Cost/Points Gifting event

Hi guys, I was looking onto this I dont know if there is one chart of this already, but every year there is a chart where it says the value of every item in the gifting event, last year the most points they give were the duel credits I think, thanks
As I mentioned here two GGCs costs 600 units (300 a piece) but the milestone rewards (alliance and solo) return 590 units, plus four more GGCs. So that's six GGCs for 10 units. Do that first, if you're in a big alliance and can get everyone on board.
If you're in a tiny alliance, everyone should trade one GGC first. That will cost 300 units and return 315 units from milestones. That's not a typo: you will get back more units than you spend, and eight people can reach the alliance milestone that grants the first 275 units (plus 40 from the solo one equals 315).
I think this is the optimal return on investment factoring in everything for the first few trades, when you consider the potential value in GGCs. After that, I'm not 100% certain but I've been focused on GGCs even past that point because I think the value is still there for those who want to trade well above the minimum.