Any level. You jsut need the rank up materials, which for a r3 you need an extremely devolped roster. Not the mention you have to be pretty good at the game.
Just worry about ranking up your 5*s for now, you can still use them in act 7, you can use them in abyss. There's alot of use for 5*s, and their cheaper. Of course once you have some r5 5*s go for a r2 6* if you want, but you get alot more value out of a r5 compared to the more expensive cost of a 6*
Any level. You jsut need the rank up materials, which for a r3 you need an extremely devolped roster. Not the mention you have to be pretty good at the game.
Just worry about ranking up your 5*s for now, you can still use them in act 7, you can use them in abyss. There's alot of use for 5*s, and their cheaper. Of course once you have some r5 5*s go for a r2 6* if you want, but you get alot more value out of a r5 compared to the more expensive cost of a 6*
I have a t5 class catalyst and wanted to throne breaker ...having many god tier as 6* like corvus,human torch,phoenix, black widow claire voyant, guardian,red guardian,
there is not a level cap. if you have tge iso and catalysts, you can do it. perhaps you mean you have the catalysts but youre not high enough level to claim all the catalysts in your overflow? although idk how you have catalysts to r3 a 6 star and aren't lvl 60
there is not a level cap. if you have tge iso and catalysts, you can do it. perhaps you mean you have the catalysts but youre not high enough level to claim all the catalysts in your overflow? although idk how you have catalysts to r3 a 6 star and aren't lvl 60
Just worry about ranking up your 5*s for now, you can still use them in act 7, you can use them in abyss. There's alot of use for 5*s, and their cheaper. Of course once you have some r5 5*s go for a r2 6* if you want, but you get alot more value out of a r5 compared to the more expensive cost of a 6*