Crystal drop rate way off

Hi guys, I'm writing a review of this game.
I've been enjoying this game a lot, but one thing i have found odd..
By personal experience and a couple of other players i've checked with aswell the crystal drop rate you claim are way off.
Due you publish audit information on the claims aganst reality of rewards..
And if not then why not?
Is ther a legal requirement that you must meet?
In my example i've opened about 28 Greater Gift Crystals and my desiered items are: 6star hero 0,06% chanse of getting, 5star hero 0,3%, 6star hero shards 9,5%, 5star nexus hero crystal 2%, 6star nexus hero crystal 0,5%.
This adds up to 12,36% of getting a desiered item.
But that i should atleast get a desiered item 3 times out of all my ggc openings and i have goten 0
I've been enjoying this game a lot, but one thing i have found odd..
By personal experience and a couple of other players i've checked with aswell the crystal drop rate you claim are way off.
Due you publish audit information on the claims aganst reality of rewards..
And if not then why not?
Is ther a legal requirement that you must meet?
In my example i've opened about 28 Greater Gift Crystals and my desiered items are: 6star hero 0,06% chanse of getting, 5star hero 0,3%, 6star hero shards 9,5%, 5star nexus hero crystal 2%, 6star nexus hero crystal 0,5%.
This adds up to 12,36% of getting a desiered item.
But that i should atleast get a desiered item 3 times out of all my ggc openings and i have goten 0
It’s 50% chance to get a head. So does it mean that you’ll definitely flip a head if the previous flip was a tail?
You might wanna read up on Gambler’s Fallacy.
Recommended reading on how normal probability works. Game pRNG is likely something like this.
Dr. Zola
By your logic if I roll it 6 times I should get each number once.
But in reality that's not what happens. Each roll has an individual chance of landing on any of those numbers. It doesn't remove the chance of landing on the same number again just because I rolled that number once before.
The moral of this game is that you have to do the best with the champions that you pull. Clearly it will be easier if you have amazing pulls, but maybe you’ll get more satisfaction from beating content with lower star champs, or “worse” champs. Just a thought.
Then again, more information might also lead to more confusion...
Dr. Zola