Need Grandmaster fight tips

Hi, all, I am going to do first try of 6.4.6 very soon, need some tips for the grand master fight. I have a feeling that it is going to be very bad and an item sink as I am not confident I can evade grandmaster L1 consistently, but I really don't want to wait any more, only have the next couple of days to have a little bit time to do some content. I wish we can duel grandmaster for practice.
Have some question for the basic setup first:
1. My plan is to bring unduped Doom, maxed 5 star Capiw and Ageon, and two other champion undecided yet, probably among Corvus, CMM, Magneto, BWCV, Warlock and 6 star R1 unawakened Mister Sinister.
2. I am usuallly running suicide, should I take it off or keep suicide for grandmaster fight?
3. Should I focus on using Ageon and single revive on Ageon only for the grandmaster fight or it is more efficient to use team revive and all 5 champions. I bought the Cav EQ offer so I have 30% champion boost and 5 team revives in overflow, so prefer to use them but not necessary.
4. Worth to ramp up Corvus besides Ageon? CMM worth bring without Nick? Also, I know Sinister is good for reverse control, but being 6 star R1, damage would be below others, so not sure if it is worth to bring him, note I am definitely going to die a lot, so non of the champion is going to last long for me, just want to use as less resource as possible.
Have some question for the basic setup first:
1. My plan is to bring unduped Doom, maxed 5 star Capiw and Ageon, and two other champion undecided yet, probably among Corvus, CMM, Magneto, BWCV, Warlock and 6 star R1 unawakened Mister Sinister.
2. I am usuallly running suicide, should I take it off or keep suicide for grandmaster fight?
3. Should I focus on using Ageon and single revive on Ageon only for the grandmaster fight or it is more efficient to use team revive and all 5 champions. I bought the Cav EQ offer so I have 30% champion boost and 5 team revives in overflow, so prefer to use them but not necessary.
4. Worth to ramp up Corvus besides Ageon? CMM worth bring without Nick? Also, I know Sinister is good for reverse control, but being 6 star R1, damage would be below others, so not sure if it is worth to bring him, note I am definitely going to die a lot, so non of the champion is going to last long for me, just want to use as less resource as possible.
Good luck
Don't take suicides off. You won't be throwing specials during most of the fight.
I threw specials only in the 3rd phase.
Suicides aren't going to be harmful though I did it without suicides.
Also the L1 is literally OG iron man then the mini game is easy.