Which Debuffs are the inverse of which Buffs?

We all know that buffs are usually beneficial and debuffs not, and that opens up the connection between certain buffs and debuffs.
For example, Fury and Weakness are inverses of each other because one increases attack rating while the other decreases it.
Other pairs that I've found are:
Armor Up/Armor Break
Power Gain/Power Drain
Lucky/Concussion (this one is actually one of my favorites because the debuff counterpart is much more prevalent when compared to the buff itself)
Some other ones are not quite perfect inverses or have multiple candidates such as:
Regeneration/Degeneration, Bleed
Evade, Unstoppable/Slow
While some don't really have counterparts at all:
Heal Block
I don't quite know why I started this thread, but these inverses could make for some potentially fun nodes and interactions. What are other buffs/debuffs that are inverses of each other?
For example, Fury and Weakness are inverses of each other because one increases attack rating while the other decreases it.
Other pairs that I've found are:
Armor Up/Armor Break
Power Gain/Power Drain
Lucky/Concussion (this one is actually one of my favorites because the debuff counterpart is much more prevalent when compared to the buff itself)
Some other ones are not quite perfect inverses or have multiple candidates such as:
Regeneration/Degeneration, Bleed
Evade, Unstoppable/Slow
While some don't really have counterparts at all:
Heal Block
I don't quite know why I started this thread, but these inverses could make for some potentially fun nodes and interactions. What are other buffs/debuffs that are inverses of each other?
I'm not too sure about Petrify because it only modifies the rate at which you heal/PG. Maybe they should make a buff that increases the rate.
Aura of Incineration and Incinerate are also inverses.
Ice armor and coldsnap.
oh wait
The opposite of Petrify for healing effects is probably Recovery. That node effect boosts healing effects, while Petrify reduces healing effects. The equivalent for power gain is probably the node effect "Improved Power Gain."
I don't think there's any real opposite to Heal Block and Power Lock, since the opposite of those binary effects is not having those binary effects. You can heal, or you cannot heal.
That isn't really the inverse of regeneration - like Heal Block, if you put it on a champion who isn't healing, then nothing happens (ignoring Willpower...). So I'd agree with regeneration and degeneration being opposites.
The opposite of Heal Block is not being Heal Blocked.
Spectre is basically an amped-up Petrify; but only affects healing and not Power Gain.