
Well I still don't agree with the requirements but I got it! Just completed my first Abyss path today (will probably post a thread about my experience in there at some point). But anyways, I got a Mutant AG that I'm deciding to save instead of putting it into Colossus, and... a Mystic T5CC!

I could've actually gone with Doom, but I started running suicides today and Claire is just a beast. Also took Ghost to R5 and now I'll be getting the TB gift on Christmas. Hoping it's a 6* AG, so I can have a chance at Tech and use it on 6* Ghost. Also opened a 6* Featured and duped my Cull. He may go up to R2 soon.

I could've actually gone with Doom, but I started running suicides today and Claire is just a beast. Also took Ghost to R5 and now I'll be getting the TB gift on Christmas. Hoping it's a 6* AG, so I can have a chance at Tech and use it on 6* Ghost. Also opened a 6* Featured and duped my Cull. He may go up to R2 soon.
I'll hopefully be following you with a mystic r3 soon as I'm at 42k mystic t5cc fragments atm so I'm like 5% away from a mystic t5cc. The problem is my only mystic 6 stars are Man-Thing and Dormammu and I'm not really willing to r3 them because they're not really uesful to me. I'll just keep opening basics to hopefully get that great mystic 6 star. Helps that there's been a ton of great mystics this year!
Kabam gimme a tech 6* already so I can do 7.1 and actually want to form the catalyst
Congrats, my dude!
Nice job jet mama
Yup, I hate those lowly Cav players. I spit on those fools. My luck is so much better than theirs and therefore so am I.
Well, I too completed my abyss run today and R3’ed Apocalypse.
Also got 6* CGR from featured crystal.
All other pulls and ggc opening were trash.
It took me around 90 L2 revives for entire path.
I sucked at Cyclops and Collector. It took 10 revives for Cyclops and 20 for Collector.
I did very well against most of the defenders including Thing.
Mephisto and Cmm were one shot.