Act 7 Guide (Be prepared its LOOONG)

Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Here is the document link if you want to jump to it

*Pre thought* Overall I will have to say 7.1 was quite enjoyable content. I did it itemless, not very hard, requires a few counters for some things, but by the time you get to 7.1, your roster should already fulfil those requirements. 7.1 was not the content endgame players were looking for as the difficulty was not too hard, but it was enjoyable. It has a balance between some hard nodes but they are rewarding, for example “Life transfer, spectre and Gimme” May have some challenge in it, but it is very rewarding. One of the best things about Act 7 is that it does not restrict you to use quake or ghost for every fight, but allows you to use almost any of your roster for most of the lanes. I ended up using 3 main champions for the whole path and then bringing Nick Fury and Quake evade synergy just to let me play more aggressively. Props to Kabam on act 6.

My 4 MVPs were Hyperion, Doctor Doom, Human Torch and Magneto

Global Nodes
WARNING: A special 3 is active.
Star Power: 6* attackers gain a permanent +700 fury.
Adrenaline Rush: The attacker gains up to 100% damage reduction at times, scaling with their current adrenaline.
Hold The Line: The attacker gains up to +80 block proficiency at all times scaling with their current Adrenaline.

7.1.1 - Flare and Color Blind

Flare: Increases your damage by 300% but you degenerate over 60 seconds

Color Blind: For each champion of the same class on your team, degenerate 25% maximum health

Path Defenders: Ronan, Storm, Iron Fist Immortal, Ultron, Red Guardian, Gwenpool.

Used: Hyperion 5/65, Quake 5/65, Rogue 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65

This lane was very, very easy and I totally recommend it for initial completion, I used rogue for every fight excluding Ultron where I used Quake, due to flare it increases your damage by a ton and rogues sp1 steals a bunch of health making the path very easy, for this lane I recommend bringing hard hitting champions like Corvus or Ghost with hood, or any regen champions to get around flare. Although TBH almost any champion can take this lane, just make sure to bring champions of different classes due to color blind.

7.1.1 - Turtling, Cosmic Fracture, Cutting Wires, Chitinous Thorns

Turtling: If the defender is not struck within 3 seconds gain a armour up buff increasing armour by 30%

Cosmic Fracture: Cosmic champions have a 40% chance to inflict an armour break debuff on the defender.

Chitinous Thorns: If the defender has an armour up buff, the attacker receives a bleed debuff dealing 50% of the defenders attack over 5 seconds every time contact is made.

Cutting Wires: Whenever a Robot would receive a bleed debuff, instead they gain a shock debuff.

Path Defenders: Mysterio, Emma Frost, Stealthy, Darkhawk, Sentinel, Archangel

Used: Magneto 5/65, Medusa 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Quake 5/65, Killmonger 6/2.

This lane is mainly magneto food, I used him for Sentinel, Mysterio, Stealthy and Darkhawk, 1 sp3 basically kills them, I used Medusa for Archangel and Emma Frost. This lane is not too hard as long as you have a champion with easy access to armour break, cosmic champs work great here specifically due to the “Cosmic Fracture” Node. Bring an evade counter for stealthy if you are not comfortable fighting him, but CMM, Hype, Corvus and Ghost are some other fantastic options.

7.1.1 - Invade, Oscillate, Kinetic Instigator

Invade: Both champions gain +100% block penetration, and +300% attack while hitting the block.

Oscillate: The defender begins in a fury phase for 15 seconds during this fury the defender is very aggressive, after the 15 seconds, the defender switches to an armour phase where you do not crit often, and the AI is very passive.

Kinetic Instigator: Generate power while striking the defenders block.

Path Defenders: Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Morningstar, Nova, X23, Gwenpool.

Used: Corvus 5/65, Nick Fury, 5/65, Quake 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65. Human Torch 6/2.

This lane if you have Corvus you will be having a good time as he ends up hitting 20k per block, Kinetic Instigator allows you to build power, and throw specials on block if necessary. I only did not use Corvus for Nova, as guaranteed crits suffer -70% damage against nova, so I used Doctor Doom instead although I believe Corvus would work for him as well. Honestly any champion can work for this lane, but I recommend you bring a decent counter for Nova. I recommend this lane for completion if you have a corvus, but the flare lane may be easier.

7.1.1 Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Muscle Wizard, Fight Or Flight

CSWS: The defender takes 75% less damage from attacks, unless the attacker has an unstoppable buff active, the duration of unstoppable buffs are increased by 100%

Muscle Wizard: When a mystic attacker knocks down the defender, gain an unstoppable buff for 6 seconds, if they already have an unstoppable buff gain a fury increasing damage by 50%, 4 furys can be gained this way.

Fight Or Flight: Every 14 seconds either the defender or the attacker will gain an unstoppable buff. Being close to the defender gives them an unstoppable buff, staying far away from the defender grants you an unstoppable buff.

Path Defenders: HTD, Cull Obsidian, Doctor Octopus, Beast, VTD, Colossus.

Used: Magneto 5/65, Warlock 5/65, Quake 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Human Torch 6/2.

For this lane I used Magneto for all the metal champions, and for the non metals I decided to stupidly use Torch, I meant to bring doom, but I was already halfway in and decided to use torch insead, With Magneto all you need to do is Parry Heavy sp3 then watch the bleed tick away, before you use your sp3 make sure you are charging heavy attack to have that unstoppable up. Also the shrapnel bleeds on the sp3 will deal 75% less damage while you are not charging heavy so try to keep that heavy up when they detonate at the end. For the Torch fights I just played it slow and worked with the fight or flight node. For this path I recommend using Magneto, Mojo with the Korg synergy, CMM with Rogue or any mystics and it should go by quite quickly, I don’t recommend it for completion.

7.1.1 - Pleasure to Burn, Got A Light, Mighty Charge - 1

Pleasure to Burn: The defender takes 90% less damage unless inflicted with an incinerate effect

Got A light: The defender and attackers attacks have a 20% chance to inflict an incinerate on the defender.

Mighty Charge 1: While dashing forward the defender becomes debuff immune.

Path Defenders: Hulk, Corvus Glaive, Thor Ragnarok, Cyclops, Diablo, Gamora

Used Human Torch 5/65, Havok 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Nick Fury 5/65, Doctor Doom 5/65

For this lane I primarily used torch as he has an easy access to incinerate effects, I used Magneto for Thor Ragnarok and Nick Fury for Hulk, this lane is quite simple and you do not need an incinerate champion to do the node as their is the “Got a Light” node. Quake and any forms of DOT bypass the damage cap so if you want quake is quite a good option here, Torch, Sunspot work very well here, claire as well. Not too hard of a lane overall and no real hard fights as long as you don’t suck at dexing cyclops sp1.

7.1.1 - Masochism, Double Down, Power Focus 2

Masochism: Every 7 seconds the next Debuff triggered on this Champion is immediately removed.Each time this effect triggers they Regenerate 5% of their Max Health.

Double Down: Every time a skill champions debuff fails to apply due to an immunity, gain a precision buff increasing critical rating by 1433 for X seconds.

Power Focus 2: The defender gains +60% combat power rate while below 2 bars of power, but while above 2 bars of power suffer -80% combat power rate.

Path Defenders: Nebula, Ghost Rider, King groot, Vision, Luke Cage, Ultron (Classic)

Used: Nick Fury 5/65. Human Torch 5/65, Magneto 5/65, Void 6/2, Doctor Doom 5/65.

You can tell by the path defenders since they are all bleed immune this will be an easy nick fury lane. On Nebula I let her kill my Life Model Decoy, then I spammed 2 sp1 to go unblockable then spammed sp2. This method worked really well and due to the “Double Down” Node I got an insane amount of precision buffs and crit almost every hit. I used Doctor Doom for King Groot and that worked quite easily and I used Magneto for Ultron 1 sp3 killed him. For this lane I recommend bleeders to gain precision, ghost, quake,and almost anyone works for this lane. You just need to pay attention to masochism and other than that you will be fine.

Mini Bosses Yondu, BWDO, BWCV.

Yondu - Super Masochism, Foresight, Rich Get Richer 1, Feats Of Power.

Super Masochism: Bugged node, does not work how the description says it does so I will explain how it actually works, every time you trigger an incinerate, bleed, stun, rupture, coldsnap etc the defender Immediately purifies it regenerating 5% health each time.

Foresight: Intercepting the defenders dash attack grants a passive fury for 7 seconds which increases damage by 200% (My Fav Node)

Rich Get Richer -1: Grants either the attacker or defender 4% of a bar of power per seconds, depending on who has more unique buffs.

Feats of Power: While above 1 bar of power gain a fury buff. While above 2 bars of power gain a precision buff. While above 3 bars of power gain a cruelty buff.

For this I recommend Ghost, Hyperion or Warlock. Those 3 work wonders for this fight, TBH for this fight anyone can work as long as they do not constantly place those debuffs. As long as you are good at intercepting you are going to have a very good time in this fight. If using Hyperion do not spam sp1 or sp2, only use sp3 and focus on intercepting to get that massive fury.

BWDO - Bullet Time, Stun Vulnerability, Tenacity 3, Enhanced Shock.

Bullet Time: When the defender is stunned, they immediately purify the stun and gain an evade charge granting a 100% chance to evade, this stacks indefinitely. If the attacker avoids any basic attack with the dexterity mastery the defender is passively stunned for 1.5 seconds for each charge on the defender.

Stun Vulnerability: Damage is increased by 200% while under the effects of a stun.

Tenacity 3: Each debuff has a 75% chance to be shrugged off.

Enhanced Shock: Shock debuffs damage and potency are increased by 60%.

This boss is actually quite easy, I recommend reparrying a bunch to make her gain evade charges, then when she gets to 20, dex and passively stun the defender and completely burst her down. Havok works very good as her batons are energy based and will trigger his plasma a bunch. Due to the tenacity node, if she shrugs off his plasma debuffs instantly deals 2.5x damage than it normally would. Evade counters like Nick Fury works quite good here, Ghost works very well as well. Just focus on reaparrying then passively stunning them and then you can burst her down easily.

BWCV - Juke, Footloose, Coolant Leak, Prey on the Weak 4, Unblockable Specials

Juke: Finishing a 5 hit combo with a medium or light grants the attack a passive fury, granting +7% damage, this can be stacked to a max of 10, and all are lost when you end a combo with the same attack as your last combo.

Footloose: When the defender activates a special attack the gain an unstoppable and an evade charge which has a 25% chance to evade, for 7 seconds.

Coolant Leak: Whenever a Robot would receive a bleed debuff but are immune to it, they instead gain an incinerate dealing X% damage over X seconds.

Prey on the Weak 4 - Whenever a buff expires on the attacker the defender gains 5% of their max power

Unblockable Specials - Specials are unblockable

This boss is not very hard IMO, I melted her with torch, and solod with Doom. Quake works fantastic here, Ghost, Shehulk, Void, Rulk etc. Make sure to not have a buff heavy champion or prey on the week will mess you up and push her to a sp3. Robots don’t work really the best due to coolant leak, but the bleed from her heavy / sp1 is not potent at all. Make sure when you push her to her sp2 to get far away or else it can clip you as it is fully unblockable. Slow champions / Unstoppable Counters like Cap IW, she hulk, sorcerer work great due to the footloose node. If you do not have an evade / unstoppable counter just wait it out it is only 7 seconds.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Etjama said:

    Good lord, you weren't kidding.

    No I wasn't lolol
  • SneakyWarriorSneakyWarrior Member Posts: 853 ★★★★
    bookmarked for future reference. good work Agent.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★

    bookmarked for future reference. good work Agent.

    my pleasure
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Damn mate, that's a long write up. Will definitely use this. Thanks a bunch
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,582 ★★★★★
    Did you just get to the word cap 6 times?
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  • PotfictionPotfiction Member Posts: 14
    Amazing. Thanks so Much!
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    Holy ****, the length of this one blew @Rockypantherx post right outta the water and into the depths of god-damned space!
  • No_oneukNo_oneuk Member Posts: 1,430 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    can you please help, i'm driving myself insane. set out to start exploration this morning and the first path i chose in 7.1.1 is cosmic bleed armor-up no-robots path. you say Magneto worked perfectly in your itemless run but I can't for the life of me get that Mysterio down whatsoever. He just stacks up armor ups constantly cause I don't wanna let him do his sp2 or the power drain will mean I never reach sp3... so when I do a heavy, even with the 90% bleed reduction i'm taking big damage cause each heavy is giving me like 8 or 9 bleeds...

    this guy just refuses point blank to throw any specials... am I severely misplaying this fight? Bait sp1 and wait for the reflection passive to pass before starting damage again? Or should I just abandon sp3 and go sp2 spam instead?
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    No_oneuk said:

    can you please help, i'm driving myself insane. set out to start exploration this morning and the first path i chose in 7.1.1 is cosmic bleed armor-up no-robots path. you say Magneto worked perfectly in your itemless run but I can't for the life of me get that Mysterio down whatsoever. He just stacks up armor ups constantly cause I don't wanna let him do his sp2 or the power drain will mean I never reach sp3... so when I do a heavy, even with the 90% bleed reduction i'm taking big damage cause each heavy is giving me like 8 or 9 bleeds...

    this guy just refuses point blank to throw any specials... am I severely misplaying this fight? Bait sp1 and wait for the reflection passive to pass before starting damage again? Or should I just abandon sp3 and go sp2 spam instead?

    I used Aarkus and CMM for that path. Was easy as heck.
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  • No_oneukNo_oneuk Member Posts: 1,430 ★★★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    No_oneuk said:

    can you please help, i'm driving myself insane. set out to start exploration this morning and the first path i chose in 7.1.1 is cosmic bleed armor-up no-robots path. you say Magneto worked perfectly in your itemless run but I can't for the life of me get that Mysterio down whatsoever. He just stacks up armor ups constantly cause I don't wanna let him do his sp2 or the power drain will mean I never reach sp3... so when I do a heavy, even with the 90% bleed reduction i'm taking big damage cause each heavy is giving me like 8 or 9 bleeds...

    this guy just refuses point blank to throw any specials... am I severely misplaying this fight? Bait sp1 and wait for the reflection passive to pass before starting damage again? Or should I just abandon sp3 and go sp2 spam instead?

    I used Aarkus and CMM for that path. Was easy as heck.
    i tried CMM but like 3 fights in she was dead - maybe I am just playing **** but I can't for the life of me build binary up and keep it (even with nick) without allowing them to get an armor up buff here or there - especially mysterio when he throws his sp1 I just can't get back to being able to hit him in time without an armor up appearing - and even if my first hit removes the armor up I still take a bleed which takes off like 1/3 of my health that I can't avoid at all - I think maybe I am just not a good enough player IDK
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    No_oneuk said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    No_oneuk said:

    can you please help, i'm driving myself insane. set out to start exploration this morning and the first path i chose in 7.1.1 is cosmic bleed armor-up no-robots path. you say Magneto worked perfectly in your itemless run but I can't for the life of me get that Mysterio down whatsoever. He just stacks up armor ups constantly cause I don't wanna let him do his sp2 or the power drain will mean I never reach sp3... so when I do a heavy, even with the 90% bleed reduction i'm taking big damage cause each heavy is giving me like 8 or 9 bleeds...

    this guy just refuses point blank to throw any specials... am I severely misplaying this fight? Bait sp1 and wait for the reflection passive to pass before starting damage again? Or should I just abandon sp3 and go sp2 spam instead?

    I used Aarkus and CMM for that path. Was easy as heck.
    i tried CMM but like 3 fights in she was dead - maybe I am just playing **** but I can't for the life of me build binary up and keep it (even with nick) without allowing them to get an armor up buff here or there - especially mysterio when he throws his sp1 I just can't get back to being able to hit him in time without an armor up appearing - and even if my first hit removes the armor up I still take a bleed which takes off like 1/3 of my health that I can't avoid at all - I think maybe I am just not a good enough player IDK
    With CMM, you can interrupt their heavy to pulverize their armor if they ever get it. With Aarkus, you don't even have to stress yourself with his auto armor break and the armor shatter that completely shuts down their armor buffs.

    Seriously, you should try aarkus on that path. My rank 2 6* made it unbelievably easy!
  • No_oneukNo_oneuk Member Posts: 1,430 ★★★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    No_oneuk said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    No_oneuk said:

    can you please help, i'm driving myself insane. set out to start exploration this morning and the first path i chose in 7.1.1 is cosmic bleed armor-up no-robots path. you say Magneto worked perfectly in your itemless run but I can't for the life of me get that Mysterio down whatsoever. He just stacks up armor ups constantly cause I don't wanna let him do his sp2 or the power drain will mean I never reach sp3... so when I do a heavy, even with the 90% bleed reduction i'm taking big damage cause each heavy is giving me like 8 or 9 bleeds...

    this guy just refuses point blank to throw any specials... am I severely misplaying this fight? Bait sp1 and wait for the reflection passive to pass before starting damage again? Or should I just abandon sp3 and go sp2 spam instead?

    I used Aarkus and CMM for that path. Was easy as heck.
    i tried CMM but like 3 fights in she was dead - maybe I am just playing **** but I can't for the life of me build binary up and keep it (even with nick) without allowing them to get an armor up buff here or there - especially mysterio when he throws his sp1 I just can't get back to being able to hit him in time without an armor up appearing - and even if my first hit removes the armor up I still take a bleed which takes off like 1/3 of my health that I can't avoid at all - I think maybe I am just not a good enough player IDK
    With CMM, you can interrupt their heavy to pulverize their armor if they ever get it. With Aarkus, you don't even have to stress yourself with his auto armor break and the armor shatter that completely shuts down their armor buffs.

    Seriously, you should try aarkus on that path. My rank 2 6* made it unbelievably easy!
    Wish I had him :neutral: I've tried cap with cosmic synergy, magneto, CMM, corvus, hyperion, currently trying BWCV - i'm just gonna throw this phone out the window soon it's becoming so stressful. I think the frustration and stress is causing me to play like **** idk...
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★

    Did you just get to the word cap 6 times?

    Yeah So i decided to do it quest by quest instead. Sucks
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    No_oneuk said:

    can you please help, i'm driving myself insane. set out to start exploration this morning and the first path i chose in 7.1.1 is cosmic bleed armor-up no-robots path. you say Magneto worked perfectly in your itemless run but I can't for the life of me get that Mysterio down whatsoever. He just stacks up armor ups constantly cause I don't wanna let him do his sp2 or the power drain will mean I never reach sp3... so when I do a heavy, even with the 90% bleed reduction i'm taking big damage cause each heavy is giving me like 8 or 9 bleeds...

    this guy just refuses point blank to throw any specials... am I severely misplaying this fight? Bait sp1 and wait for the reflection passive to pass before starting damage again? Or should I just abandon sp3 and go sp2 spam instead?

    What I did in that fight, was constantly spam heavy and try to keep the turtling node under control, due to Mysterios aar immunity, Magento cannot prevent the armor ups from occuring unless actually striking him, I reccomend you bait his sp1s then place a sp2 to on him, while mysterio is under a armor break he is not aar immune any more, heavies refresh the armor break.
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  • edited December 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★

    @DNA3000 vs Agent X

    Who wins?

    DNA takes the cake.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Masterdux said:

    That was impressive and well written.
    I'll be sure to reference this for people asking for guides in the future.
    Great job mate!

    Thank you!
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,002 ★★★★★

    @DNA3000 vs Agent X

    Who wins?

    One post hitting the word cap 6 times is nothing compared to almost hitting it 500 times.
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