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Variants or Cavalier

Dukerox06Dukerox06 Posts: 37
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I have just completed act 5 and I am trying to figure out what to do next. I would love cavalier but idk if I have the roster for it either. What should I do next with my current roster, cavalier or variants and what is my best roster for doing whichever?(I've done none)
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Posts: 2,562 ★★★★★
    You have Magneto, Sentinel, Colossus and Sorcerer Supreme... they can do 100 %of the fights. You may have to spend a little on XBones and Sentinel though without CMM or Hyperion.

    But you should go for Cav!
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    Will3808Will3808 Posts: 3,565 ★★★★★
    Go for cav. Use sentinel for crossbones because you can heal block off of sentinel’s sp1. Make sure to continually bait sp1s so that you don’t die of block damage.
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    Do Cav
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    Hey @Dukerox06, we have various sections in these Forums to help us keep everything organized in a way that allows everyone to find existing discussions about specific topics more easily.

    I've went ahead and moved this thread from General Discussion to the Strategy and Tips section as it is the most appropriate place for it.

    When posting new discussions in the future, please take a moment to review the different sections and choose the most appropriate one. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please reach out to a Forum Moderator via Private Message.
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    Barani7daBarani7da Posts: 673 ★★
    edited December 2020
    Cavalier,if you ask this as poll u will get more results
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    Dukerox06Dukerox06 Posts: 37
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I did go ahead and completed cavalier, rather easily actually lol. I was stuck trying to match class types instead of just playing my best champs which was making it way more difficult lol.
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    fchskmfchskm Posts: 166
    Always Cavalier, maybe you can use properly all the epoch shards.
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