man Thing, Squirrel Girl, Captain America IW.
Used: Magento 5/65, Guillotine 2099 6/2, Doctor Doom 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Hyperion 5/65.
For this lane I wanted to build up g2099 for colossus, but due to encroaching stun and power axis 2 it was very difficult to do. What I did was push omega to a sp1 while the timer was about to go off, bait it dash very far back and get stunned while he was in the middle of a special attack. Since I was running 5/5 Limber The stun would wear off before he got the chance to attack me, I did end up getting hit a few times using this strategy, but it ended up working, although I do not recommend it at all. I used Magneto for Stealthy, his aar shut off encroaching stun, torch for man thing, and hype for the rest. For this lane I recommend using Quake, Ghost + Hood, although any champions can work, just remember to alternate between specials, Omega works quite well, Claire, Cap IW with Skill synergy can purify the encroaching stun completely, Emma due to stun immunity in diamond works very well.
7.1.2 - Static Blast, Extinction Protocol, Specialist 2.
Static Blast: An aura of electricity drains 50% of the Attacker's power whenever the Defender launches a Special Attack. Special Attacks Power Burn 100% of the Attacker's Power. Blocking the Special Attack reduces the Power Burn damage by half.
Extinction Protocol: The inevitable extinction protocol grants the Defender up to +200% Attack based on how full the Attacker's Power Bar is. Each time the Defender activates a Special Attack, their Power Rate increases by 15% for the remainder of the fight.
Specialist 2: The attackers special 2 damage is increased by 50%, all other special attack damage is reduced by 50%.
Path Defenders: Red Guardian, Rogue, Magneto (House Of X) Guardian, Hawkeye, Bishop.
Used: Nick Fury 5/65, Human Torch 5/65, BWDO 5/65, Hyperion 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65.
Hyperion was most definitely. My MVP here, I used Torch Prefight for Guardian, and Doom for Bishop. This lane was not too, too hard overall, I dislike static blast as it steals your power so you can’t really use your sp3. If you have aegon, he will work quite well for this lane as you can ramp him up quite easily. For guardian make sure you do not use a daar champion or else he will shock you a bunch, bishop is not too hard, doom melts him, magik, any kind of power control will wreck him.
7.1.2 - Power Axis 2, Spite, Typhoon.
Power Axis 2: The attacker has +60% increased combat power rate while below 2 bars of power, but while above 2 bars of power suffer -60% combat power rate.
Typhoon: When the Defender activates a Special Attack they place a Passive Ion Pulse Charge on the Attacker.At 10 Charges the Attacker is Power Burned for 100% of their Current Power and the Charges are Removed.If the Attacker performs a Special 3 all Charges are Removed.
Spite: While under any buff effect the defender gains a power flood granting 18% of a bar per seconds.
Path Defenders: Venom The Duck, Hit Monkey, Magneto, Sorcerer Supreme, Human Torch, Vision AOU.
Used: Hyperion 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65, Human Torch 5/65, Havok 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65.
This lane I did not find very hard at all, I used Doom and Torch for most of the fights, Havok for Hit Monkey and Hyperion for Vision. I used Torches' prefight on Torch so I could constantly build smolders and place massive nova flame damage, and since torch is incinerate immune, I didn’t need to worry about receiving any damage back. I would recommend not bringing any buff heavy champions or else you may accidentally push them over to a sp3. Red Guardian works amazing here since he is immune to buffs so spite will never trigger, Hulk with sasquatch, Ghost and Hood, Quake shut off spite method, Archangel, Omega Red, Claire work great.
Mini Bosses Venom, Rhino, Green Goblin
Venom - No Hit, No Mercy - 3, Cutting Wires, Foresight, Chitinous Thorns
No Hit, No Mercy - 3: Knocking down the defender grants them a cruelty buff for 7 seconds.
Cutting Wires: Whenever a Robot would receive a bleed debuff, instead they gain an incinerate debuff.
Foresight: : Intercepting the defenders dash attack grants a passive fury for 7 seconds which increases damage by 200% (My Fav Node)
Chitinous Thorns : If the defender has an armour up buff, the attacker receives a bleed debuff dealing 50% of the defenders attack over 5 seconds every time contact is made.
For this Venom I recommend using a bleed immune non robot or a champion with easy access to nullify. Doctor Doom can work well, but if Venom starts with an armour break buff you are in big trouble. Symbiote Supreme can completely lock him down from the start with his powerful nullify he is a perfect matchup. If you have Claire she works fantastic for him, ghost works great as well.
Rhino - Tantrum, Powershield, Bubble shield, matador.
Tantrum: Whenever the defender is struck by a basic attack they gain a tantrum charge when the defender is knocked down all Tantrum charges are lost and each deal a burst of damage equal to 10% of the defenders attack onto the attacker. If the defender has a concussion, taunt, disorient or eneverate debuff, then all charges can be removed when knocked down and no damage will be dealt back.
Powershield: the defender takes 0 damage from all basic attacks, but special damage is increased by 400%
Bubble shield: The attackers block deficiency decays every time they block and every 10 blocked hits the next one is unblockable.
Matador: The attacker gains 0 power through combat, but every time the defender activates a special attack the attacker gains a bar of power.
Rhino can be a bit of a tricky one, I recommend using Nick Fury spam sp1, Emma Frost, Hyperion spam sp1 Apocalypse, Starky, Night Thrasher, Spider Gwen or Quake. Due to tantrum this node can be quite annoying. Anyone with DOT in their basic attacks “can” kill him but it will take a long time. I used BWDO to solo one time, but it took like 300 hits so it was quite a long fight. He is one of the more restrictive bosses in act 7.
Green Goblin - Redlining, Cramping, Power reserve, debilitate.
Redlining: When the attacker is above 33% max power, increase combat power rate by X%, But when over 75% max power, get instantly drained to 0.
Cramping: When the attacker is suffering from a weakness buff, taking passive damage back while attacking the defender.
Debilitate: Debuffs last 100% longer.
For Green goblin if you have a champion that has a guaranteed stun on the sp1, such as starky, ronan or gambit then this fight will be a joke due to power reserve you can perma stun him. CMM can work as well, same with torch, but make sure you do not push over the 75% max power gauge. This fight I wouldn;t say is very hard, tigra also wrecks this, but you will spend a lot of time baiting specials, so power control champions like magik work phenomenally here.
7.1.3 - Blaze, Powershield and Poweraxis
Blaze: Increases your special damage by 500% but you degenerate 100% of your max health over 30 seconds
Powershield: Basic attacks deal 0 damage, but special damage is increased by 400%
Power Axis: Increased combat rate by 60% while under 2 bars of power, while over 2 bars it decreases your combat power rate by 60%.
Path Defenders: Gambit, Captain America, Falcon, Joe Fix it, Sorcerer Supreme, Cable
Used: Rogue 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65, Symbiote Supreme 5/65
This lane is Similar to the flare lane in 7.1.1, I used rogue again for the whole lane, basically starting off with sp2, then sp1 til they die, she imo is the best option for this lane, Ghost with Hood, Corvus, CGR, and regen champions work fantastic for this lane, no really hard matchup, and a very fun lane.
7.1.3 - Gimme, Life Transfer, Redoubled Determination - 3, Spectre
Gimme: The defender receives 75% less damage from all forms of damage, but the amount you regen deals 400% damage to the defender. The defender is also immune to all damage over time effects.
Life Transfer: The attacker degenerates 2% of their health per seconds permanently, but steals 125% of damage done as health.
Redouble Determination: Each debuff increases the defenders attack by 65% and gives them 20% increased combat rate.
Spectre: A heal reversal is placed on the defender for 15 seconds reversing all healing effects excluding adrenaline.
Path Defenders: Black Bolt, Aegon, Nova, Rocket Raccoon, Squirrel Girl, Mojo
Used: Rouge 5/65, Torch 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65 Hyperion 5/65.
This lane is the wait lane, while you are under a spectre you can either wait it out, or attack the defender to intentionally reverse your own healing, to get more damage, when the spectre falls off. Rogue is great for this lane as debuffs on her have a 70% less duration. Doctor Doom I used for Nova, Aegon and Black bolt which went quite well, Hyperion for Rocket and finally Torch for Mojo. This path is not very hard at all any champion can generally do it, but I recommend you bring a counter for Mojo and for Nova.
7.1.3 - Special Connoisseur, Mutant Mastery, Shifting Immunity Bleed / Poison.
Special Connoisseur: The defender takes 90% less damage from all sources except special attacks with prowesses.
Mutant Mastery: Every debuff mutants inflict has a 40% chance to grant a permanent prowess effect.
Shifting Immunity Bleed / Poison: The Defender is immune to all bleed effects for 10 seconds, then rotates to being poison immune for 10 seconds.
Path Defenders: Senetry, BPCW, She Hulk, Thor Ragnarok, Thor Jane Foster, Venompool.
Used Magneto 5/65, Havok 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, BWDO 5/65.
This path for me I primarily Used Magneto and a bit of Havok, due to the node Mutant Mastery, this path is a lot less restrictive than the one in 6.4.2, this one makes all mutants usable for the lane, also quake bypasses the damage reduction. Magneto was hitting 1 million damage sp2s, so I totally recommend him for this lane. As long as you have a mutant this lane should be fine, Storm PX, Emma also work quite well. No major problems in this path, just be wary of Thor Ragnarok's power gain, and Venompool can be dangerous due to his signature ability.
7.1.3 - Mesmerize, Stun Vulnerability, Dizzy
Mesmerize: The defender has a 7% chance to evade all incoming attacks, and when they evade they stun you for 1 second.
Stun Vulnerability: While the defender is under a stun effect they take 200% more damage.
Dizzy: Each time the defender successfully evades, inflicts a disorient reducing ability accuracy by 20% and block proficiency by 50%.
Path Defenders: Star Lord, Spiderman, Spiderman Symbiote, Elsa, Ronin, Namor.
Used: Domino 6/2, Red Hulk 6/2, Masacre 1/25, Hyperion 5/65, Magneto 5/65.
This path I used domino for the whole lane with her trinity, since there is the stun vulnerability node, my incinerates were ticking for a crazy amount of damage, almost 20k per second. I recommend bringing Nick Fury, venom for spider verse, quake, ghost, KM, any evade counters. The only problem when using Venom is even though he counters evade, whenever an evade was supposed to occur but it does not, he will still get stunned.
7.1.3 - That’s Gonna Sting, Power Alternator, Power Snack 1, Backfire.
That’s Gonna Sting: The defender suffers -90% damage unless inflicted with a power sting
Power Alternator: Every 15 seconds if the attacker has more power than the defender their power meter switches instantly.
Power Snack 1: Every 7 seconds whenever the attacker triggers a buff it is instantly nullified and the defender gains 33% bar of power.
Backfire: When a science attacker parrys an attack it places a power sting debuff on the defender lasting 7 seconds.
Path Defenders: Doctor Strange, Cable, Hyperion, Vision, Phoenix, Loki.
Used: Shehulk 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Void 6/2, Rogue 5/65.
For this whole lane I used Torch and Void which worked very well, the power stings did massive damage, and Void completely power locked Hype and DS. Torch absolutely melted a bunch of the defenders, it is not too hard of a lane as long as you have some good science champions, DOT effects bypass the damage cap, so Quake will work fantastic as well. She hulk with The F4 synergy, Techs with the F4 synergy also work fantastic here. Hyperion and DS can be troublesome here, So I recommend a good power control champion that has access to a power sting. She hulk, Spidergwen and Void will work fantastic for that.
7.1.3 - Crumbling Armor, The Gloves Are Off, Kinetic Transference, Heal Block Advanced.
Crumbling Armor: Every 6 seconds if the defender is not struck, place an indefinite armour break on the attacker, this can be removed once you strike the defender.
The Gloves Are Off: Whenever a Tech attackers armour up is removed by their own ability or by an armor break, they have 30% chance to gain a fury buff lasting 8 seconds, and has an additional 15% chance to proc for each time their armor has been removed.
Kinetic Transference 1: Every time the defender strikes your block they gain 5% power.
Heal Block Advanced: The defender places a permanent heal block on you, and a passive fate seal against regeneration buffs.
Path Defenders: Black Widow, Cyclops, Spider Gwen, Rogue, Starky, Hit Monkey.
Team Used: Warlock 5/65. Venom 3/45, Hyperion 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Havok 5/65.
This lane I did not find very hard at all, I used venom for all the spider verse champions, Warlock for Rogue, Cyclops and BW, and Havok for Hit monkey. Honestly this lane can be done by anyone, just be wary of Black Widows evade and Hit Monkey try not to knock him down too much. I recommend you bring a BW counter, and a Hit Monkey counter and you will be set.
Mini Bosses HulkBuster, Red Hulk, Vision Aarkus.
HulkBuster - Hit me I dare you, Spiked Armour, Shocking Brilliant, Dulled.
Hit me I dare you: Whenever the defender is struck gain a chitin charge, once he reaches 10 charges all of them are converted to an armour up buff lasting permanently.
Spiked Armor: Whenever the defender is struck by a critical hit, gain a physical resistance buff increasing physical resistance by 20% for 5 seconds. Additionally 6% damage is inflicted back as physical damage.
Shocking Brilliant: When an attacker is under a shock effect, all their attacks are guaranteed to be critical.
Dulled: Each buff on the attacker reduced crit chance by 50%.
I personally used Magneto for this Hulkbuster and absolutely shredded him, I first used a sp2 to apply an armour break to constantly prevent him from gaining armour, after that I spammed sp3 which the shrapnel bleeds destroyed HB. I also recommend using Quake, Hyperion CMM, Corvus or any shock immune who does not crit / rely on physical damage, g2099 and guardian could work potentially well. Just remember he gets a massive heal at 15% so parry to shut it off.
Red Hulk - Defective Defence, Buffet, Power Focus 1, Foresight
Defective Defence: Whenever the attacker parrys or blocks the defenders attack, gain a passive disorient reducing ability accuracy by 50% for 12 seconds.
Buffet: The next buff triggered by the attacker is instantly nullified and the defender regenerates 7% maximum health. Buffet cannot nullify any buffs that are currently on the attacker.
Power Focus 1: The defender gains +60% power while below 1 bar of power, but suffers -80% while above 1 bar of power.
Foresight: Intercepting the defenders dash attack grants a passive fury for 7 seconds which increases damage by 200% (My Fav Node)
I call Red Hulk “intercept practicing” because essentially that's what he is. Honestly any champion can do this fight, that does not rely on parry heavy or incinerates, BWDO is a personal favorite option of mine for this fight, Nick Fury works great, torch with prefight, ghost, ronin, KM, Void for the reverse heal of buffet are some top options. Red Hulk is very aggressive so it is quite easy to backdraft intercept him.
Vision Aarkus - Power Reversal, Special Burst Lock Down 2, Fissure, Powershield
Power Reversal: Whenever the Attacker gains a power gain buff, it is immediately nullified, and the attacker is power locked and reverses the power gain.
Special Lock Burst Down: When the defender activates a special attack they have a 35% chance to place a 12 seconds armour break and heal block on the attacker.
Fissure: The defender has a 100% chance to place a permanent armour break on the attacker when striking them, reducing armour rating by 1%
Powershield: The attackers basic attacks deal 0 damage, but their special attack damage is increased by 400%.
Due to the power reversal node, you cannot use symbiote supreme at all, after every blessing he gains a power gain buff which will be immediately nullified by the node, so he is very useless for that fight. Doctor Doom if unawakened can do this fight normally, but if he is awakened you cannot nullify aarkus power gain buffs through stagger or aura of hazarath. Instead what I did was just spam sp2, I attempted to bait his sp1 a bunch then spam sp2, which did quite a good amount of damage. Some of the best options include: Colossus, Claire, Corvus, Torch with prefight, Rogue spam sp2, and sp1 for heal but after sp1, you will be power locked for a bit, and Sorcerer Works quite well. Mephisto is an underrated counter as if you spam his sp1, it will trade a soul for soul imprisonment passive, preventing the defender from gaining any buffs for 15 seconds.
7.1.4 Stun Vulnerability, Cage Rattler, Aspect Of War
Stun Vulnerability: The defender takes 200% more damage while under a stun effect
Cage Rattler: When a skill attacker is blocked, 50% chance to inflict a passive stun for 2.5 seconds
Aspect Of War: Your block proficiency begins to decay, overtime and after 50 seconds the defender becomes permanently unblockable, after every special attack the defender gains an unstoppable passive for 5 seconds, this can be disabled by performing an intercept.
Path Defenders: Iron Fist, Modok, Unstoppable Colossus, Captain America.c
Used Nick Fury 5/65, BWDO 5/65, Stealthy 5/65, Quake 5/65, Magneto 5/65.
This lane is not very hard providing you have a counter, Quake works great, Ghost, Any unstoppable counters, Sorcerer, RG, She hulk, Stealthy etc. Nick Fury was my biggest MVP for the lane, where I let the defender kill me to get into my “Real Nick Fury” phase after that he did massive damage and Aspect Of War never triggered due to how fast he killed them. Quake I used for the final unstoppable colossus, and she wrecked him although due to her aar, stun vulnerability did not deal the extra damage. BWDO, stealthy are some other mvps, you want to have quick high DPS champions especially if they are skill champs. The lane overall was not too hard providing you have a counter.
7.1.4 - Arc Overload 2.2, Armoured Assault, Critical Setup, Armor Boost
Arc Overload 2.2: Every 10 seconds the defender regenerates X% health, and gains a 15 second armour up buff.
Armoured Assault: While the defender is under an armour up effect all their attacks are
Critical Setup: When the attacker ends a combo with the same attack they last ended with their attack is guaranteed to be critical.
Boost Buff Armor Up 3: The defenders armor up abilities gain 75% increased ability accuracy and duration. When struck with a critical hit, the defender will remove one armor up buff and that attack will deal 0 damage.
Path Defenders: Iron Man, Iron Patriot, Heimdall, Civil Warrior, Superior Iron Man, BPCW.
Used Nick Fury 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65, Quake 5/65, Rouge 5/65
This lane I used Magneto for all the metal champions and Doctor Doom for the non metal champions, Max Pacify with Magneto was very important for me to make sure Armour ups did not trigger. Doom did great work for the Non metals, with ⅘ MD I got to cycle a bunch of sp2s with furys active and this worked great. I recommend If u have tigra for this lane, ghost, any hard hitters etc.
7.1.4 - Poison Vulnerability, Highly Flammable, Bleed Immune, Polka Dot Power Gain.
Poison Vulnerability: While under the effects of a poison the defender receives 200% more damage.
Highly Flammable: Attacker Incinerate effects deals 200% more damage.
Bleed Immune: The Defender is immune to the effects of bleed.
Polka Dot Power gain: The attacker gains no power from landing or receiving hits, but is granted 12% of a bar per second while under the effects of a damaging debuff.
Path Defenders: Mordo, Thing, Moonknight, Rocket Raccoon, Deadpool, Angela
Used: Human Torch 6/2, Void 6/2, Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, She Hulk 5/65.
For this path I used torch for every fight, due to the highly flammable node his incinerates deal some crazy damage, Moon Knight is currently in his evade phase, so be careful while fighting him as he will evade a ton. You don’t even really need an incinerate champion for this lane, other champions with easy access to incinerat like Claire and Sunspot have very weak incinerates so you will barely notice the highly flammable node. Hyperion if you spam sp1 will notice the stacking incinerate damage, quite a fun lane overall, not very hard.some tricky defenders, but shouldn;t be too much of a problem.
7.1.4 - Fortified, Energy Adoption Ice, Fissure Armor Break Immunity
Fortified: Whenever a Tech attacker has an armor up buff they gain immunity to all coldsnap, bleed and poison effects.
Energy Adoption Ice: Making contact with the defender has a 50% chance to place a coldsnap debuff on you lasting 5 seconds, whenever the defender is inflicted with a coldsnap debuff, they regenerate 1% max health per second, until that debuff expires, a coldsnap cannot be inflicted if the defender has an armor break effect on them.
Fissure: The defender has a 100% chance to place a permanent armour break on the attacker when striking them, reducing armour rating by 1%
Armor Break Immunity: The defender is immune to the effects of armor break.
Path Defenders: Havok, Morningstar, Mysterio, Abomination, Cyclops.
Used Guillotine 2099 6/2, Warlock 5/65, Quake 5/65, Angela 1/25, Heimdall 1/25.
For this lane I started off by using Warlock for g2099, then I ramped up g2099 or morningstar and used her for the rest of the lane. With Guillotine 2099, if you get hit once you are screwed because you will lose your armor due to fissure and cannot get it back and then will die to energy adoption ice, so I didn’t even bother using her heavy attack to gain combo shield charges. Warlock will prove to be most useful for this lane, as even if you get hit Warlock is naturally immune to coldsnap so energy adoption ice will be irrelevant. I recommend using Colossus, as 1) He is armor break immune from non-techs, and he is also coldsnap immune. Quake works great here as no contact no problem, and Ghost will constantly be gaining furys from energy adoption ice, as well as the poison from abomination and bleed from morningstar. Surfer as well works for some of this lane as he has 100% resistance from coldsnap debuffs, sabretooth, mephisto as well.
7.1.4 - Wrath, Color Blind, Brute Force
Wrath: This ends up being mixed between “Mystic Wrath” “Cosmic Wrath” “Tech Wrath” etc, just know that if you are fighting the defender and you have class advantage you will gain a fury increasing damage by 125%
Color Blind: For each champion of the same class on your team, degenerate 25% maximum health
Brute Force: Every 6 seconds if the defender is not struck the attacker suffers a degeneration degenerating 100% of the attackers health over 60 seconds.
Path Defenders: Gladiator Hulk, Storm Px, Nick Fury, The Champion, Jane Foster
Used: Guillotine 2099 6/2, Doctor Doom 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Nick Fury 5/65, Hyperion 5/65
This lane I found quite easy due to the Wrath node, it made fights quite fast and easy, I ramped up g2099 on storm PX and I used her for nick fury as well, which went quite easy, since g2099 is a beast. I used Torch for Jane Foster and melted her in seconds. Doctor Doom wrecked the champion, For this lane just make sure to bring champions with class advantage, as it will give you a fantastic attack bonus. I recommend this lane for completion as there are not very many hard fights on the lane, Nick Fury can be troublesome, but overall not too hard.
7.1.4 - Pressure Gauge, Rage, Stun Vulnerability
Pressure Gauge: The defender begins with 5 charges, when attacking the defender it increases the gauge by 1, launching a special attack, blocking or getting hit decreases the gauge value by 1. When the defender reaches a gauge rating of 10 the attacker take a burst of damage equal to the defenders attack, when the gauge reaches 0 the attacker is power burned of all current power. Once the gauge reaches either 0 or 10, it resets to 5.
Rage: The maximum amount of damage the defender can take is 2.5% max health, if this value is reached, the defender gains a 50% permanent fury, once the defender reaches 5 of these permanent furies, they become permanently unblockable, this is not affected by ability accuracy reduction.
Mystic Wrath: Mystic champions gain a 125% fury permanently.
Mystic Focus: Whenever a Mystic attacker holds block or charges a heavy they gain 5% of their max power, for each second you are blocking or holding heavy.
Path Defenders: Stark Spidey, Kamala Khan, Proxima Midnight, Psyloke, Dusa, Red Skull.
Used: Doctor Doom 5/65, Hyperion 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Quake 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65.
For this lane I ended up using Doctor Doom for most of the fights with a simple parry heavy method. Due to Mystic Focus and Wrath, this lane ended up being not too hard with doctor doom. Quake is an excellent option for this path as you will completely ignore the pressure gauge node, as no contact no problem. Single hit heavy attack champions such as magneto work quite well for this lane as well, as you will constantly be resetting the value to 5 and not worry about any passive damage back. AA also can work quite well for this lane with a simple parry heavy method, his neurotoxins will shut off the pressure gauge node, and DOT ignores Rage. Warlock, Emma and G2099 are some other good options. This lane is one of the more challenging lanes in 7.1 so I do not recommend it for completion. Due to the mystic wrath node I recommend using mystic champions as well, as you will gain power from blocking, and will deal a bunch of extra damage.
Mini Bosses Juggernaut, Hela, Wolverine Weapon X
Juggernaut: Caustic Temper, Rising Sun, Juke, Unblockable.
Caustic Temper: The defender takes 90% less damage from all sources unless the defender has an active fury buff on them. Additionally, when making contact with the defender there is a 50% chance to inflict you with a poison debuff dealing 15% of the attackers max health.
Rising Sun: When the defender is struck they gain a fury buff increasing attack by 2.5% for each stack and these buffs last 25 seconds. After 10 fury buffs, each additional fury converts to a passive degeneration dealing 12% of the attacker's health over 4 seconds. Heavy attacks remove all the fury buffs.
Juke: Finishing a 5 hit combo with a medium or light grants the attack a passive fury, granting +7% damage, this can be stacked to a max of 10, and all are lost when you end a combo with the same attack as your last combo.
Unblockable: The defenders special attacks are unblockable for the full duration.
Caustic Temper is typically an annoying node, but due to rising sun this node becomes a joke. She hulk is one of the best options for this as she is poison immune and has an easy access to slow preventing juggernauts unstoppable. Ghost can convert the poisons to passive furys, Quake with Angela and Heimdall is another great option for this. Gulk can tank the passive degeneration damage due to his face me ability. Although honestly any poison immune can work for this Juggernaut.
Hela: Rust and Ruin, Lazarus, Heavy Assault, Counterstrike, Enhanced Fury.
Rust and Ruin: When the defender is stuck they have a 40% of a chance to apply an armor break debuff onto the attacker, which reduces armor rating by 25% for 10 seconds, if the attacker has 5 of these armor break debuffs they convert to a permanent armor break debuff.
Lazarus: The defender begins with 5 charges, which heal 20% health each time the defender would be knocked out, they instead use one of those charges to instantly revive 20% When the attacker loses their current combo, the defender gains a revival charge, and every 20 hits on the attackers combo removes one of the charges.
Heavy Assault: Both champions' heavy attack damage is increased by 500% and while the defender is charging their heavy, they become unstoppable for the duration of it.
Counter Strike: Every time the attacker uses the dexterity mastery they gain a passive fury effect increasing attack by 5%, at 10 of these charges they are removed, and the defender becomes unblockable for 10 seconds.
If you have a sig 200 Doom, this fight is a joke, you can just heavy spam in the corner and she will be stuck there motionless, due to heavy assault, the fight will go significantly faster. G2099 ramped up is another fantastic option for this fight as she starts off at 100 combo completely ignoring the lazarus node. Sorcerer Supreme works fantastic for this boss, any champion that uses their heavy attack a bunch such as Hype and Mags work great here due to Heavy Assault.
Wolverine Weapon X: Poison Vulnerability, Enhanced Bleed, Aggressive
Poison Vulnerability: The Defender takes 200% more damage while under the effects of a poison.
Enhanced Bleed: Bleed potency and duration is increased by 40%
Aggressive: The defender is naturally aggressive and excels with Heavy attacks and dash attacks.
Wolverine Weapon X can be a bit tricky, once he reaches 25 rage charges he goes unstoppable and unblockable, to beat him all you need to know is how to fight him. Quake works fantastic here, Warlock, g2099, also work great, Magneto with one or 2 special 3s should end him, since he is #metal. Doctor Voodoo Is actually quite a good MVP here due to the poison vulnerability node. Abomination with RG synergy also would wreck him. He is very aggressive, so quite easy to intercept.
7.1.5 - Do Not Go Gentle, Oscillate, Foresight
Foresight: Intercepting the defenders dash attack grants a passive fury for 7 seconds which increases damage by 200%
DNGG: Every 5 hits on your combo meter places a charge on you stacking infinitely and indefinitely, performing an intercept removes 2 charges and landing a heavy attack removes 1. When the defender is about to be KOd instead you receive damage back for each charge you have on yourself.
Oscillate: The defender begins in a fury phase for 15 seconds during this fury the defender is very aggressive, after the 15 seconds, the defender switches to an armour phase where you do not crit often, and the AI is very passive.
Path Defenders: Iron Patriot, Bishop, Moleman, Corvus Glaive, Quake, Man Thing.
Used Magik 5/65, Warlock 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Havok 5/65, Quake 5/65.
This Lane was really fun with the Warlock / Magik duo I used them for every single fight except the mole man where I used Nick Fury, I ended up dying to DNGG twice, but managed to do the path itemless, Warlock and Magik are really easy to intercept with so you will almost always have that passive fury up except while they are in the armour phase when the AI goes passive. Watch out for that Quake in the end there, she is meant to taunt us as there is no 6* quake yet.
7.1.5 - UNLIMITED POWER, Buffet, Mystic Ward / Curse
UNLIMITED POWER: Every time you place a debuff on the defender, they will gain a fury after the timer expires, this can stack to a maximum of 99.
Buffet: Every 7 seconds the next buff that is triggered gets nullified and the defender instantly regenerates 5% maximum health.
Mystic Ward: Attacker nullifies have a 95% chance to fail.
Mystic Curse: Whenever a mystic attacker activates a special attack they place a poison on the defender dealing 100% of the attackers damage over 7 seconds, the potency increases by 40% for each buff on the defender.
Path Defenders: Terrax, Storm PX, Civil Warrior, IMIW, Groot, Angela.
Used Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, Havok 5/65. Ronan 4/55, Magneto 5/65.
If you recognize the UNLIMITED POWER node, you will know that this is a Ronan Cheese fest, this is the same node that was on the Cap IW 6.3.6 boss originally. I used him for 5 of the 6 fights, the only fight I didn’t use him for was Storm PX due to her glancing, instead I used Quake there. If you do not have Ronan I recommend champions that can nullify, or have a strong access to forms of buff control, Magik and Claire work quite well on that terrax. Not too hard of a lane, but can be a little bit tricky if you do not have a proper counter. Due to the Mystic Curse node and UNLIMITED POWER your poisons will be dealing quite a bit of damage, so Doom will be quite useful here.
7.1.5 - Lifecycle, Technical Suppression, Hurt Locker, Indomitable
Lifecycle: The defender is immune to all damaging debuffs except rupture, and has a shield which prevents them from dying, if the shield is not already on cooldown, knocking down the defender disables it for 0.5 seconds to a maximum of 3.5 seconds each time you put it on cooldown. Each time they would be knocked out but the shield is not down they regenerate 10% max health.
Technical Suppression: Whenever a Tech attacker activates a special attack they place a heal block debuff on the defender for 8 seconds, if they are already inflicted with a heal block gain a fury buff increasing damage by 70% for the duration of that special attack.
Hurt Locker: Activating 2 special attacks of the same kind in a row, activates a delayed blast, which after 5 seconds detonates and deals massive damage. This can be removed by using a heavy attack.
Indomitable: The defender's healing cannot be reversed only blocked.
Path Defenders: Mr Sinister, Sabretooth, Ultron, Old man logan, Guillotine, Guillotine 2099.
Used: Warlock 5/65, Havok 5/65, Quake 5/65, Hyperion 5/65, Magneto 5/65.
This path I do recommend for Completion, it is quite a simple straightforward lane IMO. Lifecycle always can be a little bit tricky, Warlock Is one of the best if not the best options for Lifecycle especially if awakened. His infections completely block the heal and when the defender attempts to heal, they instead degenerate. So all you need to do is knock the defende down while under an infection at 1% and they will die. Tigra, Quake, any special spammy champions, or passive heal blockers such as AA or Mysterio will work great. If you have Magento he will smash the #metal champions. I recommend you bring G2099 for this lane as well. She will work great here due to her massive energy damage.
7.1.5 - Poison, Bleed Vulnerability, Energy Adoption Fire, Shake It Off
Poison: Every 7 seconds inflicts a poison on you dealing 160% of the defenders attack.
Bleed Vulnerability: The defender takes 200% more damage while under a bleed effect.
Energy Adoption Fire: Making contact with the defender has a 50% chance to inflict an incinerate on you dealing X% damage over 5 seconds. While the defender has a bleed effect on them, they cannot inflict any incinerate on the attacker. Additionally incinerates on the defender deal 100% less damage and the defender heals 1% max health per seconds while the incinerate is active on them.
Shake It Off: Whenever a skill attacker dashes back they instantly purify a debuff on them, there is no limit on how many times they can purify debuffs.
Path Defenders: Symbiote Supreme, Yellow jacket, Hood, Invisible Woman, Vulture, Abomination.
Used: Aegon 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Quake 5/65, Havok 5/65.
For this lane I used aegon for a bunch of the lane, I ramped him up and he did quite a bit of work. Nick Fury works awesome, due to bleed vulnerability he absolutely melts this lane, I recommend bringing Skill champions with an easy access to Bleed, KM with Void could work great, Ronin, Black Panther, Blade, Gwenpool, Night Thrasher with Guillotine synergy would also work great. Ghost is also another big MVP for this lane she will constantly gain furies due to the energy adoption and poison nodes.
7.1.5 - Tranquility, Spite, Counterstrike
Tranquility: Every 20 seconds the defender and attackers power bars are reset and all their buffs and debuffs are restored.
Spite: While under any buff effect the defender gains a power flood granting 18% of a bar per seconds.
Counterstrike: Every time the attacker uses the dexterity mastery they gain a passive fury effect increasing attack by 5%, at 10 of these charges they are removed, and the defender becomes unblockable for 10 seconds.
Path Defenders: Guardian, Gulk, Magik, Cap IW, Dormammu, Omega Red.
Used: Human Torch 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Quake 5/65
I used Torches' prefight for Guardian, that went very smoothly, Torch works quite well for this lane as he has no buffs besides the precision buff from dexterity, Void sadly does not work for this lane due to tranquility, his intimidating presence debuffs will constantly fall off. Red Guardian is also another MVP for this lane as he is buff immune, Ghost, Quake, Archangel, Pun 2099 with collared tech, and any other combat power control champions. Dormammu can be a bit of a pain on the lane but if you bring a champion with no buffs or low buffs / gulk he will be fine. Same thing applies to magik, bring a aar champion, or one who ignores passive damage back.
7.1.5 - Terminal Velocity, Dulled, Mighty Charge 1, Foresight
Terminal Velocity: Each time the defender is struck they increase combat power rate by 25% to a maximum of 300% increased combat power rate.
Dulled: Crit chance is reduced by 50% for each active buff on you, and debuff on the defender.
Mighty Charge 1: While dashing the defender becomes debuff immune.
Foresight: Intercepting the defenders dash attack grants a passive fury for 7 seconds which increases damage by 200%
Path Defenders: Heimdall, Magento (House Of X, Ebony Maw, Magneto, Tigra, War Machine.
Used: Human Torch 6/2, Doctor Doom 5/65, Quake 5/65, Havok 5/65, Hyperion 5/65.
For this lane it is best to use champions with a very low crit rate, or champions that do not crit at all. I used a mix of Quake, Doctor Doom and Human Torch for this lane. Torch I relied on the incinerates / nova flames to deal massive damage. Doctor Doom due to his very low crit rate worked great for this lane, and I used Quake for Maw. Who ignores all the nodes here. Guardian, Xbones, and G2099 will work fantastic for this lane as they will never crit ever. Ghost with Hood synergy as well will work fine here as she can permanently tank sp3s. Do not use her against the magnetos or Maw though as you will get wrecked. One of the more tricky lanes here in act 7.1.5.
Mini Bosses Electro Luke, Punishing Angel, Night Carnage.
Electro Luke: Arrogance, Combo Party, Critical Set Up, Power Build Up and Overflow.
Arrogance: Every 10 hits on the attackers combo meter places a passive falter on them for 3 seconds, being struck removes this falter.
Combo Party: Every 10 hits on the combo meter grants the attacker a cruelty buff increasing crit damage rating by +500. When the attacker is struck it removes all Cruelty buffs and deals 40% of the defenders attack for each cruelty removed this way.
Critical Set Up: Ending a combo with the same attack you last ended in guarantees that the attack will be critical.
Power Build Up: When the defender reaches 2 bars of power they gain a permanent prowess buff for every 2 seconds that they are at 2 bars of power, each prowess increases special attack damage by 100%
Power Overflow: If the defender has 10 or more prowess buffs, special attacks are all unblockable.
The main problem about this luke cage is that he has the passive damage back due to electros abilities. I recommend that you bring a champion that has non contact attacks, make sure that they are not just “energy” attacks, but non contact the community seems to mix these up a ton. Champions who bypass passive damage back, such as Omega and Gambit work great here. Namor at sig 200 will completely reflect the damage back onto the defender ignoring the thorns here. Quake as well works great here as no contact no problem. If you do not have a counter, you could always revive him down with stealthy as he ignores the miss, or void who you can wait it out.
Punishing Angel: Mercy, Mighty Charge 1, Extend, Power Build up and Overflow.
Mercy: Whenever the attacker ignores a hit with the dexterity mastery they gain a mercy charge stacking infinitely. Whenever the attacker performs a parry they remove all the mercy passives get instantly places on the defender for 1.5 seconds per mercy on you. The defender takes -90% damage from all sources unless inflicted with a mercy, the attacker gains +80% special damage rating.
Mighty Charge 1: While dashing forward the defender becomes debuff immune.
Extend: The defenders buffs and debuffs last 150% longer.
Power Build Up: When the defender reaches 2 bars of power they gain a permanent prowess buff for every 2 seconds that they are at 2 bars of power, each prowess increases special attack damage by 100%
Power Overflow: If the defender has 10 or more prowess buffs, special attacks are all unblockable.
For This Punishing Angel the one thing you do not want to do is push her to her sp2. Her special attacks are punishers and if she plays passive the sp2 can instantly kill you with enough prowesses.
Although mercy reduces damage from all sources by 90% It does not reduce DOT damage by 90% She is a metal champion so Magneto will absolutely melt her. Ghost and Quake are some other great options for this. Ronan is another great option to solo her, as the prowesses will keep stacking and Ronan can permanently stun lock her.
Night Carnage: Energy Adoption Lightning, Poison Vulnerability, Heal Reversal, Power Build up and Overflow.
Energy Adoption Lightning: Making contact with the defender has a 50% chance to place a shock debuff on you lasting 5 seconds, whenever the defender is inflicted with a shock debuff, they regenerate 1% max health per second, until that debuff expires, a shock cannot be inflicted if the defender has an poison effect on them.
Poison Vulnerability: The defender takes 200% more damage while under the effects of a poison.
Heal Reversal: The attackers healing effects are completely reversed.
Power Build Up: When the defender reaches 2 bars of power they gain a permanent prowess buff for every 2 seconds that they are at 2 bars of power, each prowess increases special attack damage by 100%
Power Overflow: If the defender has 10 or more prowess buffs, special attacks are all unblockable.
This Night Carnage has the abilities of NightCrawler and specials of him, so he will evade a ton and can be a little tricky. Havok works really great here as the shock will constantly build plasma and spam detonations, but be careful while attempting to place a feedback debuff as the defender may evade. Bishop as well could potentially work. Claire, Ghost and Quake also work fantastic here, keep Claire in the poison phase to ignore energy adoption and to deal a bunch of more damage. Abom with RG could also work.
7.1.6 - Clapback, Buffet, Eat Crow
Clapback: Whenever a bleed, poison, incinerate or plasma debuff is placed on the defender, it is replicated and placed on the attacker.
Buffet: The next buff triggered by the attacker is instantly nullified and the defender regenerates 15% maximum health. Buffet cannot nullify any buffs that are currently on the attacker.
Eat Crow: Science Champions become immune to nullify. When a nullify or poison fails to apply to the defender they gain a fury increasing damage by 80% for 6 seconds.
Path Defenders: Ebony Maw, Mr Sinister, Scarlet Witch, Venompool, Archangel.
Used: Nick Fury 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Void 6/2, She Hulk 5/65, Quake 5/65.
If you have a torch, then you will be a very happy man, this lane is very, very easy with torch I used him for every fight and solod every fight with ease. Due to clapback you will constantly be placing smolders on yourself increasing your incinerate and nova flame damage by 12% per smolder. Void works good here, Wasp, Quake, Ghost, Havok etc. Make sure to bring a maw counter as he will probably be your only problem on the lane, and bring a poison immune for scarlet witch. Havok works really well for this lane as the plasmas will be reflected on you, but when they detonate they won't deal any damage as that is Havok's ability to deal damage when they detonate, not the nodes.
Due to science champions being immune to nullify because of the node, buffet will never trigger with them.
7.1.6 - Bulked Up, Size Matters, Micro Reflect, Particle Protector
Bulked Up: Charging your heavy attack allows you to rapidly gain furys increasing damage by 1% to a maximum of 200, these are all lost upon taking damage.
Size Matters: Extra Large Champions' Attacks cannot be Glanced. Large Champions' Special Attacks, Intercepts, and Heavy Attacks cannot be Glanced.Medium Champions' Intercepts and Heavy Attacks cannot be Glanced.Small Champions' Heavy Attacks cannot be Glanced.
Micro Reflect: Any attack that is glanced, a portion of the damage is reflected back on you
Particle Protector: The defender has a 85% chance to glance an attack, glancing attacks cannot be critical and suffer -100% ability accuracy, this node is not affected by aar.
Path Defenders: Ant-Man, Kingpin, King Groot, Sabretooth, Sasquatch, HTD.
Used: Quake 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Warlock 5/65. Mephisto 5/65, Human Torch 5/65.
This path I got to have some fun, I used Quake for the whole lane, as Bulk up allowed me to do a bunch of damage since I would never get hit and I wouldn’t take any damage. If you are running suicides this node will not work with Quake as the poison / bleed will deal damage to you resetting the furies. The only “Major” problem on this path Is The Ant-Man, as he will still reflect XL champions hits as it is his signature ability. Other than Quake I would recommend Namor for this fight as he will reflect all the damage back. For this lane I recommend Quake, Namor and any XL champion for the rest of the path. Other than the ant man this path is quite straightforward.
7.1.6 - Powershield, Recharge, Perforate, Bubble Shield
Powershield: The attackers basic attacks deal 0 damage but their special attack damage is increased by 400%
Recharge: While Blocking, the Defender generates 15% Power every second. While the Attacker is Blocking, they generate 10% Power every second and both champion's Power Rate is reduced by 100%.
Perforate: Both champions special attacks are unblockable
Bubble shield: The attackers block deficiency decays every time they block and every 10 blocked hits the next one is unblockable.
Path Defenders: Captain America, Drax, Night Thrasher, Blade, Hulk Guillotine.
Used: Doctor Doom 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Human Torch 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Hyperion 5/65
This Path I used Hyperion for every fight except for Drax. Although Hyperions combat power gain is reduced by 100%, I could still get power from his power gain buff, I basically spammed heavy in the corner since they couldn’t gain power from combat, after 12 ish furies, I would start to spam sp1. Doctor Doom I spammed sp3 and sp2 after from the big fury he gets off the sp3. This lane is quite an easy lane, since the nodes are quite simple almost any champion can do It I recommend any hard hitters, CGR, Sunspot, Havok, Corvus, Ghost etc for this lane, and DOT still deals damage, as only basic attack damage is reduced.
7.1.6 - Footloose, Transducer, Stun Vulnerability, Aggressive
Footloose: Activating a special attack gives the defender an unstoppable buff and a 25% chance to evade for 7 seconds.
Transducer: The defender rewards more power when struck, but their presence drains your power.
Stun Vulnerability: The defender takes 200% more damage while under a stun effect.
Aggressive: The defender is naturally aggressive, and excels at heavy and dash attacks.
Path Defenders: Sunspot, Aegon, Ms Marvel, She Hulk, Doctor Strange, Nebula.
Used: She Hulk 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Quake 5/65, Void 6/2.
For this lane I ended up just using Doctor Doom for the whole lane, due to his stagger he prevented the footloose node from ever occurring and due to stun vulnerability and dooms passive stun he worked fantastic, unstoppable counters like Cap IW, and slow champs such as Sorcerer, She hulk, stealthy and RG will work fantastic, the only somewhat problematic fight here is Doctor Strange if he plays passive, he could end up with a bunch of unstoppables.
7.1.6 - Destructive Feedback, Impatience, Small Arms, Cosmic Wrath.
Destructive Feedback: Every 15 seconds the defender gains a shield which protects them from damage from all sources and holds it until it expires. Once it expires it detonates dealing damage equal to the damage you dealt while the shield was active. Getting hit while the shield is up instead inflicts all the damage back onto you.
Impatience: Whenever a Cosmic attacker fails to trigger a Buff due to chance, they have a 100% chance to gain a fury buff increasing attack rating by 80% for 7 seconds. This cannot trigger itself.
Small Arms: Each consecutive heavy attack damage is reduced by 50% This cannot exceed 10% of its original attack value.
Cosmic Wrath: Cosmic Attackers gain a passive fury increasing damage rating by 125%
Path Defenders: Darkhawk, Gambit, Killmonger, Warlock, Thor Rag, Pun 2099.
Used: Quake 5/65, Magik 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Hyperion 5/65, Warlock 5/65, Magik 5/65.
For this lane I used Quake for Darkhawk, Hype for most of the lane, due to cosmic wrath and Impatience I was hitting some massive specials, and Magik for KM who wrecked him. For this lane I recommend using Corvus, Magneto, Gamora, Ghost and any hard hitting cosmic champion should wreck this lane, remember to bring a KM counter or else he can mess up your run, and make sure to not deal alot of damage during punisher 2099 when he has the shield active or one sp1 will mess you up.
7.1.6 - Biohazard, Acclimation, Coolant Leak Combo Lock.
Biohazard: When struck the defender has a 20% chance to place a bleed on you dealing 100% of attack over 7.5 seconds. When blocking it has a 50% chance to place a poison on you dealing 100% attack over 7.5 seconds.
Acclimation: Every 5 hits on the combo meter mutant attackers purify all bleed, incinerate and coldsnap effects. Each debuff purified the attacker gains 10% of a bar of power.
Coolant Leak: Whenever a robotic attacker would gain a bleed debuff, instead they gain an incinerate dealing 85% of the defenders attack over 5 seconds.
Combo Lock: Attackers combo meter cannot be reset.
Path Defenders: Ronin, Torch, Longshot, Nick Fury, Morningstar, Elsa.
Used: Magneto 5/65, Quake 5/65, Omega 5/65, Human Torch 6/2, Hyperion 5/65.
For this path I ended up using Omega and Quake a bunch here, they absolutely wrecked the lane, Omega with Biohazard is always a good time. I recommend here that you bring non robotic bleed immunes, Claire, Morningstar, Ghost should work fantastic here. Nick Fury can be a bit annoying, best to use a mutant attacker for him. Colossus with a full team should smash this lane. This was one of the more fun lanes for me.
Mini Bosses Gwenperion, Spider Witch, Ice Phoenix
Gwenperion: Selective Timestream, High Energy Diet, Indomitable, Power Buildup and Overflow.
Selective Timestream: Every 20 seconds the defender's health is instantly restored to full, and any debuffs on them are instantly removed. This is unaffected by aar, shock and incinerate stop this.
Indomitable: The defender is immune to heal reversal
High Energy Diet: The defender takes 99% damage from energy attacks, any energy attack heals them instead regens for what it would have dealt. While under an incinerate, shock or coldsnap debuff, the defender gains 100% of a bar of power every 10 seconds.
Power Build Up: When the defender reaches 2 bars of power they gain a permanent prowess buff for every 2 seconds that they are at 2 bars of power, each prowess increases special attack damage by 100%
Power Overflow: If the defender has 10 or more prowess buffs, special attacks are all unblockable.
For This Gwenperion Magento absolutely melts her, although Gwenpool got her metal tag removed, it did not remove it from Gwenperion. Human Torch can work here if you have max despair and no prefight, but it will be a very long fight, Ronan cheese works here as long as you can time it correctly, Star Lord and Wasp can also solo, but wasp takes a very long time (40) minutes. Hulkbuster, Starky, and passive heal block champions such as Warlock and Mysterio work fantastic here.
Spider Witch: Back Blast, Staggering Beauty, Special Chaos Inversion, Power Build up and Overflow.
Back Blast: The attackers crit rating is doubled but if a critical hit exceeds 5% of the defenders max health, or the attacker lands 4 or more guaranteed crits in the fight they gain an incinerate dealing what their last crit dealt.
Staggering Beauty: When close to the defender they gain a stagger, staying far away allows these staggers to gradually fall off.
Special Chaos Inversion: During a special attack, the attackers dash and dodge controls are reversed.
Power Build Up: When the defender reaches 2 bars of power they gain a permanent prowess buff for every 2 seconds that they are at 2 bars of power, each prowess increases special attack damage by 100%
Power Overflow: If the defender has 10 or more prowess buffs, special attacks are all unblockable.
For this fight I ended up melting her with torch, and solod once with she hulk. She hulk works quite well as you will be able to control special chaos inversion and be prepared for it due to her in built fury taunt. Ghost works fantastic here, Void as well. She has spider gwens evade, so that can be very very annoying. She also has a random poison due to scarlet witch's ability, so bringing a poison immune will help you.
Ice Phoenix: Encroaching Stun, Cold Fusion, Power Axis 1, Power Build up and Overflow.
Encroaching Stun: Every 20 seconds if you are not in the middle of a special attack you will be stunned.
Cold Fusion: Whenever a coldsnap or frostbite is purified or expires, the defender gains 33% of a bar of power over 6 seconds.
Power Axis 1: The attacker has +60% increased combat power rate while below 1 bar of power, but while above 1 bar of power suffer -60% combat power rate.
Power Build Up: When the defender reaches 2 bars of power they gain a permanent prowess buff for every 2 seconds that they are at 2 bars of power, each prowess increases special attack damage by 100%
Power Overflow: If the defender has 10 or more prowess buffs, special attacks are all unblockable.
For this Ice Phoenix I solod once with torch and the other time with nick, to use nick for this fight, you must begin in LMD to purify the coldsnap, after that you're good to go, Torch with prefight absolutely melted her. Warlock and Ghost also melt her completely. Just know that she has iceman's specials so be prepared to evade them. Encroaching Stun isin’t too, too bad here since there is Power Axis 1, but do not use champs who rely on sp2 or sp3 as you will rarely gain a sp2 and will never gain a sp3.
Hope you enjoyed - Agent X zzz
Clearly I need to step up my game...
this guy just refuses point blank to throw any specials... am I severely misplaying this fight? Bait sp1 and wait for the reflection passive to pass before starting damage again? Or should I just abandon sp3 and go sp2 spam instead?
Seriously, you should try aarkus on that path. My rank 2 6* made it unbelievably easy!