Tigra not working as intended in Act 7.1.1

IPhone 11
iOS 14.2
Cellular or Wifi: Both
Game Version: 29.1.0
Game Mode: Story Quests (Act 7.1.1)
Champion affected: Tigra (5* rank 4 unawakened)
Active Boosts: None
In Act 7.1.1, one of the lanes towards the Yondu boss has the nodes Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Muscle Wizard and Fight or Flight.
When using Tigra, the muscle wizard node should be giving her an unstoppable buff every time she knocks the opponent down. She should also gain unstoppable when she is far from the opponent and the fight or flight node timer ends.
However, when Tigra has her Neutralize passive on opponents for that path, she is unable to gain unstoppable when she should be. After testing numerous combinations of her abilities, only the neutralize produces the undesired effect.
With other mystic champs, as well as when Tigra wasn’t neutralizing opponents, the nodes were working as intended.
Is this a bug? In this situation, Tigra seems to be affecting the ability accuracy of both her and the opponent’s buffs. I was not able to find similar node combos outside of 7.1.1 for additional testing.
Thanks for your time
iOS 14.2
Cellular or Wifi: Both
Game Version: 29.1.0
Game Mode: Story Quests (Act 7.1.1)
Champion affected: Tigra (5* rank 4 unawakened)
Active Boosts: None
In Act 7.1.1, one of the lanes towards the Yondu boss has the nodes Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Muscle Wizard and Fight or Flight.
When using Tigra, the muscle wizard node should be giving her an unstoppable buff every time she knocks the opponent down. She should also gain unstoppable when she is far from the opponent and the fight or flight node timer ends.
However, when Tigra has her Neutralize passive on opponents for that path, she is unable to gain unstoppable when she should be. After testing numerous combinations of her abilities, only the neutralize produces the undesired effect.
With other mystic champs, as well as when Tigra wasn’t neutralizing opponents, the nodes were working as intended.
Is this a bug? In this situation, Tigra seems to be affecting the ability accuracy of both her and the opponent’s buffs. I was not able to find similar node combos outside of 7.1.1 for additional testing.
Thanks for your time
The Fight or Flight node mentions that every 12 seconds, the defender gains an unstoppable buff. If the attacker is far away from the defender at the end of the timer, the attacker gains the unstoppable instead.
With these descriptions, Neutralize should definitely not affect Muscle Wizard, but could affect Fight or Flight depending on how they coded the interaction. But by the descriptions, I think neutralize shouldn’t have an impact either way.