Updating regular gifting crystals & some other crystals for the future.

RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★
I just wanted to make a suggestion for the future if the gifting event crystals. Mainly the regular gifting crystals, I think that the sig stones and 4* nexus should be added to regular gifting crystals & that the greater should guarantee gold/t4basic or t1 alpha shards/then the other rewards. But the main thing I'd love to see is units added to the regular gifting crystals, because at a certain progression level they are sorta throw away crystals, but if u add something like units, not hundreds at a time but like 25 with a top of say 100 I think it would be a huge incentive to buy more of the regular gifting crystals for 15 units and sorta gamble on hitting enough units to buy a GGC.

Also as kind of an after thought I wanted to add the cavalier daily crystals to this post because they really need to be updated, mostly all u get is t4cc frags, which most cavalier players are prob doing ok on. Those thronebreaker daily crystals are almost as good as the GGC, comparatively theres really no comparison, BUT I GET that there really not supposed to be, the TB players deserve those crystals, I just think the cavalier players deserve a little more in the cavalier daily crystals.
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