Dash Back After Special Not working [Fix in Progress]



  • Camden007Camden007 Member Posts: 22
    All modes... especially story quest. Most noticeably...... every champ I use. I notice it when I'm fighting your champs. Does that help? Thanks
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    Calm down guys, two months from now (at least) they'll fix this. :D
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    I'm getting wrecked in AW because of it.

    Guess we shouldn't have complained AW was to easy now :/
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I'd actually been waiting to complete 5.3 till the promised parry fix came out, and as has come to be the norm from this company, more bugs and worse than ever. absolute bs, this company is never seeing another penny of mine, go on, offer me a $10 t4c tomorrow, I will decline. blatant blatant douchebaggery, nobody joining the game now will ever stay, you may milk a few idiots for revives but long term your games customer base is dropping and it deserves to, two words...quality control, stop dropping broken unplayable versions of the game.
  • ljainljain Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2017
    It's happening to every single champ of mine. Android 6.0, Lenovo K5 note. But the good thing is that it won't be happening after 2 hours from now and I will be so happy. Because I will be quitting this buggy ass game.
  • TnkillerTnkiller Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2017
    Kabam can’t every find the issues because their boss probably doesn’t let them play games at work...
  • Onella007Onella007 Member Posts: 1
    Iphone 7 user and have been seeing this alot when i play
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    I'm getting it on quake not being able to dash back after first evade while she charges her heavy. I've experienced it in normal daily and mystic quest today. I'm on an Android device.
  • MagnumSpoonMagnumSpoon Member Posts: 5
    Parrying is worse now. And, even if I get a special off and deal damage, the special animation seems to still be lagging and I cannot do anything but get hit by my opponent.

    iPhone 7plus
    iOS 11.0.1.
  • NilpoNilpo Member Posts: 19
    Hey everyone, just merged some threads together that seem to be reporting the same issue. Could those of you who are experiencing this issue provide the Champions you've experienced this issue with, their rank, what Champs you were fighting, the game mode you were fighting in, the device and OS you're using, and what version of the game you are running? Any extra info you can provide would be super helpful, as would any video you might have that demonstrates this.

    Don't you have paid beta testers? How is it that these things are never caught before you release something?

    This issue had been present for at least 3 updates now. It affects every single champ and there doesn't seem to be a correlation between champ and any specific opponents.
  • Luciel83Luciel83 Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2017
    Thats why im quiting this game, is amazing that almost playing for 3 years kabam cant fix anything, pure skill still not working, always the game is worse after an update, gotta be the worse company ever, is like they dont care for anything and if u take advantage of the game, ur exploting the game, but if the game have buggs or glitches that u always lose champs or health on purpose is not a exploit, so u have to live with the game, thx god I open my eyes after almost 3 years and I'm happy that this game is over for me, good luck to all and knowing kabam bussines u guys gonna need more than luck...!!!
  • Method419Method419 Member Posts: 5
    iPhone 6S. iOS 11. BP, Rogue, Iceman, Voodoo, SW, AA, GP, Magik, Ultron, WS,
  • TaurionTaurion Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2017
    This happened to me:
    iOS 11.01 - iPhone 5S
    Game Version - Version 15.1.0
    Champion - 2* Hulk
    Opponent - 4* R5 Scarlet Witch

    After Hulk’s L1 I was unable to dash back.
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  • akwaziakwazi Member Posts: 43
    Anytime I use my Thor sp1,the opponent gets stunned and I normally quickly Dash forward to attack but it doesn't work unless he waits for some second which kills my stun combo I have in mind. I thought I wasn't playing good but good I wasn't the only one experiencing that bug
  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 359
    Iv got the same stuff iPhone 5s iOS 11 latest updates loads of free memory only running this game solo. Special 1 activates to slow at times special 2 get blocked can’t evade back block fails on the plus side parry works 90 percent now
  • Two_IcesTwo_Ices Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2017
    iPhone 7, IOS 10.3.3, latest version of game... was fighting winter soldier in Realm of Legends with 4* rank 5 winter soldier and I could not dash back or block in time to avoid a counter attack every single time I threw an L1 special.
  • StewmanStewman Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    First time posting because this bug is so bad.
    This is happening with every champ I've used today. Can't evade or attack immediately following a special. It's costing me a lot of revives trying to complete 5.3
    FIX THIS ASAP. The game is virtually unplayable like it is.
    IOS 11.0.1
    IPhone 7+
    Updated mcoc yesterday
  • jinchue420jinchue420 Member Posts: 0
    i was using x23 in wars againt unstoppable collosus. i fired off an l2 and couldnt dash backwards now my champ is dead and im in tier 1 wars!! i dont want to spwnd revive and potions so if you could send me 1 would be great
    ign jinchue420
  • xTheProdigyxTheProdigy Member Posts: 1
    This sucks. Dashing back and I’m getting hit cause my champs just stand there. This is unacceptable that I’m gonna have to use items through no fault of my own. iOS 11.
  • V16ulV16ul Member Posts: 83
    Same here happening with me too; after using Hyperion sp2 he just remain standing there for 1 sec then start to move and also i am missing more parries now
  • KL2016KL2016 Member Posts: 2
    It isn’t an issue. It was done to prevent any more people completing LOL with Gambit stun Lock in powergain Synergy team.
  • M3chayoshiM3chayoshi Member Posts: 8
    All champions All ranks All modes
    Device- iPhone 6S
    iOS 11
  • Scud70Scud70 Member Posts: 77
    Guillotine R5 vs 5* Cyclops in War after L2 got destroyed as i was stuck on the spot. iOS 11.0.1 iphone 6s
  • SpycrowaveSpycrowave Member Posts: 1
    All champs, all modes of gameplay. Latest version of game. LG G Stylo 2 Plus. Android version 7.0
  • ThatGuy214ThatGuy214 Member Posts: 312 ★★
    This is happening with every champion I use. Way to go kabaam another failed update. iPhone 6s. It will take two months from them to figure this out mean while the players will suffer
  • Sweetmau5Sweetmau5 Member Posts: 1
    Also having this issue with several champs. None too specific seems to be happening with several different champs in both arena and in Chapter 5. Always happens with gwenpool after her L1 but this is ridiculous. I have an iPhone 7+ with the most
    Recent version of iOS on it. I'm also having an issue with parry. Countless times the word "parry" comes up but there is no stun or parry of any kind that you can see besides the simple word. This not being able to dash back has cost me 200+ units in chapter 5 alone. Can't keep any combo when you can't dash back to evade
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  • TIMBER73TIMBER73 Member Posts: 1
    Samsung S7 block and dexterity issues
  • Darrellz2161Darrellz2161 Member Posts: 83
    I have issue with the L2 but also noticing sometimes im landing a L2 and its not counting it. Been happening since this last game update for andriod. Im using galaxy 6s. It happens in arena and quests.
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